
Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Hello, my lovelies!

Unfortunately, this week there won't be an episode of "For Writers, By Writers." I blame college.

Seriously. These classes are kicking my ass.

However, not wanting to leave you high and dry, I thought I would point you in the direction of my ultimate, favorite writing resource: Randy Ingermanson.

Now, for those of you who don't know Mr. Ingermanson, he's amazing. He's a Christian sci-fi author and he makes it work. He's best-selling, and award winning. But more than that, he's a Pacific Northwesterner, so that makes him totally awesome.

'Kay, just kidding.

(Not really.)

What makes him amazing is that he's down to earth, talks to his readers like they're intelligent, and has the most amazing advice. I would have to say that most of what I've learned about the publishing world I learned from him. And my attitude about writing is something I learned from him, as well: keep trying, keep improving, rejections are a part of life, respect yourself.

Seems easy, but you'd be amazed how many writers out there don't know this.

So anyway, go check him out. His website will totally suck you in, but it's worth it. And if you're not already signed up for his e-zine, it is well worth your time. I've been subscribing for years, and I still brighten up when I see his newsletter in my inbox because I know I'll learn something new.

So just...go. Check him out. Subscribe to his monthly newsletter, Advanced Fiction Writing.

Go forth, my lovelies!

Writing is 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration. That inspiration can carry you through the 90%, but only by understanding the tools at your disposal. Delena knows a thing or two about writing tools and how to make the most of your writing. Want her to prove it? Visit her blog The Printed Fox and check out her series For Writers, By Writers. Delena Silverfox is a historical romance author with Naughty Nights Press.

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