
Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Giveaway! Win a print copy of At War in the Willows by bestselling author Kiki Howell!

Enter the Rafflecopter gift giveaway below for your chance to win a print copy of At War in the Willows by bestselling paranormal romance author Kiki Howell!

Buy the ebook now on Amazon

What chances could you take to keep your true love with you forever? 
Would you go against the rules of society, your family and risk everything you have ever known? 
Would you go to any length to save the one you love, even if what must be done could possibly cause their death? 

The Willows is a resort town run by vampires, werewolves and witches. Here, their true identities are kept secret from humans, and intimate relations between the individual clans are strictly forbidden.

When it becomes known that the vampire Amberlyn has fallen in love with the werewolf Kane, the tedious line of their co-existence has been crossed. Caught in the crossfire of this revelation, Drake, the vampire clan leader and Amberlyn’s maker, is killed along with an innocent witch. These deaths spark a series of horrific events, leading to an all out War In The Willows.

Unexpected close encounters, bodies ripe with need, and situations beyond their control lead to forbidden relationships. Now, three vampires, a witch, a werewolf and a human must ride along the edges of the rules. They will attempt once unthinkable romantic entanglements despite all those who oppose their relationships, while fighting for their lives as well.

With the Willows full of violence and bloodshed, meetings and magic amiss, will the clans ever be able to find peace among them again? Or, will this war destroy the Willows?

In Book 1, Amberlyn’s vampire brother, Isaac, always one to kick ass first and deal with the consequences later, kidnaps a witch, Winter. He intends to find out what type of retaliation the witch clan is planning against the vampires and werewolves. In doing so, he finds so much more then he bargained for.

By Book 2, Isaac and Winter devise a plan to try to get the Elders of the clans talking peacefully. But, things don’t go as they’d hoped, and the fighting between the clans becomes more devious – deadly. Now, Devin, another vampire of Drake’s making, steps in to help pick up some of the pieces.

When Book 3 begins, it is Devin who hides the biggest secret; he’s in love with a local human. In a moment of desperation – of love – Devin sweeps this human, Sara, away to his home in order to keep her out of harm’s way.

Excerpt from Book 1:
A few seconds later, she practically dove at him. His body braced as hers fell against his. Caught off guard she knocked him flat on his back and her body fell over his. Her hands grabbed his face hard and her mouth crushed down over his lips. Her tongue entered his mouth before he could process it all. But his body, his instincts, reacted. His fangs revealed themselves right into her lip.

Winter pulled back with a small gasp. Her hand went to her mouth. Magic swirled around him, the power that just resided inside of her increased, glowed around them both so much that he resisted tasting her. Stunned could be the only explanation of why he didn’t put his tongue on his fang to get a hint of her blood’s flavor. Was he feeling warm?

Yet, when her hand fell from her mouth and she licked over the scarlet colored blood that ran from her lip, he lost control of the situation. He pulled her back against him with one arm curled around her back, while his other hand went to her breast and squeezed the round globe hard. At the same time, he sucked the blood from her lip. Honey–pure sweet nectar–made him feel like he had drunk a sweet wine. It went straight to his head. The instant high was like nothing he’d ever experienced before, more pure–more brilliant and full–more clear and potent than any drug he’d ever done.

With her moan, somehow, he found the strength to pull back, lick over her lip so the puncture marks healed, and looked into her eyes rather than drank her dry. He was satiated with just a sip. He wondered if it was truly amazing or all a product of her magic, one she controlled or one natural about her? The whole reason their kinds didn’t mix was the unknowns. Her lip had sealed over right before his eyes, faster than a normal human’s would. Her eyes were glassy, but not from tears. He feared it was from desire.

Next thing he knew, she pulled her nightgown off. Her breasts, pale, perfect, with hard red nipples, were an unbelievable picture. With her white lace panties her only clothing, she sat up on her knees. She couldn’t have looked more seductive if she’d tried. She had curves in all of the right places in his mind.

“I will bite you again.”

“I know. You stopped the first time, hardly taking any blood, and I don’t mind. Like you, I don’t fear death. But, neither do I fear you killing me.” She flipped her hair off her neck, leaned her head to the side in invitation.

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