
Saturday, April 16, 2016

Interview with Author Sylvina Storm on the NNP Blog! #aliens #beyondtheveil #paranormal #boxedset #99cents

Interview with Author Sylvina Storm

Hello to the best readers any author could ask for! So happy you could join us again today!
These interviews, getting to know the talented authors behind your favorite books, it's just awesome, right? I just hate that we are done the last of them. *pout*

To find all 19 full length paranormal romance books by these amazing authors, head on over to your favorite online retailer, grab yourself a 99 cent copy of Beyond The Veil: Paranormal & Magical Romance Boxed Set (Under the Veil & Beyond the Veil Book 2), then pour yourself a drink, pull up your cozy chair, and settle in for an enjoyable bit of relaxation time! This is one boxed set you won't want to miss!
Shifters, Vampires, Witches, Wizards, & More! 
All manner of Magical & Mystical Paranormal Creatures!
Over 1 million words of riveting, sensual romance all in one place!

Beyond the Veil is 'Where Magic Happens,' and the alpha men and their sassy, head-strong and independent women, heat up the pages of this steamy and engaging collection of books.
Limited time deal so grab it while you can!

Available at the following retailers:
Nook  iBooks  Kobo  ARe

**Don't forget to add to your *want to read* list on Goodreads

A quick reminder to check out our previous boxed set, Alpha Fever, if you haven't already. I know you won't want to miss it!

I have Sylvina Storm with me here today. I hope you'll join me in giving her a warm welcome, NNP style. *smiles and claps*
I’m so glad I could be here today. This is my first full-length box set, and Gina has really broken me in. :P

Hahaha! I guess I didn't scare you away, at least. *grins*
How long have you been a writer and how did you get into writing?
I’ve been writing for at least twenty years, though I kept it all to myself until recently. I started with poetry and short stories in middle school and started my first epic fantasy novel in high school. Ugh. It was an epic monstrosity, but we all have to start somewhere, right?

I wrote two stories in an urban paranormal setting under another pen name before I decided erotica fit my interests better. Now I write smoking hot inter-dimensional alien ménage romances. I couldn’t be happier with the new world I’ve wandered into.

Are you a full time author?
I write part-time, but I wish I could devote myself to a full schedule writing. I still treat my work as a career, though. I have other hobbies, but they don’t consume me with the same passion as writing.

What are the best and the worst aspects of writing?
Creating new worlds and meeting the characters is the best way to idle away an afternoon. I spend a month or so outlining each book. My characters speak to me at the oddest times, but I always keep a pen handy to write down their secrets.

I hate editing, though it’s a necessary evil. I learn more with each pass, so the next book is faster to edit than the last. One day, I hope the words flow onto the page without errors and in the best sequence possible. We can dream, right?

Always. Without our dreams where would we be. *smiles*
What inspires you to write?
Literally everything. Passing a stalled car on the street. Watching a father play with his kids. Seeing a beautiful sunset. They all invoke a horde of plot bunnies.

Some I allow to idly wander in my daydreams. Others, I wrangle into words and sentences for later contemplation. I can’t go a day without dreaming up a new scene, character, or concept.

Is there a particular author who inspires you?
I grew up reading Anne McCaffrey, Piers Anthony, Madeleine L’Engle, and Mercedes Lackey. Julia Kent hooked me on ménage romances. Johanna Lindsey made me fall in love with historical romance. Every author I come into contact with inspires me. Their characters become part of me, and therefore, influence the stories I create.

What is the title of your inclusion in Beyond the Veil? How did you come up with the idea for it?
Destined is book one in the Aliens, Myths, & Magic series. I originally wrote this story as a vampire ménage romance. I sent it off to my beta readers in 2014, and several commented that is was ‘similar to other vampire ménage stories’. 

That wasn’t good enough for me. Although the story was almost ready for release at the time, I went back to the drawing board. I wanted something fresh and original, without straying too far afield.

I’m a big fan of Ancient Aliens, and I love mythology with a passion. One of the big ‘conspiracy theories’ is that aliens are among us. Not only have they influenced history, but they co-exist on earth alongside us. I embraced the idea and a new series was born.

How did you conduct your research for Destined?
I joined a polyamorous group on Facebook to research the romantic angle. I didn’t just want to write a threesome kink story. They have their place, but my characters demanded more. The people on that group helped me work out the dynamics of such a complicated relationship.

For the BDSM angle, I joined some other groups and followed a few blogs from those in the lifestyle. I wanted to make sure I represented the people and their culture as realistically as possible. I also read several hundred books a year, so I have a good idea what resonates and what doesn’t.

For the mythology, I had to pare back a few times. I wanted to embrace all the myths and legends using one race- the Intarans. I started with their bloodlines looking at mythologies and pantheons, but those are well represented in romance already. I decided to broaden the concept. My aliens are capable of the magic qualities found in any of the myths and legends because they inspired them. They aren’t werewolves or angels or gods, but some of their ancestors played the role in the past.

Can you give our readers your two favorite lines/quotes from Destined?
“There’s no reason to be afraid, Red. There’s no big bad wolf here tonight.” 

The twinkle in his eyes told me the opposite was true. The wolf was right here. And if I let him, he wouldn’t hesitate to eat me.

What would your friends say is your best quality?
My dirty mind. LOL. I have awesome friends who appreciate my warped sense of humor.

Hmmm, I think a dirty mind is a terrible thing to waste. Glad to see you putting yours to great use! *winks*
Are reader reviews important to you?
Absolutely. I cherish anyone who takes the time to leave an honest review, even if they don’t like my book. I discovered a lot about my style while reading the reviews on my first two published novels. I hope to continue learning from their comments. Their encouragement and excitement give me a reason to keep writing.

What do you do when you don’t write?
Is this a trick question? :)

I’m always writing. I send myself notes in email and write on napkins and post sticky notes everywhere. I’m disabled, so I can’t sit at the computer long, but I’m always conversing with my characters as I take care of the odds and ends necessary to running a household. 

Tell us about your other books?
I wrote two urban paranormal novels under the pen name Kyra Dunst. They aren’t romances, and my style changed considerably between those novels and my current series. The second book in the Aliens, Myths, & Magic series comes out on May 2, 2016. I have nine books planned in this series and two spin-offs in the works.

If you could share one thing about yourself you would like our readers to know, what would it be?
Hmm. I can offer good recommendations on naughty toys? :D

Uhmm, better leave that for another post. Didn't mark this one down as explicit. *winks*
Where can readers find your works, do you have a blog or website?

Where else might readers contact you or follow your everyday writing journey? 
I don’t blog, but they can join my newsletter at:

Or friend me on Facebook:

Thank you so much for joining us today, Sylvina. It's been a true pleasure working with you on the Beyond the Veil Boxed Set. I am sure readers will fully enjoy Destined.
We are going to leave our readers with a small tease to get them started. Care to give us something steamy? *naughty grin*

Aliens, Myths, & Magic
Book One


Lukas trailed his hands under my shirt and caressed my breasts. Since I hadn’t anticipated company after Mimi left last night, I was naked underneath the sweater. He murmured in approval as he tugged the material off. When his lips closed over my nipple, I sighed in delight. The slightest nip of teeth sent waves of pleasure straight to my clit.

I yanked at his jeans as I tried to lower the damned zipper, and he laughed against my breast. 

“Patience, love.”

His tongue moved to the other tip as he ran his fingers down my back. His right hand played with the neglected peak, and he soothed it in time with his mouth. When he rolled until I reclined underneath him, I gave up on the stubborn zipper for a minute. Desperate to return the affection, I cupped him through the denim. He sucked in a breath, and I increased the pressure again.

Lukas lifted himself away from me and grabbed my hands. He gently held them together and placed them above my head. “If you don’t slow down, I won’t last long.”

As soon as he let go, I brought them down to his naked shoulders. When had he removed his shirt? He growled against my chest.

“I should’ve worn a belt.” He muttered.

“A belt?” I whispered. “Why do you need a belt?”

“You want Mimi upset with me for tearing up this blanket to restrain those naughty hands? No? Then keep them there.” Oh god, his voice changed into something dominant and demanding and his words inflamed me. 

I felt my clit getting wetter, and shifted my legs, trying to relieve the aching need. He inhaled and pressed his lips against my pulse as a shudder raced through his body. I smiled to myself, pleased I elicited this reaction in such a large and powerful man.

My hands drifted to his back, and I ran my fingers through the silky strands at the base of his neck. His head shot up, and a ferocious grin lit up his face. I shivered in response as a sliver of delicious fear slid down my spine. I wasn’t afraid of him, but his demeanor turned feral. 
His raw and untamed passion threatened to consume me.

As he slipped the blanket from under me, his gaze never left mine. The sound of ripping fabric filled the room, and I flinched. He wrapped a strip of torn cloth around one wrist and tied the end in a neat knot. It was obvious he’d done this before.

“Won’t Mimi be upset with you?”

He shrugged, but a smirk crept over his lips. “I’ll get her another.”

The other edge of the material snaked under the loveseat around the far leg. He pulled until my arm stretched toward the sofa. When he looked at me, his smile crumbled. 

He cupped my cheek in his palm. “Are you okay with this? I can stop…”

I cut him off with a kiss, grateful for his concern. He had no idea what crazy things I fantasized about doing. Hell, he’d met me at a kink club, for god’s sake.

“Don’t stop now.” I whispered as I placed my free wrist in his hand.

The pleased glow lighting up his eyes sent a thrill through me as he bent to finish his task. I’d never gotten beyond fantasizing about bondage. He wanted to do more than play, he took charge. His hands slid down my bound arms, and I tested the bonds. 

Honestly, I could pull hard enough to move the furniture, but I played along, pretending to be restrained.

His appraisal took in my nipples as they peaked in the chilled room, and a hungry look appeared on his face. He trailed his lips from one wrist to my shoulder and repeated the process with the other arm. His tongue tasted me at intervals as he caressed my neck and collarbone. Then he brought my buds to peaks before moving down my stomach to my jeans. With deft fingers, he removed them, humming in pleasure as he revealed my mound. 

As I lay there before him helpless, I rubbed my legs together and tried to relieve the ache in my clit.

Lukas shook his head. He grabbed one ankle and secured it to the nearest chair with another strip of blanket. Though he was extra cautious handling my bandaged leg, it didn’t hurt anymore, and the scratches were already healed. He attached it to the side table. 

I trembled, spread before him, naked and exposed. 

He nuzzled my legs in the same manner he’d worshiped my arms. I could tell it excited him, having me bound and at his mercy. I tested the bindings again. They had a little play, but the ties weren’t uncomfortable. In fact, under his caring ministrations, I felt safe.


“Now, what shall I do with you?” His lips whispered over my pussy.
He hovered over the curls guarding my core, keeping his focus on my face. When he dipped his chin, I arched toward him in anticipation. With a deep, throaty chuckle, he splayed his hands on my hips and held me in place as he positioned himself above me. He still wore his jeans, and the rough material rasped against the tender inner flesh of my thighs.
Taking his time, he kissed a trail from my mouth to my clit.

He blew through the tendrils, watching and waiting to see if I would move. I fought the urge to squirm. He finally parted the damp folds and licked my slit. I groaned with him as his eyes closed, savoring the contact. He nibbled on the distended nub, increasing the pressure and length of each stroke until his tongue found my center and plunged inside.

The sensation sent me over the edge, and I came.

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