
Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Interview with the Author of Moon Borne, Rachel Slate. Available in the Beyond the Veil boxed set for only 99 cents!

Interview with Author Rachel Slate

Hello faithful readers and followers! 
Welcome to the Naughty Nights Press Blog!
Gina Kincade here with you today, and I am heading up the next few weeks full of special treats for you with the release of our newest boxed set of 19 full-length novels in Beyond The Veil: Paranormal & Magical Romance Boxed Set (Under the Veil & Beyond the Veil Book 2)
I even have a paranormal romance, co-authored with the amazing Kiki Howell in this boxed set! Be sure you grab a copy so you can enjoy our recently re-mastered, second edition of What Lies Within Us.
Wow, I know, right? Been a long time but I am so happy to be back in the proverbial saddle again.
Don't forget to check out our previous boxed set, Alpha Fever, for another penned by myself and Kiki, Cowboy Boots and Handcuffs, a steamy bbw, western, contemporary novella, book one in a new series, in fact. I know you won't want to miss it!

Now, on to the good stuff for today! *rubs hands together* I have Rachael Slate, author of Moon Borne, with me here today as an interviewee. I hope you'll join me in giving her a warm welcome, NNP style. *grin*

Hi Rachael, thanks so much for joining me on the blog! I know you are one busy lady so I promise not to keep you too long...I hope. *wink*
Thank you for having me here today. I’m so excited to share my books with you.

We are excited to hear about them!
Tell me, how long have you been a writer and how did you get into writing?
I’ve been writing for about six years. As a stay-at-home mom, I rekindled my love for romance novels and decided I had a passion for writing them myself.

Are you a full time author?

What are the best and the worst aspects of writing for you?
The best aspect is immersing yourself in your characters’ worlds. I love to be swept away and really drawn into another place and time. Whenever a fan tells you your book did the same thing for them, that’s pretty much the most awesome part.

The worst aspect is whenever your characters don’t behave as they’re supposed to… Hehehe.

Oh, I know that feeling all too well. I supposed sometimes we just need to whip them into shape. *winks & grins* So, what inspires you to write?
So many things. Sometimes, it will be a picture I see, or an idea that pops into my head, and the story grows from there.

Is there a particular author who inspires you, perhaps even drove you into writing?
The first authors who inspired me to write were Sherrilyn Kenyon, Kresley Cole, and J.R. Ward. Love them!

What is the title of your inclusion in Beyond the Veil? How did you come up with the idea for it?
Moon Borne is my title in Beyond the Veil. It’s a mix of everything that fascinates me—Greek mythology, fantastical creatures, historical time periods, pirates, a f;ierce Amazon warrior, a tortured hero, and of course, steamy romance.

How did you conduct your research for Moon Borne?
I studied a lot of Greek mythology. A lot. And then I placed my own twists on the myths.

Can you give our readers your two favorite lines/quotes from Moon Borne?

“Her lust for blood was sated, her lust for him not even close.”

“I have your scent. You’ll not run from me.”

What would your friends say is your best quality?
Loyalty. I’m a Dog in the Chinese Zodiac, so this suits me perfectly!

Are reader reviews important to you?
Of course! I love to hear that my stories have touched someone else.

What do you do when you don’t write?
Well, I have two young children who keep me quite busy. I also love to read, bake, and I love being outdoors—hiking, swimming, canoeing, camping. I’m an avid runner too.

See, totally busy lady! Please, tell us about your other books?
I just released the second book in my Halcyon Romance Series, Earth Borne. Moon Borne is the first book in that series. Earth Borne features the charmingly roguish centaur, Thereus, and the nymph he simply can’t resist.

My Chinese Zodiac Romance Series is a scorching hot twist on Chinese mythology that will definitely drive you wild.

If you could share one thing about yourself you would like our readers to know, what would it be?
I would love to connect with you! If you enjoyed my stories and have any questions or comments, I would be thrilled to hear them.

See folks, she's approachable too! Coolies. We love friendly authors, right? Of course...they may not like us as much, but that's a story for another time. Opps, sorry Rachael, got sidetracked. Moving on... Where can readers find your works, do you have a blog or website?

Where else might readers contact you or follow your everyday writing journey?

Holy cow! You're everywhere, Rachael! *laughs*
Thank you so much for joining us today. It's been a true pleasure working with you on the Beyond the Veil Boxed Set. I am sure readers will fully enjoy Moon Borne.
We are going to leave them with a small tease to get them started, care to give us something steamy? *naughty grin*

Rachael Slate: Thank you for having me. I’ve enjoyed being here.

Moon Borne

His blood thundered in his ears. Arsenius had been far too gentle with the Amazon this afternoon. Thereus was bloody right. Kyme’s buried passion burned hotter than Hades.
The way she’d fondled him, no timid female there.
This argument was far from over. He wrapped his arm around her waist; she gasped and struggled against his hold. She slammed her foot on top of his and rammed her elbow into his nose. Had he not turned his head at the last second, she would have broken it.
He hopped back to avoid her knee in his groin, but his foot slipped on an errant bucket. Damn powder monkeys. As he went down, he swept his foot out and knocked her off balance. She stumbled, but he caught her and crushed her on top of him. He rolled them over and pinned her beneath his weight. His cock throbbed so painfully he barely registered why he couldn’t plunge himself deep inside her. She hissed at him like a little cat, her claws searching for any surface to scratch. He restrained her wrists and his mouth claimed hers, kissing her into submission.
Arsenius lifted his head and smiled at the defiance shining in those midnight blue depths. He was far stronger than she, but she was capable of hurting him. She arched her spine and threw her weight into a roll, slamming his back into the floor.
He let her.
She straddled him, but he still clutched her wrists. He tugged her down and stole another kiss. Her teeth snagged his lower lip, drawing blood. A metallic tang glossed across his tongue.
He released her wrists to wipe at his mouth, grinning despite the pain. She leapt off him, but he wasn’t finished. Neither was she. She might struggle, but he could scent her arousal from miles away.
It was time to determine who was master and who was slave.
Arsenius rose to his feet and caught Kyme by the wrist. He scooped her up and set her on the desk.
She squirmed and hissed. He cut her off, gripped the back of her head with his hand, and claimed her lips.
As his hand cupped her breast, the air retreated from her body in a moan. She stopped fighting him as he teased her nipple with his thumb. Her breath came in long, shuddering gasps. He trailed his lips down her neck, leisurely unbuttoning her shirt and kissing each inch of newly exposed skin.
His whole body trembled in anticipation. This first touch was his.
Mine, the beast inside him roared. He closed his eyes, not bothering to correct that declaration. Slipping his hand inside her shirt, he palmed the delicate weight of her breast. A delightful handful that shot painful jolts through his groin. He lowered his mouth onto her other breast, suckling her through the linen. He gave a gentle tug and glided his tongue along the tight tip in slow, deliberate circles. She moaned and went utterly limp in his arms. He balanced her weight easily with one arm and used his other hand to finish undoing the buttons.
He pulled back before peeling aside her shirt, for he was unwrapping this gift of the gods. His hands shook with desperation as he slid the garment from her shoulders. Her creamy skin and lush feminine curves dried his mouth, and he swallowed hard. Her pebbled, rosy nipples perked, awakened by his touch. Hell, he could release in his breeches just from gazing at her. Coupled with the way she offered herself to him and…
Damn, he was lost. Coherent reasoning drained from his body as his fingers brushed her flat belly. He stopped short of her smooth sex, making a detour around her hip and down her thigh. His mouth teased her other breast as he had the first. No, devoured. As though he’d been wandering in the desert for centuries and Kyme was his oasis.
He growled against her skin as his tongue lapped up her exotic taste. His fingers roamed, once more circling where they ached to pleasure. Kyme arched and whimpered. In invitation.
As his finger slid into her folds, he nearly spilled his seed at how wet she was. He groaned into her breast. His thumb circled upward until he glided across her bud, swollen for him.
Without warning, she cried out his name, her body shuddering in his arms. He clutched her, his hands easing the last pleasures from her body.
“Damn, Kyme, you’ve got to make me work harder than that.” If he wasn’t so tense with lust he might have laughed. Closing his eyes, he nuzzled her neck and savored her whimpers. The way she clung to him as though he would guide and protect her through this new storm of sensations.
He eased his lips lower, desperate for a taste of her, and kissed a path down her stomach. At her middle, he lifted his lashes. A smear of scarlet slashed across her abdomen, blood from his lip when she’d nipped it earlier.
No. No! A thunderbolt stabbed his body. His right side flared as the markings penetrated his skin. Nay, not blood. Damn, especially not his own blood. He drew his lip into his mouth to seal the wound and slammed his eyes shut. Bloody hell, it was too late. His gut dropped as though he’d swallowed a twenty-pound stone. A tremor jolted through him, wrenching his eyes open.
Crimson clouded his vision.

He sank to his knees and roared.

New Release Only 99 cents!
Beyond The Veil: Paranormal & Magical Romance Boxed Set
(Under the Veil & Beyond the Veil Set 2)

Shifters, Vampires, Witches, Wizards, & More! 
All manner of Magical & Mystical Paranormal Creatures!
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Beyond the Veil is 'Where Magic Happens,' and the alpha men and their sassy, head-strong and independent women, heat up the pages of this steamy and engaging collection of books.
Limited time deal so grab it while you can!

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**Don't forget to add to your *want to read* list on Goodreads