I am going through my first serious case of writer's block, and it's harshing my cool. I haven't been able to write so much as a grocery list for going on a month now. The Christmas season is no help, since I already don't feel like doing anything other than watching Christmas movies ("Die Hard", anyone?), baking Christmas cookies, listening to Christmas carols, and staring at the tree.
I've been told lots of writers have seen their sales bottom out over the past few months, and I'm one of them. Knowing I'm not alone doesn't help. I feel pretty hopeless right now, and I hope that passes soon. So, in the meantime, I can't write. At all. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. And I have pressure to finish some stories I have absolutely no interest in writing.
What do you do to help you deal with writer's block? I really want to know because I'm suffering like hell right now. The only thing I can do at the moment is anything else. I won't even try to write. No point in it, since nothing is inspiring me.
Time to bake more Christmas cookies. I've made Russian tea cakes, sugar cookies, pfeffernusse, and next on the list are Italian pizzelles. That's what I do when I'm frustrated now - bake cookies and clean house. *Sigh* At least I'm able to enjoy the Christmas season, despite very aggravating ice and snow on the ground. Getting out of my parking spot and making through the parking lot in one piece take some monumental effort.
Enjoy Christmas everyone, and Happy New Year. Maybe things will turn around for me and everyone else in 2014. I sure hope so.
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Friday, December 13, 2013
3 2 1 Happy Christmas!
I really struggled this time with knowing what to post. I wanted to do something fun, so in the end came up with this little quiz. I hope you will read it and maybe try one yourself. It's challenging but fun.
Take Three Christmas songs
Two paragraphs
and make One story
Spot my songs.
Everyone in our town always seems to be in a rush around Christmastime. Hustle bustle in the shops and money everywhere seems to jangle jingle. Bells ring in churches and people smile a lot. There is usually lots of snow and children playing having snowball fights.
However the weather can get very cold and frosty.
The snowman on the lawn even looks cold. Many people however look
forward to later when darkness falls and things are silent. Night is
a blessed peaceful time during the hurly burly of Christmas.
Happy Christmas. Naomi xx
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Christmas Delights
With Christmas edging ever nearer I thought it
might be a good time to mention my Christmas anthology 'Christmas Delights'.
Christmas can be quite
stressful if we don't take the time to switch off for a while and relax. Grab
those new chocolates, pour yourself a drink of something warming and disappear
into a world of erotic fantasy!
So what would you like Santa to leave you under
the tree this year? I am always happy with something to read, something to eat
and a little something extra special to wear (silk normally suffices!) I love
lingerie and have way too much of it crammed into drawers, the silkier, lacier
or racier the better!
Not everyone is happy to receive such personal
gifts from their lover. In my anthology story ‘Christmas Lingerie’ Danielle is embarrassed to wear her
present from Michael. But something is different about this underwear. Have you
ever wondered what it would be like to wear lingerie that really made you feel beautiful? Here is a
short excerpt from this story which can be found in my anthology ‘Christmas Delights’:
“Take the box out
Danielle, take a look at it,” said Michael.
“Oh Michael, why?”
Danielle turned her head to look for a moment into his warm brown eyes.
“Because this
underwear is special,” he told her.
Danielle sighed and
reached for the box. Another buxom blonde with double D breasts smiled out, her
nipples peeping seductively and unnervingly long from the triangular slits in
the bra.
“Michael,” Danielle
sighed, “You shouldn’t have spent so much money, I’m sorry.”
Michael chuckled and
took the box from her.
“Look where l bought
it from,” he grinned pointing to a logo in the bottom right hand corner. His
finger was far too close to the blonde’s curvaceous hip for Danielle’s liking.
She tried hard to
ignore the picture as she took the box from Michael and read aloud.
“Magical Lingerie. So?”
“Have you ever heard
of them?” Michael asked.
“No, of course not
Michael, l don’t know any lingerie brands, it isn’t my thing you know that.”
she was beginning to sound whiney.
“No-ones heard of
them!” Michael beamed, “They’re a secret designer outlet.”
Danielle sighed, why
was Michael looking so pleased with himself, she hoped again that he hadn’t
spent too much money on this ridiculous clothing. Then something occurred to
her and she groaned.
“Oh no Michael, they
haven’t got pads in them have they?” she felt ashamed and pulled the jumper
even further away from her body to hide her modest chest, thinking of false
boobs and fake bum pads.
Michael laughed,
“Danielle, you know l think you’re gorgeous just the way you are, why would l
do that? I love your figure.”
“I look like a boy.”
Danielle sighed unconvinced of his sincerity. Who wouldn’t prefer the girl on
the box? She had so much more flesh to get hold of.
“Ok that’s enough
negativity.” said Michael. “This lingerie is really special. I bought it for you
because it has special powers.”
“What?” Danielle
smiled for the first time, just how gullible was her boyfriend? “Special
powers? Don’t be silly Michael!”
“Trust me,” he said
mysteriously, “I’ve seen the video proof, try them on.”
Danielle quickly
pushed from her mind the idea of Michael watching hot girls parading around in
their underwear in a promotional video and studied his face.
“Fine.” she sighed
eventually and flounced off to the bathroom with the box under her arm.
She took the peephole
bra and held it up before her, wrinkling her nose at the decadent materiel.
There was a label attached to it:
‘Please be aware we
accept no responsibility for the effects our magic materiel may have. This item
is to be worn with extreme caution’.
“Well that is some
pretentious marketing technique.” Danielle scoffed as she pulled off her
oversize jumper.
To Danielle’s surprise
the bra was a perfect fit. Her small nipples peeked through the little slits
just as expected and her small swell of flesh rose temptingly above the lace.
It felt warm.
Feeling a little more
optimistic, Danielle tried on the thong.
The intricate lacing
was very flattering as it caressed her pussy before rising to a small butterfly
V at the back.
Danielle looked over
her shoulder, the tightness of the materiel between her bum cheeks made them
swell provocatively like two small, round globes.
Well, this lingerie
was certainly flattering; her small assets looked quite voluptuous thanks to
clever cutting and soft elastic in all the right places.
Danielle stared almost
disbelievingly at her reflection for quite a long time. Her body felt unusually
warm and she began to feel a subtle tingling between her legs.
Michael knocked on the
bathroom door.
Danielle continued to
stare at her reflection.
Monday, December 9, 2013
Fetish within Dominance and submission
After my recent radio show with the vivacious Cassandre Dayne (Click here to listen) about Domination and submission and everything else to do with it, it occurred to me that fetish is rarely discussed.
Domination and submission is all to do with power play, power exchange, control, or loss of it as the case may be. I think it is when fetish comes to the fore, where most can be shocked beyond their comfort limits, and perhaps it is the focus on fetish which gives the lifestyle such bad connotations within the media.
So what is a fetish? The OED describes it as follows:-
'2 a form of sexual desire in which gratification is linked to an abnormal degree to a particular object, item of clothing, part of the body, etc an excessive and irrational devotion or commitment to a particular thing.
We all recognise shoe fetishes, rubber fetishes, leather fetishes - but there are also fetishes for hair(excess or absence of it for instance), eyes, breasts, bottoms and so on. All seem pretty harmless yes? Then there is the darker stuff. Asphyxiaphilia - breath play, electrotorture, golden showers, whipping, needle play, cutting, the list is endless, and it is this that the media highlights. With good reason (I know - you won't hear me saying *that* very often).
I have mentioned before the danger of embracing the 'playing' aspects of the lifestyle. Domination and submission is based on implicit trust, and yes fetish can be included in a session, but the danger of the particular fetish must be acknowledged. It is perhaps the danger and fear of the particular fetish which drives the sexual gratification. So how does the community ensure that such practices are safer?
Professionally run establishments have Dungeon Masters and those trained in watching out for danger signs, but how many others in the lisfestyle have professional monitoring during sessions? What is the answer? What can be done. I believe that awareness, open discussions, putting information out there that is easy to find so that everyone who desires to partake in activities can research fully before they embark on the experience.
Since I have started exploring and researching my writing, I have encountered so many who have asked me for such information, needing a few drinks for dutch courage before taking me to one side and starting the "erm, do you mind if I ask you..." conversation, nervously looking around in case someone heard their questions. Not just women either, men ask the same questions. There is a need for experiences to be shared for enjoyment and safety's sake, I wonder whether this is why I write my stories from a gentler aspect? I know that I do not enjoy severe pain, and it stands to reason I'm not the only person who thinks that way. This doesn't, however, and shouldn't, preclude me or anyone else from enjoying the world of Domination, submission and fetish.
The experience of a friend of mine highlighted the need for awareness. She explained to me how she had entered into a Domination and submission scene with a man whom she thought she trusted. She thought that it would be an enjoyable experience as they had spoken about how they wanted it to be, he was much more experienced and it was her first time. It became incredibly obvious to her straight away that things weren't as they should be but she didn't know how to say stop. He had convinced her he knew best, and, the whole experience scarred her considerably. She knew what to expect from the power exchange, but his fetishes were beyond what she was comfortable with, and she had no idea how to handle them other than to just go along with it. Education, support and confidence in being able to say no is what needs to be instilled. So many inexperienced submissives think they have to take what is dished out without a whimper, and it destroys what 'could' be an amazing experience. Further to this, Doms need to do their research too. They need to get to know their partners *before* partaking in any scene, however experienced they may actually be.
Safe, sane, consensual, is the most important thing that must be remembered, and it may be prudent to avoid any alcohol and most definitely drugs during play, and more than anything, always always double check that everything that happens is ok with all parties involved. Just because someone is willing to partake in a Dominant submissive relationship, does not necessarily mean that either party will automatically be happy to satisfy any fetish desired.
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
A Bizarre Thanksgiving
I've never written a Thanksgiving story but some day I might
because Thanksgiving has always been a bizarre holiday for me. One of my
ex-husband's best friends worked in a lab, so he decided to get very creative
one Thanksgiving. He borrowed a complete i.v. set and brought it home to cook
the turkey. He made a nice mixture of butter, oil, a bit of wine, and herbs
ground to a powder, and he put it in the i. v. bag. Then, he attached the i.v.
to the turkey, and let the drip keep the breast meat from drying out. I don't
see how this could have worked but apparently it did. Just imagine seeing the
i.v. bag, the pole it hangs from, and the tube running into the oven with the
i.v. itself attached to the turkey. I bet dinner discussions in his house were
fun that year.
He also swiped an injector, inserted the same fluid mixture
as in the i.v. , and injected it in multiple places in the turkey. This was
decades before you could buy a meat injector in places like Bed, Bath, and
From what he said, it was the moistest, most delicious
turkey he had ever tasted. I'll take his word for it.
All I can think of is who knows what kind of medical fluids
were in those devices before he used them in his turkey. The guy was half nuts
anyway. If you've ever seen the Swedish/Danish TV series "The
Kingdom", you know how nuts medical personnel can be. The Stephen King
remake doesn't hold a candle to the original.
So, let this be a reminder to you - to keep your turkey
moist this Thanksgiving, inject it with fluids and hook it up to an i.v. Your
doctor would be proud.
And now a little about my book "Don't Call Me
Baby", which is coming out in print in 2014.
Naughty Nights
Amazon Kindle - US
Amazon Kindle - UK
at Night Owl Reviews:
Don’t Call Me Baby
is a fast paced, very adventurous romantic novel that will take readers on
a roller coaster ride of scorching romantic fun. The main character,
Catherine, is a woman after my own heart. She is young and fiercely
independent, and beyond gorgeous. She is not wealthy, but she wants to
live the good life and is not afraid to go get it. She is also very
sexually liberated, and in the 1980’s this was sometimes a good thing, and
sometimes a not so good thing. The story is so blisteringly hot and
steamy; it’s difficult to put down. It took me back to a better time, and
a time I enjoyed much more. It is a novel I truly enjoyed reading, and
will definitely be reading time and time again. It’s not for the faint of
heart, but it’s also not to be missed.
So many men, so
little time. Catherine has a long list of men that she sees on a regular
basis, and at the top of the list (for the moment, anyway) is Brian. He’s
one of her professors at Quincy, and a married man, but that’s never been
a problem. But he’s sodemanding! So maybe some time apart will be just the
trick. A summer theater camp at another local college for local teens
should make him realize that Catherine is not his possession, right? That
is, until she gets to the camp and meets the other counselors. Ryan
is gorgeous, and the rest? Well, what’s a girl on her own to do?
Why, enjoy as many as she can! In the meantime, Catherine will come
to grips with her mind and her heart, and will figure out what she
really wants in life.
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Menage a many in this hot tale!

Multi partner sex is, I think, something we all like to
fantasise about occasionally. Though the reality may be not be anywhere near as exciting, as fantasies go it must be quite high on the list. For an erotic author it is a fun (and interesting) challenge to involve several characters in a sexual scenario.
'A Voyeuristic Lover' tells the story of a woman controlled by her own desires
and those of her lover (Paul). Written in the first person we experience exactly what drives this beautiful young woman to play his games.
Paul makes demands that she does not shy away
from. Thrilled by his eyes upon her as she provides unsuspecting, willing men
with a sexual outlet for their desire our heroine gets her kicks by giving men
This story is full of raw sexuality, deep set
animalistic urges and tense desire witnessed through the thoughts and feelings
of our beautiful heroine.
She teases, she pleases, she brings them to
their knees and she falls to hers, a wanton, eager participant in Paul's dark
Excerpt 1:
I played him
the way Paul liked me to. We chatted, we laughed, we drank some more. I caught
Paul’s eyes and knew that the time was right. Leaning in towards my prey, l
whispered softly into his ear. He moved quickly, hotly, beads of sweat already
visible on his forehead. He followed me outside.
Discreetly, and at a
distance, Paul followed too.
We went down a small
alleyway at the side of the bar, it was dark and deserted. I leant against the
wall and fixed my suitor with a sultry stare. That was all it took. He
lunged at me, his hands gripping my ass and sliding my dress up high. He
groaned his desire through his eager kisses as he found my nakedness.
I caught a glimpse of Paul in the shadows. It turned me on to see his
face watching this young man’s desperation.
How does it feel to
be so beautiful that all men desire you? That power belongs to our heroin, she knows
what she's got and the thrill of men begging to be with her, mixed with the
thrill of her partner watching their efforts is what drives this story along.
The theme of control rears its head throughout, to the ultimate, climatic scene
of multi-partner sex:
Excerpt 2:
Paul lifted me up
until l was standing, still a little unsteadily on my feet. He led me over to
the sofa. Our guest sat down, his legs spread, his cock firm in his sweaty
“Kneel.” Paul said,
kissing my neck.
I fell awkwardly to
my knees, unable to steady myself with my hands, still bound so tightly behind
me. Paul turned me to face this man and opened my mouth with his smooth
fingers. The long, slender cock of this second stranger slipped between my lips
and l was once again feeding.
This time l felt
Paul behind me, teasing my thighs apart, pushing his cock into my wanton pussy,
filling me up with his hardness. I knew how hot this was for him, watching me
please other men always thrilled him. Pleasing me at the same time would be the
ultimate kick.
Not for those easily
offended 'A Voyeuristic Lover' is available to purchase from Naughty Night's Press and all good ebook stores.
Buy Links:
Video link:
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Spooky time before Christmas!
Halloween, Bonfire Night, Shorter days and a definite chill in the air. I love this time of year and I like to hang on to it for a short while before the Christmas spirit takes over and we all get carried away on a tide of all things glittery!
So, are you reading anything edgy? If not why not? With such a fantastic choice of books on the shelves of Naughty Night's Press you should never be stuck for something new!
Around this time of year I like to visit old favourites too, one of which is my Halloween story 'Cassandra' written especially for 'A Wicked and Wanton All Hallow's Eve'.
Short synopsis:
So, are you reading anything edgy? If not why not? With such a fantastic choice of books on the shelves of Naughty Night's Press you should never be stuck for something new!
Around this time of year I like to visit old favourites too, one of which is my Halloween story 'Cassandra' written especially for 'A Wicked and Wanton All Hallow's Eve'.
Short synopsis:
Mia has no desire to go to the Halloween party being
hosted by friends of her boyfriend. Reluctantly she tries to find a costume to
wear by visiting a fancy dress shop. One outfit in particular has a startling
affect on her and she is compelled to hire it. It also seems to have an amazing
affect on her partner and it is some time before they are able to set off for
the party. Once there Mia finds herself in the company of Cassandra, a
beautiful, hypnotic girl dressed up as a witch’s cat. She is captivated by her
mesmerizing bright green eyes and falls under her spell. Mia finds herself
engaged in an intense ménage a trios that brings her both exquisite pleasure
and frightening confusion.
started to dance, easing my way in to join the monsters already strutting their
stuff to the strains of Gaga. I was lost in the music, wiggling and shaking. Three
songs later l was still there, circling my hips and shaking my blonde mane. I
felt a smooth stroke across my butt and turned, expecting to see Scott. It was
another pussycat.
She said.
to you too.” I grinned.
a very unusual costume,” she continued, “A red and black pussycat?”
come in all colours.” I breezed, the pulsating beat vibrating through my body.
We faced each other and gyrated in time to the music almost, in unison. I
breathed her in, a powerful scent l didn’t recognize. Her eyes bore through me,
a piercing green. Her cat suit was a smooth black leotard worn with fishnets,
her tail held upwards by wire. Whiskers had been drawn onto her cute face. Her
jet black hair cascaded over her shoulders and flew outwards as she danced. She
was shorter than me, pert round breasts straining against the soft velour of
her costume. When she spun around, arms thrown outwards in the heat of the
dance, l got a better view of that cute, round ass.
head was spinning. I saw Scott in the doorway watching us. I felt wild, crazy, l
reached around her waist, pulled her back into me and purred into her ear, all
the time l watched Scott’s face. He looked bemused. She looked at me and then
at Scott.
he with you?” she asked.
I replied running lacy palms over her gyrating ass cheeks.
you want to have some fun?” she moved in closer and her expression jolted me
for a moment. She put her arms around my waist and ran them over my tight
three of us?” she said pushing me for an answer with her flashing green eyes,
clearly enhanced for the evening with coloured cats eyes contact lenses. Did l?
Something about her drew me in; l felt
myself staring at my reflection in those powerful, hypnotic eyes. I felt weak,
as if she was sapping all my energy. She took my hand and led me out to the
hallway where Scott was standing. I could feel the heat from his body as he
moved in closer, weighing up the situation and trying to read my face for clues
about how l was feeling.
Dracula,” my cat friend asked him, “Want a little fun?”
of answering her Scott pulled me close and kissed me. It was a long, deep kiss,
his right arm was snaked around my waist and his left hand was buried deep
within my hair, pulling me onto him. Thankfully he had chosen not to wear
Dracula teeth and the soft insides of his lips were like velvet against my own.
His tongue slipped through them and entered my mouth where it found mine
waiting to taste it. We circled, we sucked, l felt myself being drawn into him,
as if we were completely alone. When his tongue retreated and his teeth softly
nipped their exit on my lower lip, l tried to follow, to pull him back inside
my mouth. He held me slightly away and l trembled. I felt unsteady and my heart
thudded loudly high up in my chest.
cat lady was still waiting, staring at us impatiently.
take this upstairs.” Scott growled in my ear, giving it just the smallest of
I share this anthology with some amazing authors including Kim Faulks, Abby Hayes, B.L. Morticia, Ana Hart and Kiki Howell to name a few!
Full Book Synopsis:
A Halloween party turns into a very unusual night; a ghost whose sexual needs prevent her from passing over to the other side; a chance encounter at a mistaken location leads to many desires being fulfilled; and unusual alien and human sexual experience, in the name of research; and so much more in this kinky themed Halloween Anthology.
Open up your mind, free your inhibitions and get ready for A Wicked & Wanton All Hallows Eve!
Eight naughty Halloween-themed erotic short stories to tantalize and tease the senses while giving readers a little taste of the experimental worlds of sensually exciting tricks or treats.
Open up your mind, free your inhibitions and get ready for A Wicked & Wanton All Hallows Eve!
Eight naughty Halloween-themed erotic short stories to tantalize and tease the senses while giving readers a little taste of the experimental worlds of sensually exciting tricks or treats.
Enjoy a sexy scare at this chilly time of year!
Monday, November 11, 2013
Symbolism and planning in the Tess Series
As an Author, I just tap in to the muse and then write whatever flows through my brain right? I mean, that's what we all do isn't it? Maybe sketch out a few things, but essentially, we're just being creative, get the story, write it, and bingo - there's a book.
Well, some may do it like that, but - I believe art is a little more involved than that, and call me obsessed or OCD or whatever, but, there's always balance in everything. There has to be. As I learned in my composition degree, the golden section always has the most impact if you're going to build up the music to a certain point. In normal parlance, this is roughly (very roughly) around three quarters of the way through a piece. This is reflected in nature too - the Fibonacci series to be precise. There's a reason why we, and human beings, instinctively respond to these things without realising it, and so, stories flow more easily too if you bear this in mind when writing something. Maybe I'm over thinking? I'll let you decide. But here are a few of the more simplistic details of how I crafted the Tess series.
There's three books in the Tess series, and well, I enjoy the symmetry of threes. Always have, as it makes a beginning, a middle and an end. Which, in Tessa's journey, details her first submissive experiences, and then the development of her relationship with her Master, and finally, the conclusion of her experiences - for the moment.
Book one, The Training of Tess, is made up of three sections. It fits the same beginning, development and conclusion of the series - and of course, it is a tale which can be read as standalone erotica. A submissive woman who tells the tale in her voice and finds her submission in conclusion. Book one, one voice, one tale.
Book two, Tessa's Dilemma follows the same lines of three sections, but this time, it is told in two voices - two intertwining tales - and although it can be read standalone, it leads into the third book. It has developed from being pure erotica into detailing the hopes and fears of Tess and Charles. Book two, two voices, two tales.
Book three, Menage a Tess is in four sections. Not three? Actually, the story develops in three sections, and then an extra section, almost like a 'Coda' in a musical score. And, well, you guessed it, three voices describing three intertwining tales. But there are four main protagonists in Menage a Tess? The Coda didn't just come out of nowhere now did it... The story had to find a balance somehow.
I also name my sections to relate to each of the sub-tales within, but I shall leave you to interpret those how you will. And alongside all of this, there are elements of poetry and lyrical music setting I use to ensure that the flow of my writing doesn't jar. Unless it's meant to. Maybe if you read my stories again, you might spot what I've created for yourself. In some cases, I've found a symmetry in my stories/writing that I didn't even know I'd added at the time. Funny what the brain can do when wrapped in the lives of the characters it creates.
Friday, November 8, 2013
8 November: Fusion
As the earth turns so nothing stays in its
original form. Through history merchants travelled the high seas
carrying with them food and spices from foreign lands. Hey presto,
the beginnings of fusion food which we know and love so much now.
Today I fancy doing some baking. I was going to do chocolate chip
cookies but are missing some ingredients.. So instead I am making
chocolate chip shortbread. Yummy!
Think of fusion where the arts are concerned. How
often have you listened to a song and recognized the tune from
elsewhere. Take an example; the song 'Yes We Have No Bananas'. An old
song with fun lyrics, but the tune was borrowed for the song 'My
Bonnie Lies Over The Ocean'. Also the song 'This Night' by the great
Billy Joel (I'm a fan) uses a bit of Beethoven's Sonata no 2
Pathetique. People in the music industry mix and match all the time.
So to writing. What about that? Well there are
certain rules to follow as we all know but how about a bit of
brainstorming fun. We've all heard of the strategy, what if … well
let's take it a stage further. Pick three books (can be any genre)
and three poems. Then look at the words on the first page or in the
first verse and throw them into a mixing bowl. Put together what
comes out in snatches and replace a few names verbs and adjectives.
The genre can be altered too and your stories are endless.
Here's a for instance. If I chose my poems to be
'Daffodils', Ode To Autumn; 'How Do I Love Thee' all very famous.
And my books to be 'Little Women, ' A Tale of Two Cities and The
Great Gatsby All well known titles. Ok let's' mix.
Christmas won't be Christmas this year. It was the
worst that could have happened. I count the times gone by as I
remembered wandering lonely through a season of mist and the advice my
Father had given me. See what I mean? Okay,it needs work but a challenge. Pick some
different stories/poems and carry the story on. The result could be
Thursday, November 7, 2013
My Favorite Word - Hot Except of CandyMan
peeps. Here I am, in the flesh with another blog post. Hmm, you see that title? What is my favorite word? Well
other than sex, men, and music, what could it be? Ooh I know, a word I use a
lot when I write; the word FUCK!
I do use that quite a bit. *grins* I even counted almost 100 fucks in my latest
tale, Wretched 1.6. Can you imagine? Well hell, what can I say, I love to
swear. Fuck is a really great fucking word. It can mean so many things. Yeah,
yeah it’s real derogatory but a long fucking time ago it was acceptable to say
the work fuck.
proof? Well, in Wikipedia under the word
fuck, it talks about it going as far back as the 15th century from a
poem with a mixture of Latin and English called Flies, Fleas and Friars. One of the lines translates to the
sentence; they are not in heaven because they fuck wives of Ely.
*eyes widen* Can you imagine the use of such a great word going that far back?
Besides that, think of what else the word derives from; German flikken, to fuck, Dutch fokken, to breed, Norwegian fukka to copulate. Just a few examples
of where this might have come from and that brings us to modern day. Fuck, a
derogatory word meaning having sex but we also say it when we’re pissed off, we
add it to sentences like, get out of my fucking face, bitch. And then we might
even use it to be cool. When something makes us happy, we say, fuck yeah! Oh I fucking
hate that phrase. *laughs*
you didn’t believe that it had some importance right? Well hell, everything
comes from something and our great forefathers were usually the ones
responsible so, heck, keep on fucking using the word fuck if you are so fucking
has been a fucking hilarious and informational post by your resident bad girl,
Alain Roux is the new owner of the world famous Diamond Candies chocolate factory on the South Side of Chicago. His father, Demi Roux just lost his battle with cancer and has left it in his care despite Demi’s brother’s advice to leave it to him. Alain has no interest in the company but to fulfill his father’s last wish, he takes on the day to day of it anyway.
He’s a spoiled brat, a young man that’s lived off his father’s money, and never worked a day in his life and now Alain’s responsibility is this huge company that he could care less about till he meets one of the more attractive employees, Ty Washington.
Ty is a born and raised Southsider who’s working there to put him through college. Recently, his father threw him out because he confessed he might be gay. This hardens him a bit and he makes the choice not to pursue any gay relationships in hopes he’ll eventually grow out of it and begin to date women. However, when he and Alain talk, his heart soars and as badly as he tries to fight it, the two connect and eventually they decide to give their relationship a try.
Alain slid Ty’s jacket off his broad shoulders and he loosened his boss’s tie while tangling tongues with him. “Mhmm…” he moaned into his embrace and tossed his necktie aside. Slowly unbuttoning his shirt, he buried his face in his neck. The scents of his cologne and natural musk infiltrated his nostrils. The heat between them rose a couple of notches when both men started pulling at each other’s trousers. Ty made a trail from Alain’s earlobe to the top of his lips.
In one swift move, Alain captured Ty’s mouth with his and forced his tongue inside.
Enjoying the interaction, Ty moved along with Alain’s hand once again. Swelling from arousal, Ty gasped and gritted his teeth.
Alain pulled Ty’s pants down and he stepped out of them. He slid his underwear down from his waist with his free hand. With their lips still locked together, Ty did the same, yanking Alain’s boxers from his slender torso.
“Ooh fuck, Ty!” Alain broke the embrace and reached down to discard the rest of his clothing and step out his shoes.
Ty shed the rest of his clothes. Again, Alain molded his mouth to Ty’s, causing him to lose his breath and balance. But Alain held on to him, wrapping his arms around Ty’s waist.
The adrenaline flowing through him, Ty couldn’t help but stare into Alain’s green eyes, getting lost in the emerald haze.
With all his might, Alain pushed Ty backwards towards his bed. He gave him one firm shove and hovered over him when his ass hit the mattress. Despite the nerves, Ty couldn’t wait to feel Alain’s hard cock inside his ass. Yeah it scared him to death, but who better to break him in than the man he desired so badly?
“You’re probably tight as Fort fuckin’ Knox. I need to loosen you up a little. Just remember to breathe and push out. Don’t tense or it will hurt more.” He walked away to grab a few things from his armoire.
When he made that statement, Alain’s facial expression was very stern. This told Ty he was totally serious. He rested his hands on Alain’s tattooed shoulders when he returned. God the man was even hotter with his clothes off. A dragon tat on one bicep, while the other had some Asian writing and a beautiful bird. On his lower back, another tattoo that appeared to be some kind of Latin saying with flowers around it. Ty wondered what all the symbolism meant, but he’d ask later. They’d have plenty of time to chat.
Ty met Alain’s gaze as he opened the lube and squeezed some out on his fingers. “I’ll be honest with ya; it won’t be too pleasant at first but damn – once you get used to it, you’ll love it.” Alain rubbed his index and thumb together and slid one into Ty’s ass.
“Mmph…” Ty held onto the bed sheets and braced himself. He closed his eyes tight, trying to forget about the pain and burning sensation in his nether region. “Ugh…”
“You okay? You want me to stop? I figured my finger would be good before I tried something bigger.” Alain flashed him a wicked smile.
“Er, no… don’t. I wanna feel you, Alain.” Shit, this hurt like hell and he barely had nails!
“Okay, remember what I said. Let’s try again, and I’ll go slower.”
Ty only nodded and did as Alain told him, attempting to breathe and contract his ass muscles. After a minute or two, Ty got used to it and wanted more. “Yes, oh that feels good.”
“Yeah? You want something else?”
Ty was confused. What was the something Alain was talking about? “Your cock?”
“Naw, not yet. You need a little more loosening before I do that, babe.” He pulled his finger out and reached for something above Ty’s head. “This.”
Ty smiled and moistened his lips as he looked at a black phallus about six inches in size. “Oh so you play with toys?”
“Yes I do!” Alain licked the tip before putting some slick on the plastic head. “It’s a lot more fun and will get you better prepared.” Alain leaned in and kissed him lightly on his mouth.
Ty couldn’t help but feel excited. Hell yeah he wanted some of that to get ready for the main course – Alain’s cock. As he watched Alain massage it as if it were his own dick, he pinched his nipples tightly.
“Mhmmm… you ready for it, baby?”
Ty nodded and his eyes followed the dildo as his partner slid the first inch inside his anus. Again, he gnashed his teeth and gripped the sheets.Fuck that stings! It felt like his ass was on fire, but he knew eventually he’d get used to it.
BLMorticia is currently a published writer with Naughty Nights Press and Rebel Ink Press. She entertains her readers with hot and smexy sex, humor, and lots of swear words. She attempts to incorporate metal music or the military in most of her works. Nothin’ sexier than metalheads or military servicemen and women! She also writes a monthly column on Blak Rayne Books and blogs on the First Thursday of the month at NNP Blog. For more info, please visit, Erotica With Snark
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