
Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Winding Down 2014

Elizabeth Black writes in a wide variety of genres including erotica, erotic romance, and dark fiction. She lives on the Massachusetts coast with her husband, son, and four cats. Visit her web site, her Facebook page, and her Amazon Author Page.


I love this time of year. It's a time for baking, putting up the tree, getting out the menorah, and playing holiday music on the radio. I haven't been writing much but I have taken an assessment of my year. All in all, it was a good one.

It's good to take a yearly assessment to see if you reached your goals, or achieved ones you hadn't planned on. As my readers know, I write both erotic romances and dark fiction. I either published or saw accepted six short stories this year – three romances and three dark ones. I also succeeded in getting my first short story accepted by Cleis Press. I've been trying to get into Cleis for years, and I finally succeeded. Here's a list:

Dreadful Dissonance – dark fiction
Asphodel – dark fiction
Infection – dark fiction
Longing – erotic romance
Sleep Well, My Love – erotic m/m romance
Like A Breath Of Ocean Blue – erotic lesbian romance

Three of my novels are currently sitting at either publishers or agents waiting for an acceptance. Two are erotic romances and one is a family saga/thriller.

I didn't get into all the anthologies I had wanted to get into, but I'm satisfied with how I did. My goals for 2015 are to get at least six short stories published (either horror or romance, doesn't matter as long as I have a minimum of six), find a home for those novels, do more radio shows, and self-publish my new book of erotic fairy tales. That list doesn't sound like much, but it's actually more than enough.

So that was my 2014. Many publishers are closed for submissions for the season, and I'm taking full advantage. There are a couple of anthology calls due by the end of January so I'll try to whip us something for them. Look for more fiction from me in 2015. Happy holidays!

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