
Saturday, February 8, 2020

Perfect Stranger by Roxy Matthews ~Sweeter Than Chocolate: Valentine's Day Anthology Author Spotlight Interview @AuthorRoxy #newyearnewme #GenX #love #mustread #secondchance #writerslift #contemporaryromance #romancereaders #sweetromance #bookboost #contemporary #romancereads #anthology #collection #holidayromance


Learning to live after loss hasn’t been easy for Pam Mason. So when her best friend sets her up with a ‘New Year, New You’ adventure, Pam isn’t convinced it’s what she needs.
That is until a perfect stranger’s indifference sparks a flame inside her, one that tears down her defenses and melts his chilled heart. 
Together they can build happy memories, if only they can get past their volatile one.

Where can readers find Perfect Stranger?

Available exclusively in the Sweeter Than Chocolate: Valentine's Day Anthology
Grab your 99cent pre-order copy!

Universal Link:

Sweeter than chocolate and hotter than your heart’s desire. 

Celebrate the day of love with sixteen sweet and spicy stories from some of your favorite USA Today and Amazon Bestselling Authors. Brimming with love, passion, and angst, this anthology will satisfy your sweet tooth, set your heart on fire, and leave you yearning for more. 

So tear into your favorite box of Valentine’s Day chocolates, pour a glass of wine, and start reading for some decadent, melt-in-your-mouth Valentine-themed romances.

Author Interview

Hello and welcome, readers! We have Roxy Matthews here with us today. Roxy, thanks for visiting us.
Thank you for having me. 

How long have you been a writer and how did you come to writing?
Of course, I grew with an intoxicating desire for books, as most authors do. Not only did I live through reading the stories, but in penning my own. I was close to ten when I started work on my first book. Of course, back then it was just a bunch of lined paper folded in half, but it meant so much to me to sit in that open pavilion on a wooden picnic table, a pencil in one hand, an eraser in the other, my imagination on fire. But, sadly, it fizzled away until I was in my early twenties, when I finally sat down once more, this time with a notebook and pen, never to let that fire be doused again. 

Tell us about your title featured in: Sweeter Than Chocolate: Valentine's Day Anthology.
Perfect Stranger is a story of two troubled souls, who after just one volatile meeting change each other’s lives. Pam Mason, tortured by the death of her husband, had forgotten how to live. With the help of her best friend, Pam is set on a ‘New Year, New You’ path that leads her to Doctor Thorpe’s couch and his lack of compassion. Michael Thorpe, traumatized from being dragged through the mud by his ex, was about to lose his standing in the medical field until Pam Mason tears him a new one. With forces beyond their control at work, the two find their way through their pasts to a future that promises beautiful memories.

How did you come up with the storyline?
In all honesty, it started as a RomCom, with three blind dates and was meant to revolve around those dates with Doctor Thorpe being the final one. 
Enter ‘Knight in Shining Armor’. Perfect, right?
Nope, because Pam was not on board with her terrible dates being aired out to the public, and Michael Thorpe was not playing nice. So, my plans had to change because both had issues they needed to work through and refused to follow with my comedic approach.

What inspires you to write?
This question always befuddles me because I don’t actually need to be inspired to write. I just do it. Daily. You know when you have something running through your head over and over and over, that you just have to get it out? That’s how writing is for me. Everyday my mind is going, and in all that noise of work, life, bills, and stress, voices come through. Voices that refuse to quiet, stories that demand my attention, unwilling to budge until I put those words to keys. 

What is your favorite genre to read?
I absolutely love Dark Fantasy and Romantic Suspense, give me some good Horror, Psychological or otherwise, and I am popcorn deep, my toes hidden under a blanket from the ghosties. 

What would you say is the one thing you are most passionate about outside of writing?
Easy one, my babies and grandbabies. Just those darn smiles from any of them is enough to melt my heart and turn me to goo.

When you are not writing, what do you like to do?
Bahaha. What? You mean there’s time to do anything other than work and write? I seriously need to watch a webinar on this one. 

Tell us about your other books.
Well, I have nine other pieces and considering I love to cross genre and genre hop, they are a mix. I have one short story collection which is more macabre, titled ‘From the Depths’. A novelette, ‘Hypno-Planticus’ of Sci/Fi origin, another Sci/Fi mixed with Fantasy is my novella, ‘Holiday Resistance’.  My Romantic Suspense endeavor is a five-book series, Pale Bay Treasures. And to finish, a Dark Fantasy three-book series I am currently working on. The first installment, Fame Nor Fortune is live, it’s sequel Dead Nor Alive is currently underway.

Where can readers find you?
Plenty of places actually, which I’ll list below, but a google search of my penname, Roxy Matthews, will find plenty of resources throughout my career. 
Here are just a few…

About the Author: 
Roxy Matthews, a member of the Silverleaf Writers Guild, is a multi-genre, self-published author of full length novels, novellas, and short story collections. In 2018 she was named one of Canada's Best Writers of the Year by Polar Expressions Publishing.
Her work has been featured in Suspense Magazine and several anthologies, including ‘The Way Through’ by Polar Expressions Publishing, The Charmed Writers Flash Fiction Anthology 2019, and Naughty Night's Press' Sweeter Than Chocolate: Valentine's Day Anthology.

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