
Sunday, June 14, 2015

When the talented but shy are recognised...

I'm not one to brag. I never have been, and I doubt I ever will be. As much as Gina tries to get me brag about my achievements. But I do want to gush a little about my recent achievements.

So quite a few people are probably aware of the recent Easychair Bookshop Awards. Their first annual contest received an overwhelming amount of entrants, and the entire team did a fantastic job, making it a very smoothly run event. I cried when I was informed that I had placed first in Paranormal with Once Bitten Twice Shy. I was just as honoured when I was informed that The Wolf In The Neighborhood and Wolf Smitten had placed third in their respective categories (paranormal, and series). Not only that, but thanks to my involvement with the excellent box set Alphas on the Prowl, I also hit all the bestselling lists in May, including hitting #1 on the Naughty Nights Press list, and reaching #49 on the Amazon Top 100 Authors!

I'm also absolutely thrilled to be less than two weeks away from hitting "Publish" for my latest project, paranormal anthology Twisted Tales. Brain child of Australian author Nicole Daffurn, I was honoured to take over when she had to pull out for personal reasons. I have been extremely busy getting everything organised for it, which is why I missed posting this on the right day. (Apologies!) However, I'm very excited to be gathering interest for reviews and blogs to host to the launch. I do hope you will check it once it goes live. To tempt your tastebuds, as it were, here's a little snippet from my contributing story, So Mote It Be...

The young woman knelt in front of the small stone altar, her head bowed as though in prayer. Her lips halted in their silent movements as a tear gradually slid from her closed eyes and down her cheek. Candlelight flickered and incense smoke floated in different directions, carried by the light breeze that wafted across the graveyard. Gentle chanting drifted towards her from the ring of robed beings standing around her, reminding her that she wasn’t alone and would do well to stay on task rather than dwell on her loss. With a deep breath, she resumed her own, silent chanting. She needed to stay focused or everything would be lost and her lover’s death will have been in vain.

Darkness was settling around her like a cloak, weighing on her shoulders as though her very mood brought the night to her. As she continued her hushed invocation, however, light from above began to shine as the moon made its appearance from behind delicate cloud coverage. She could feel the power within her growing as the full moon was now completely revealed. Revenge, justice, they were the same in this instance, and she would revel in every second of it.

Phoenix Johnson is an award winning, bestselling Australian author who has always had the passion for the written word. She had her nose in at least one book ever since she could read and would even scrutinize the back of the cereal box every morning at breakfast. It was only natural she take up writing.
After reviewing a few delicious titles for Naughty Nights Press as she wrote her first title, The Wolf in the Neighborhood, Phoenix was of one mind to submit it to NNP, and she hasn't looked back. The Return of Their Master and Once Bitten Twice Shy now join her first title for sale, and all three books are receiving great reviews. Phoenix feels that being invited to write for the NNP blog is a great honour, and loves being part of the team!

You can get in touch with Phoenix on FacebookTwitterInstagramPinterestTumblr or view her website here, or buy her books direct from Naughty Nights Press, or other good ebook distributors. And don't forget to sign up to The Nest, Phoenix's newsletter.

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