
Monday, December 12, 2011

Chit Chat and All That! with Casey-Lynn Johnson and Sherry Tooker

Today on Chit Chat and All That! I have the distinct pleasure in introducing two of the cheekiest, sassiest ladies I know. Well okay I do know more but these two ladies together do tend to make for a very fun and enjoyable time. They tend  to begin on one subject and veer off to another without you even realizing

So without further ado please meet Ms Casey - Lynn Johnson and Ms Sherry Tooker.

The two sexy ladies walk in and sit down on the soft leather couch, turning towards each other with their legs folded underneath them. Sherry reaches towards the stereo remote and hits Play. The catchy beat and tune of Lady Gaga’s Born This Way soon floods the room, soflty setting the mood for their discussion...
Casey-Lynn: So we’re here to talk about LGBT, steampunk, paranormal and ménage, and why it is that we love them as authors and readers.
Personally, I have always loved paranormal and steampunk, though I only recently learned the name of the latter. For me, I think it is the escape from the normal, and the thought that anything is possible, when it comes to paranormal. To me, there is nothing hotter than a man, or woman, with powers and strength unknown, but the temperament to keep their powers under wraps until needed. One of my favourite paranormal characters is a perfect example of strength unknown and immense sexual tension. Daemon Sadi, from Anne Bishop’s Black Jewels novels, isn’t called The Sadist for no reason. He is beautiful, and wears the darkest jewel possible; the Black. He has immense strength even his own father, the High Lord of Hell can’t match. Abused and enslaved for centuries, Sadi is unpredictable and merciless… until the love he has been waiting for is born. He is long-lived; she is not. But the fireworks between them are immeasurable. The magic of Sadi, his bastard half brother with his glorious wings, not to mention the myriad of other paranormal species… How could you resist the beckoning finger of a world where anything is possible?
LGBT. Now, I am new to this sub-genre, introduced to it by the wicked Cassandre Dayne after having whetted my appetite on snippets from Pablo Michaels. The only negative I have to say is that I wish I had delved in to it sooner. I believe that this is such a hot topic because it explores what many have only dreamt about and are afraid to try. It is especially important at the moment with all these debates about marriage equality. Stories with LGBT love show that we are all people with the same urges and sexual needs, and there is NOTHING wrong with us exploring and fulfilling our needs.
Menage can simply be summed up, in my mind, as the more the merrier! And Steampunk is so wonderful for me because it is a brilliant tapestry of modern and Victorian, a tightly choreographed dance that melds the best of both worlds while still allowing freedom of imagination. As a writer and reader, this speaks to me beyond straight modernism or Victorian era. It’s a delightful play between them both; it’s the love child of these two eras. 
Sherry:  I love the way you put things Miss Casey. I 100% agree with what you’ve pointed out. 
For me paranormal is a perfect way to escape and to show that there very well could be other things in this world that people choose to ignore much like Menage’s. The feeling of something so powerful with a sexual thurst sends tingles down almost anyone’s spine including mine. Vampires, Warewolves, Demons all have a blood lust that also co inside with BDSM and pure adulterated passion. With these things setting the corner stone for a story, add in a couple and you have a saucy tale to tell. Add in another person so the combination is M/M/F or M/F/M or even M/M/M & F/F/F what more could anybody want?
Every person has a secret fantasy at least once in their life of gay/ lesbian or a threesome maybe more. It’s a taboo subject that is explored only by the brave. So many amazing stories have come from these ‘hidden’ fantasies that we all have. Writing Menage’s, LGBT lets us explore a side of us that we don’t get to show very often. To those readers who dare to delve into the crazy and tension filled world it’s an amazing thing that you trust the writers enough to do so.
Now I know I may be reiterating what Miss Casey has pointed out but everything she has said is true. The equality and exploration of these subjects should be done more in the world. There is nothing wrong with it. The fact that these subjects that we like to read and write are so hot to us and turn us on are proof that we can all find something that we enjoy in the written word.
To sum up my babbling which may or may not make sense (Sorry if it doesn’t) I would like to say, Menage’s in LGBT, Paranormal and Steampunk are something we should explore more, don’t be afraid to write and most off all, embrace the pure hotness.
I would like to share an example of a piece I have written in the Menage genre. Now it is rough as I have used it as a Fan Fiction. That is where I started my writing career. Anyways enjoy.
I could feel myself start to get hot between the legs over seeing what I was seeing. I knew I shouldn’t being their physio and friend but It was so hot, how was I to deny myself. I let my hand slip down into my pants and let my fingers dip between the lips of my womanhood, stroking myself in time with Beau’s movements. I had to bite my lip as I watched him reach Chris’s balls with his fingers and started to play with them. Chris let his fingers roam through the smaller man’s hair and over his shoulders before gripping his Jersey and tugging it up over his head. Beau didn’t miss a beat over Chris as the material passed quickly between them. He picked up the pace and so did I, my legs starting to buckle as that all too familiar bubbling feeling welled up inside me. The groans became louder from inside the locker room as Beau’s fingers turned their attention on himself. I could see him working his own bulging manhood in his footy shorts, growing with every stroke.
I had to hang onto the pillar tightly as my mouth started to dry and my knees buckled even more, the noises coming from further in the locker room driving me crazy as I worked myself into a frenzy. I leant my head against the cold concrete and listened to Chris’s breathing become short and sharp as he too drew closer to peaking.
Suddenly his breathing stopped as I felt myself shake, dropping to my knees before he let out a guttural moan. My body convulsed in pleasure as I snuck a peak around at the boys seeing Chris’s body stiff and Beau’s cheeks hollow from sucking him dry. As my body started to come down from my high I saw Beau’s eyes flick over in my direction. My heart started to pound in my chest as I pushed myself further behind the pillar just as he sat up and wiped the corners of his mouth.
This is just one form of an example there are many more out there to explore.
Casey: *Waves self with hand* Wow, that was steamy. This is exactly why I love menages and GLBT.
Anyway, we can talk and talk about the myriad of reasons why we love menages, GLBT, steampunk and paranormal, but none of this really matters. The one true, BIGGEST reason why we love it all?
Both in unison: BECAUSE IT’S HOT!

What a wonderful Chit Chat ladies, thank you for posting.
Now it wouldn't be right if we did not put up a thanks to people on occasion. So a HUGE thank you to Zolf Kimblee, for the use of the last photo and a big call out to the very clever photographer,  Liesle Messner.

Sherry's Links

Casey's Links

Now while I am thinking about it, The Naughty Pages of The Phoenix is currently hosting the 12 DAYS OF NAUGHTY GIVEAWAYS 12TH - 25TH DECEMBER 
So pop on over and have a read, leave a comment each day and you could be a winner.


  1. You girls are just the best double act :-) and now I have EVEN MORE books and new genre to read, I swear I'm going to become a literary recluse!!! What more can I say than... WHAT A DELICIOUS SNIPPET! *sigh* happy Monday... :-)

  2. Wow, a very steamy chit chat girls and I may need to check out some of these titles myself...:)

  3. You two make some great points :) What a way to start the week!

  4. Perfect way to wake this morning ladies. Thank you!
    Lady G
