
Thursday, September 4, 2014

More or Less Sex in M/M

Thanks for checking in with me today. I’m discussing sex in m/m and should there be more books sex or less? We had a discussion on a friends page a few weeks back and plenty of readers chimed in. With all the different responses, I decided I’d add my two cents about what I’ve seen as a reader as well as an author.

Let’s start out with the reader side of me. The reader in me likes a lot of sex. I want sex dripping from the pages and I want it so hot, my toes curl and I get that warm feeling in my gut. That being said, I like it to go along with the plot. Not page after page with no real direction and not for the sake of throwing it in there either. There has to be a reason why my two characters get together. Are they drawn to one another because of attraction? Or is it that and the fact they lost someone in their lives and are looking for the next special someone. Do they hate one another at first then eventually fall in lust or love?

The author in me is much the same, but lately I like to make my characters wait until they’re completely crazy for one another before I allow them to go to bed. Yes, it’s like punishment for them and even sometimes for me. *laughs* I can feel the tension between the characters and when I get done writing a chapter, I tell them and my muse we all have to wait. *sigh* Yep, I like them to be just about ready to explode when they’re finally ready for the first bedroom scenes. And when they do get there, I try my best to make it satisfying for all of us. Not an easy feat when you think about it. And then try making it original. Good luck with all that, but I do try. *smiles*

So, in conclusion, I have to pose it to you the audience. Do you like more sex in your m/m or less? Or are you like me, sex happens because of the plot and making them suffer is better. Let me know your thoughts.

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Funny I’d feature my first erotica m/m here. My MC is kidnapped and thoroughly pleasured by his captor!

I don't like to play by the rules and I don't take no for an answer!

I'm JKaye, a fan, no make that super fan, of Lucifiera's lead singer Zander Lukes. I've wanted this man more than breathing but here's the problem; he doesn't know I exist and they're watching him like a hawk.

It’s a mission I must undertake to fulfill my dream. Regardless of the situation I plan to kidnap the biggest heavy metal singer in the world and make him my bitch for a weekend.

WARNING: Strong male/male sexual situations many might find highly objectionable.


    Checking the clock on the wall, I was getting bored waiting on show time. The opening acts were running late because their bus broke down on the way into New York.
    Bummer for them. To be perfectly honest, they sucked.
    But the record company decided to throw them on the bill with me. Cool kids but they truly sucked at music. No, I don’t make the rosters for these tours and nor do I care to. If it were up to me, it would just be Lucifiera and I’d fill the time with exotic dancers of the male and female variety.
    No worries, that idea is in the works since I mentioned it to our management. That may take some time but it will get done. I’ll make doubly sure of that.
    Fifteen minutes until and the voices inside my head urged me to wreck something. Listening to Sex Type Thing always put me in that kind of mood which is why I have it blasting through the speakers before every show.
    You may ask, why that tune when it’s not that much older than me?
    I suppose I like the sleaze, the lyrics which sound so devilish and yet so captivating at the same time. It sounds as if it’s coming from a man in command and or control even though through history, we can see Scott really didn’t have a firm grip on much of anything. And like him, I wanted someone to be my lay before and after the show but groupies bored the hell out of me.
    Sure, they came in all colors, sizes, and genders, but none of them held my interest.
Right now, I wanted someone exciting, someone to push my limits, get my motor running on all speeds and that wasn’t going to be found with the girls brought by the roadies to please Zander Lukes.
    Yes, I said roadies because I couldn’t be bothered with picking my partner or partners for the evening. Besides, all I did was kick them out after they swallowed my cum anyway. I don’t do the lovey dovey cuddle thing with one-nighters at all. None of them deserved it anyway.
    What I wanted was a strong man, willing to go really far, and take me where so far out of myself that I might not want to come back. And believe you me it would take a lot to do that since in I’ve freaking owned the effin block.
    Have I done all the dirty? Just about.
    Am I willing to go further? Most definitely.
    In my mind, kinks are only the things you dare not talk about with strangers for fear you might have to hurt them. The acts that most find frightening or repulsive but who cares? If it’s what you like then you should do it.
    My kinks range from bondage to brutal sex and everything in between. If only I could find the one to show me the real world beyond those doors.

BLMorticia is currently a published writer with Naughty Nights Press and Rebel Ink Press. She entertains her readers with hot and smexy sex, humor, and lots of swear words. She attempts to incorporate metal music or the military in most of her works. Nothin’ sexier than metalheads or military servicemen and women! She also writes a biweekly column on Blak Rayne Books and blogs on the First Thursday of the month at NNP Blog. For more info, please visit, Erotica With Snark

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