
Thursday, September 5, 2013

In Tribute to Shane Willis

Good morning readers. 

Being an author isn't easy work. There's the plotting or panstering, the research, agonizing over edits, and finally, after you've sweated, bled and cried during the process, it's time for the release of your book.

Oh wait! I forgot about one very important step; filling out your cover sheet.

Whether you're with a publisher or not, you have an opportunity to put your story into art form. If you do it yourself, you go through thousands of pictures, looking for just the right models. Then more pictures for settings and you test the colors for the backgrounds to see if they mesh with the people on the front. It's a lot of work, and I know since I've tried doing this on my own. Believe me, having someone to put your vision into motion is a key in selling your book and when they do an awesome job on the cover,it makes the process a lot easier.

As an author who writes under 3 names, I've been blessed with some beautiful covers. I'm proud to show off any of them but my covers from NNP stand out. I never knew Shane personally but he captured the visions of my book perfectly. Whether it was my saucy menage Living in the Now or my hot gay romance Smooth Like Latte, Shane did an amazing job capturing me story.  

I'll be forever grateful to him for bringing my stories to life. May he rest in peace.

1 comment:

  1. So very true. I loved looking at the covers to all of the books such a visionary as he always knew just how to fit the cover not only with the story but also to the author. He was truly blessed.
