
Monday, January 9, 2012

Chit Chat and All That! A Trip Down Memory Lane

Good morning or good evening depending on your time zone and welcome to the best and funny bits of Chit Chat and All That! 
Sit back with your beverage of choice and take a trip down memory lane with us at Naughty Nights Press.

Our inaugural Chit Chat and All That!, appeared on our Monday morning blog October 3rd 2011 with Raymond Frazee and Tessa Wanton talking about how to introduce someone to a D/s lifestyle when either one or both have no experience and what is the best way to entice your partner into trying something new.
They explained a lot about keeping an open mind, broaching a subject carefully and I do believe there was a fair amount of flirting between our Mr. Frazee and Ms Wanton in between times.
All in all we ended up with one terrific inaugural Chit Chat and All That! post, that broke the ice so to speak of things to come.

Our next pair of Chit Chatters on October 10th 2011 was Dawne Prochilo and Ken Charles who tackled the very hard subject of Vanilla Sex in the 21st Century.
They took us through from the times of twin beds and the Missionary Position, is it really a “Vanilla” position or do we just think it is, to Adding Enhancements into your sex play.
A very insightful post that had a lot of people reading but for some reason not many were willing to leave comments.
Hmm does that mean we have some closeted readers who are afraid to leave their opinions? Remember you can always respond anonymously *wink*

Our third installment on October 17th 2011, saw Cassandre Dayne and Abby Hayes heating up the blog with their discussion on Sex Play Verses Scene Play – Is There A Difference?
The girls sizzled with ideas of where you could have sex and how!
 Poor Abby got a little lost after Cassandre described a scene involving hot tubs, moonlit nights, mists, waterfalls and your significant other.  Mmm I know exactly how Abby felt as I must admit my mind did a bit of a wander once more reading back through the posts.

October 24th 2011 saw us with our first Chit Chat and All That! Ménage à trois.  We had Julez S. Morbius, writer of transgender erotica, Pablo Michaels, writer of gay male fiction and married to his partner for a number of years and Sharita Lira, the woman behind BL Morticia, talking about the Similarities and Differences between Straight and Gay Relationships in Fiction and Real Life.
This truly was a very deep discussion but one that left you nodding your head in agreement with what they were saying. They spoke about making sure their characters real and their situations believable, which when you are writing outside of your comfort zone can be a rewarding challenge. They talked about how perception of others can hinder or help someone in the GLBT workforce with Pablo explaining how he coped  when he first came out and was working. Truly worth another read people, just to remind ourselves that regardless of our sexual orientation we are still human.

We went on hiatus for a week due to some terrific partying and blog hopping and the release of our first anthology A Wicked & WantonAll Hallows Eve but Chit Chat and All That! started back up again on November 7th 2011 and that is where we will continue from next week on Chit Chat and All That!

Please click on the links, read the posts again or for the first time if  you haven’t read them before, leave the authors a comment , they so do enjoy answering questions or reading comments that have been left for them.
Chit Chat and All That! will resume with our 2012 line up on Monday February 6th 2012.

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