
Thursday, July 24, 2014

An author's biggest fight

Well here I am again and before we begin I would like to remind everyone of the competition I ran, when I was last here. If you remember I offered one lucky person who left a comment the opportunity to win the Complete Transsexual Romance Collection, consisting of Star Search, Addicted to Charlie, Top of the class and The Girl in the Red Bikini.

Well one month and, according to the stats, 251 people visited the blog and read about the fight I strongly believe in. Not bad at all until you look at the comments, and see that out of all those views just ONE person managed to leave a comment.

So I am therefore pleased to announce the winner of the aforementioned collection is, Sally Bend.
Congratulations, Sally and I hope you will enjoy your prize.

Now this month I want to talk about cheese, no I don't just joking with you. Not that there is anything wrong with cheese, it makes a wonderful sandwich, but I'd rather talk about something all of us authors go through at some stage in our careers, writer's block.

For months now my writing ability has consisted of writing two pieces a week, for a couple of Facebook groups. One is a tease on a Tuesday consisting of one picture, which I myself choose, and 200 words. The other a 100 word flash, written using the same picture as everyone else in the group for inspiration. Even The Crypt of Morbius is suffering as I have pages yet for a new short, varying length, for everyday of the week.

Luckily I had submitted a number of manuscripts early on, when the words were flowing freely but what if I hadn't? How would I overcome this mental block I am currently facing? How do you banish writer's block? Because any help you can give this author would be greatly appreciated?
The thing is I get numerous ideas popping in to my head, all of the time, yet as soon as I sit down in front of the screen, and a new document, my mind goes completely blank and all my ideas have done a runner.

So from one author to many authors I am asking, no begging, for help and ideas to get my writing flowing one again.

This has been an appeal on behalf of J S Morbius

and now I am out of here.

So until next month



  1. Creativity breeds creativity, so you just need to take yourself out of your comfort zone to force the words to start flowing again in a place where the pressure is off because you don't have any expectations of yourself. For example, sit down and write something completely out of your comfort zone, different genres, different style, different subject matter and the pressure is off. Once the words start flowing go back to your wip. Our, do something creative you've never done before so your allowed to be bad at it, draw, sing, dance whatever... Good Luck!

  2. For me, keeping a journal helps so much. Sometimes what helps is a medium where you can just write for the sake of writing. A lot of times I'll write down the first things to come to mind. It doesn't matter if it makes sense. What's important is that the thoughts, the ideas and the words are there. Who knows? Maybe something will come out that you can use later.

  3. I'm a bit shocked that nobody else commented, hon - that is an absolute shame. Not that I'm not overjoyed to win, but I feel bad that so many people cheated themselves out of the opportunity.

    As for writer's block, I have plenty of excuses for mine (and juggling 2 jobs and a toddler are good ones), but that doesn't make it any easier. I generally have 2 approaches. The first is to immerse myself in reading stories from a completely different genre, to sort of cleanse the palate and build up that hunger again. The second is to get out, go for a walk or a hike, and just let my mind wander. It's amazing the connections my imagination will make and the roads it will lead me down that I'd never considered before.

    The common thread, of course, is to not force it. I know some people insist you sit down and write, even if it's just a grocery list, but I find I really need a rest sometimes to rekindle the magic.
