
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A Day In The Life of Abby Hayes…

Yeah, it’s kind-of a funny thing. I truly live a completely split life, often fearing the need for counseling due to such extreme multiple personalities ! LOL No, seriously, to me my two lives make sense to me at least, and I do love both parts of my life equally. I just don’t let them meet or clash *winks* for very personal reasons.

By day I am a college student in the US, boy that narrows it down doesn’t it? But actually, it is a big campus where the seasons change, and I love it. Only hint I will give! I work in an office there too, to pay the bills. I love the ladies I work with, but they would just faint, or something much worse, if they knew about my alter ego, and what I do with some of my nights! I hate to sound so vague about my personal life, but I really keep the college student and the writer completely separate! I have good reasons why, dreams I want both ways.

As my bio so truly states: By day, Abby is what the world tells her to be. By night, alone with her imagination, she is who she wants to be.

I like playing the good girl during the day, the one everyone can talk to, can depend on, says how sweet I am, living in jeans and college sweatshirts. And I don’t think this in any way is juxtaposed to what I do at night, the steamy erotic writing, alone in my apartment. It is really just a matter of people being pretty close-minded and not being able to see that what I like sexually has nothing to do with the rest of my life. It doesn’t define ALL of me. And to tell the truth, I don’t judge anyone who would judge me, because that just compounds the problem we have today. I offer everyone the right to believe what they will, read what they like, and to keep their sex life as personal or as public as they want and need it to be.

My dual life just makes the day run smoother, and ensures me no issues in the field I am going into. We have all seen enough in the news, well I have, proof, you can’t do what I want to and claim to even have a sex life, especially if you are single.

I am always true to myself if nothing else, though, even if being secretive doesn’t sound like I am. Both personalities are me, and in each, I am myself, if that makes sense. I just believe in keeping my sexual appetites and fantasies to myself, and the people I hand pick to share in them. My writing though, as Abby Hayes, now lets me share it with more people, more freely! I could never thank Ms. Gina Kincade, Owner of Naughty Nights Press for liking my stories enough to provide me with such wonderful opportunities to get them out there. And, I’m currently meeting a wonderful new group of people with the authors I have encountered through being published with NNP. If I could just find more FaceBook time now, life would be perfect. But, I’ll get there. I’m very determined!

A lot of nights I am in over my head with school work after a long day of classes and work. But I try to make time a few nights a week, and hopefully more and more soon, to write, to let my imagination, my sexual desires, take over, release into the pages of my stories. By the time it’s dark outside, you will find me in bed, in silk, with my laptop and a strong cup of coffee typing away, or researching – oh what fun the researching is. I’ll just let your imagination go there! LOL

I’ve just had my first ebook release, a short story called, “Haunted Party” in A Wicked and Wanton All Hallows Eve Anthology with Naughty Nights Press which thrilled me to end. And, I’m very anxiously, okay impatiently, *giggles* awaiting my first single release with my novella, Finding Paradise, and my short, “Chem 101” in the Campus Sexploits anthology both due out in December with Naughty Nights Press. This will start of a full year of fun for me as I’ve been contracted to write a story, (shorts for anthologies, seasonal novelette, or novella) every month but one in 2012 with NNP! So when I am back on this blog in Dec I will be talking more in depth about my stories. For now, just wanted to share a bit about me :)

Abby Hayes

By day, Abby is what the world tells her to be. By night, alone with her imagination, she is who she wants to be. Giving into the breathy voices who pant new and exciting sexual scenarios inside of her head, she pounds away at her keyboard. Abby’s only goal is to have her readers free their own minds, grab their ereaders, and go away with her into a world where no one judges what the body wants, instead they explore what the flesh is capable of.

Want a taste of my writing for free? I have a free read up at AfterDark Online, "Truth or Dare for AfterDark Online" by Abby Hayes

Description: Two men battle it out in a game of Truth or Dare for the love of one woman.


  1. Abby that post was stupendous and I admire your determination to keep your day life and night life separate.

    I too chose a pen name for myself as at the time I not only worked with nosy colleagues but also in an area that were very tough on their employees presenting a very moral front.

    Keep up the good work sweetheart, your writing is fabulous!

    *bites n kisses*

  2. Thanks Vampirique! I appreciate you saying that!

    Sometimes people just make it necessary, and that's fine, kind of liking getting two lives to play in ;)

  3. Very nice, personal post, Abby! Can't wait for Finding Paradise to release :)
