
Thursday, August 7, 2014

What I Love About Writing

It’s been a little over four years since I began this journey. Doing something I did sparingly as a teen and then turning it into a budding career. I never thought I could be a published author, putting out my own books for others to read and enjoy until December 2010 when my first sole author story hit the market.

Boy was I excited. The cover with my penname on it; essentially, my name in lights as if I were the director of a large film or the lead singer of a successful band. Wow! Me? I couldn’t believe it. Although just a short story, it began this long winding road of ups and downs, gnashing teeth over edits, struggling to get the most out of my characters and sulking a little over so so reviews. (More chocolate and liquor please) *laughs* That’s how authors deal. And after all that, here I am, four years later and still excited about the next release!

Oh the joy when I see the new cover, and then when I get the edits, I smile instead of grumbling. One step closer to the finished product going up on Amazon, All Romance, and or Smashwords. Whew! And then comes promotions, blogging, spending a few bucks on cover ads, and yes the reviews which have gotten better than so so. More like, okay, we see what you’re trying to do but… *laughs again* Not many of those either. Seemingly more people enjoy what the muses of Sharita Lira are doing and let me know it through comments and reviews. Thanks so much.

Which brings me back to my topic. What do I enjoy most about writing? The answer? EVERYTHING. I’ve learned a lot since I started. I do more research, I read more of my peers in all genres, I’ve taken classes, and asked for help from fellow authors and betas. Every book I’ve wrote reads better than the last and I’ve self pubbed several with more to come in the near future. Am I nervous, hell yes. Scared? Yes! But I’ve got to continue. It means entering new territory in my career and going on my own without the help of a publisher.

Oh the joy and pains of being a published author. Sometimes we writers throw our hands up when the royalty statements come or when the reviews are less than stellar we sulk again but we love it don’t we? We wouldn’t trade it for anything. To see our names up “in lights” sort of speak is what we live for.

Creating a world around characters we made is just the tip of the iceberg. To me, nothing is more exciting than this process.

Being a published author is what I’ve dreamed of. And I couldn’t be happier. 

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My latest release is a FREEBIE. BL's Wretched Series is a rock and roll soap opera full of sex, drugs, music, and snark. If you're into that, please look at the series. It's totally FREE!

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