
Saturday, September 16, 2017

RAPID PULSE: Author Spotlight's Breaking the Rules (A Menage Romance) by @JenniLynnAuthor #PreOrder #99c #Hetero #KU #SizzlingHot #Ménage #MFM #EroticRomance #SecondChances #MénageATrois

If you’ve always lived by the rules, how can you fall for two men who live to break them?

Author Spotlight
Breaking the Rules
(A Menage Romance)
Jennifer Lynne

featured in

A Limited Edition Spicy Romance Collection

~~~ Featuring ~~~

Cowboy Boots & Handcuffs

Not Your Bitch

Wicked For You

Flame of Hunger

Sex is the Best Medicine

Symphony of Night

High-Rise Heat


Kiss and Tell

The Thrill of the Chase

Sleeping in the Dragons Den

Shifter Vigilante

White Lies

Alpha's Surprise Mate

Rise of Silver & Steam

Her King's Kinky Proposal

The Red Queen

Wicked Perfection

Breaking the Rules
(A Menage Romance)

Living A Lie

Promise You


The Constitution

Featuring New York Times, USA Today, and International Bestselling Authors, Rapid Pulse is a sizzling, diverse collection of hetero and same sex romance reads crafted to launch your heartbeat into high gear and drive your senses wild.

This collection's hot and sexy alphas know just how to send your pulse rate rising. Grab something cool and click now to dive in.

Warning: The Rapid Pulse authors are not responsible for damaged pacemakers. Please read responsibly.

Is it possible for someone who has always lived by the rules, to risk it all for love?  

Breaking the Rules (A Menage Romance) is part of the Forbidden Series of erotic short reads by Jennifer Lynne. This series features different aspects of kink explored within loving relationships.


When you’ve always lived by the rules, how can you fall for two men who live to break them?
Stacey Gamble had it all. The perfect life, the perfect partner, perfect children. Or so she thought, until her husband had a mid-life crisis and ran off with their housekeeper. And the kids decided to follow.
Seeking refuge in a small country town, Stacey wants nothing more than to re-find her niche in a society that embraces the conventional.
Her new neighbors, Teale and James, throw a wrench into her plans. Literally. When the two sexy men rescue Stacey from a broken-down car in the dead of night, she can’t help but be drawn into their lives, and eventually their bed.
While their relationship intrigues her, Stacey’s heart still yearns for acceptance.
Is it possible for someone who has always lived by the rules, to break those rules for love?

Adults-only: “We want you, Stacey.” James’s voice is soft, but I hear the thrum of need running beneath the words. It ramps up my own desire a thousand times over. My clit heads past a dull ache into full-on throbbing, and my throat is tight as I swallow again, trying to hold in the moan that wants to escape.
Teale stands and moves around the bench until he’s directly behind me. His light breath warms the back of my neck and his firm body molds around mine from the rear. He has a hard-on. An unmistakable, very big hard-on that is clearly straining for release from those jeans. “We want you a lot,” he says, confirming the comment from James.
No kidding.
Teale splays his hands on the bench, one each side of me, and just like that I’m imprisoned in a human cage. He shifts, leaning down to whisper further words in my ear. His breath tickles, sending shivers right through my body. “We won’t do anything unless you want this too, Stacey. Do you? Want this?” He thrusts with his pelvis, crushing my mound into the edge of the bench. My breath hisses out at the decadent sensation. Pain, and pleasure. “You’re gonna have to admit it, gorgeous. Out loud.”
I don’t know these men; have never met them officially before tonight, and logic tells me I should be terrified of this situation and ask them to leave my home. But I don’t want to let them go. I want to feel desirable again, to someone. And these two men are making it abundantly clear that in this situation, both of them desire me. I want to remember what it feels like to be loved. I want sex, damn it, for the first time in far too long.

Excerpt 2:

When I sink my fingers into her hair, a subtle perfume is released and I bend my head to take in the scent. Delicious. Her face in the middle is delicate-looking, her lush lips curved into a timid and enticing smile. She reaches up a hand and cups my cheek.
“Did you guys somehow read my mind?” Her voice is husky, so soft that I have to lean in even closer to hear her, and as I do the tip of her tongue flicks out to moisten those lips. I can’t deny their sensual call any longer, and I kiss her despite the awkward upside-down positioning of our mouths. As soon as I do, I’m gone.
My God, this kiss. When our mouths connect, a spike of fire shoots straight to my groin. My cock was already halfway to heaven, but now I’m about to burst at the seams. My jeans, which were admittedly snug a minute or two ago, are so restricting it’s painful. I’ve rarely kissed anyone upside-down like this, and it feels weird and far sexier than I was expecting. We tease at first, in a delicate dance of lips and tongues and teeth, parting and reconnecting as we begin to learn each other. She’s good at this, if a bit hesitant at first, but as our kiss goes on, something in the connection changes and I feel her confidence grow. My tongue dips in and out, meeting hers in a sensual caress that draws us in even further. A tiny moan, almost a whimper, erupts from her throat directly into mine, and then she opens her mouth fully to let me in. I drink in her gorgeous essence. Her scent, her texture, her taste.
Stacey. You taste so fucking good. You feel so fucking good.
I’m drowning in this experience. I can’t think; can only taste. Can only feel. I’m lost in the depths of an incredible kiss. Lost in the gentle swell of her breasts beneath my exploring hands. Lost in the tiny moans and groans and the tremors that shake her body beneath my touch. I completely forget Teale, until strong fingers slide into my hair and pull. Hard.

Fuck. How is that possible? I’ve never forgotten Teale before, no matter who we’re with. He and I take our enjoyment with whoever happens to be on hand and yet always, we remain a team of two with a temporary third allowed in to the mix. Stacey’s earlier assumption about us as a couple is at least partially correct. Only this time it’s different. So different. This time Stacey is firmly at the center and there’s no question that this is an equal threesome. This time it feels like a proper ménage a trois. Maybe for the first time ever.

Author Spotlight:

Thanks so much for having me here to visit. I’m appreciative of everyone who supports the romance reading/writing community.

We are so glad you are here! How long have you been a writer and how did you come to writing?
I’ve been writing since I was a teen (and that’s a frighteningly long time ago!). I've always loved books and reading and in fact have a degree in Literature. Over the years my dabbling in writing became first a rather consuming hobby, and then a professional career as an author of erotic and sexy romance. My first release was with Red Sage Publishing back in December 2009, but these days I’m what is known as a hybrid author - with a mix of traditionally published and indie published titles, under the names Jennifer Lynne and Jen Katemi.

How did you come up with this storyline?
Ménage stories come easily to me for some reason. I love the idea of pushing boundaries and taking my characters out of their comfort zone, and what better way than to challenge societal “norms” and add an extra person into the sexual mix? My ménage stories always include one woman and at least two men, as I love the idea of the woman being the center of attention and surrounded by sexy men who are all attentive to her needs. Sounds like heaven to me!

What are the best and the worst aspects of writing?
It just feels right when I'm creating a story, if that makes sense? Like most people with a day job and family, I have limited writing time, but the days when I do write are the best. When the creative mojo is there and the words flow onto the page it’s a natural high. Conversely, the days when I sit in front of the laptop and nothing happens is the worst feeling. That's when I begin to doubt that I can do this “thing” called writing.
Where do you get your ideas?
I suppose I subconsciously stockpile ideas from things I see in my everyday life – little actions, comments or looks that might inspire the creation of a character. Of course I get some inspiration from TV or movies. But primarily, my ideas for character seem to come from some deep well within my imagination. It is a really hard question for me to answer, actually, as I have been known to wake up in the night with a really clear sense of a new character for a story, and no idea where it came from. I guess dreams must also play a part.

What are three of your favorite quotes from Breaking the Rules?
I love it all, of course! But here are three of my favorite bits, one for each of the main characters:

James: “I want that prime position between her legs. I want to feel that rhythmic pressure and squeeze against my cock. I want to take it all the way, driving deep into her channel to feel the tight pull as her vaginal muscles milk me for everything I have.”

Stacey: “Two guys, coming to my rescue. Two really fucking sexy guys, heading my way. My clit, a part of my body I thought long-dead, flickers to life with a throb. I hope they’re here to rescue me. I hope they’re not serial killers.”

Teale: “I almost punch him in the face when I find out he’s ordered some of her soap online … Now we both smell like Stacey, all fresh lemon and eucalyptus, and it’s driving me even more insane. We’re taking showers at all times of the day and night, lathering up with her goddamn soap so we can get a visceral whiff of the woman in the only way we can. Via her delicious scented product that evokes tantalizing memories of our entwined rutting bodies every time I move.”

Do you plot your books ahead of time or are you more of an “organic” writer?
I'm definitely not a plotter. I tried it once, but it stifled the creative process for me, and that particular story fizzled out to nothing. So now I concentrate on building a strong sense of the characters and their initial struggle or conflict, and I kind of plot as I go along. To be honest, it’s the characters who usually take me on the journey rather than the other way around.

Are reader reviews important to you? Why?
Oh yes, without a doubt! I write so that others will enjoy the stories I create. Sometimes I’m hugely successful at that, and sometimes not so much. Getting a good review on something I’ve worked hard at, puts a smile on my face for days. Literally, for days! The only way we know that people have read (and hopefully enjoyed!) our work is if someone leaves a review. So yes. To me, reviews are vital.

What three ingredients do you consider an absolute necessity to writing a hot sex scene?
A physical connection between the characters – the sexual chemistry – is a must. But above and beyond that, an emotional connection adds something special and transforms a standard sex scene into one that is far more meaningful. Finally, I’d say an element of fun.

Go-to snack when writing?
Cheese and crackers, and either coffee (during the day) or wine (in the evening).

What do you do when you don’t write? Like in “Real Life”?
In “real life”, I’m a mum of two, step-mum of two, a wife and a slave to various cats. I work in admin at a university in my home town of Melbourne, Australia, and while I do enjoy my day job, writing is my passion. If I could afford it financially, I’d write all hours of the day and night! For relaxation I love to read - pretty much any genre except horror. My ideal weekend away would be somewhere peaceful with a spa, an open fire, a nice bottle of wine, a good book, and rolling green hills outside.

Again, I'd just like to say a huge thank you for having me to visit, and for those who plan to read Breaking the Rules, I do hope you enjoy the latest erotic tale in my Forbidden series. If so, please check out the other Forbidden stories - Alpha Submissive (A Bondage Romance), Marriage Games (A Spanking Romance) and Watch Me (A Voyeurism Romance).

Jennifer Lynne/Jen Katemi
Website for Jennifer Lynne -

Website for Jen Katemi -

About the Author:

Jennifer Lynne writes short contemporary erotic and sexy romance, often with paranormal/fantasy elements. She is published with Red Sage and previously with Breathless Press, and has forged a successful indie career with her popular GODS OF LOVE erotic series about sexy Greek gods searching for love in a modern-day world.
Jennifer also writes as Jen Katemi and is published under that name with Evernight Publishing.
When she’s not writing, Jen is working in the admin day job, running around after the family, pampering various cats and trying to find a smidgen of time for her husband. She lives in Melbourne, Australia.

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