
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Win a copy of The Training of Tess - Find out about Tess Wanton the new voice in BDSM Erotica

Today on Naughty Nights Press we would like to introduce a new name in the world of erotica. Making her debut with the exquisitely written and blistering hot, THE TRAINING OF TESS, please welcome the seductive and talented, Tess Wanton.

Now don't forget we are holding a give away over the next two days. One lucky person who leaves a comment and their email address will win themselves a copy of The Training of Tess. Winner will be announced as the final comment on here and will receive a .pdf copy to keep from Naughty Nights Press. We wish everyone good luck and now on to our interview!

Thank you for joining us today Tessa, I am sure our readers are eager to get to know a bit about you, so let’s get the questions started.

NNP: For those of our readers who don’t know you yet, could you share a little bit or a lot about yourself, the woman behind the writer so to speak?

Tessa: Well firstly I’m a total music nut. I love listening to it, I have so many genre loves, Philip Glass, Queen, Vaughan Williams, Sigur Ros, Rolling Stones, Muse, Moby, Portishead, the list is endless. I also love performing and as a result I sing in many amateur groups in the UK - I just love to sing. I do play quite a few instruments as I was trained to be a composer at University, and the instruments came with the territory, but singing is something else entirely. It’s like being the instrument yourself, and the emotional connection with the music you produce is intense beyond words, freeing almost. But then that’s me – one big emotional ball just exploding in lots of directions in lots of different ways! And that’s where my writing also comes in.

NNP:  What enticed you into being a writer?

Tessa:  Musical composition was always very important for me, when I was younger I found it difficult to express myself with words, so I slapped my feelings down on manuscript paper. However as I have aged, I wondered what if? Can I express myself in the same way using words? So finally the experiment started. I always have many ideas floating around in my head, and a very close friend of mine pointed out that I should start jotting them down, so I got a pen and a pad and did so. It culminated in an anonymous blog which had a few followers who were rather kind about my writing, so it spurred me on to write more. Throughout this time I was also flitting around Twitter where there is a huge literary community and a wonderful lady @JanePrinsep inspired me to just jump in and go for it. I had many ideas of fiction which I had written, but nothing clicked properly until Tess met her Master.

NNP: The Training of Tess is your first published book, what was the inspiration behind it?

Tessa: Essentially, I was made redundant earlier this year and so I thought I would use my spare time between searching for jobs to research the things I was fascinated about in the hope of inspiring my writing. I just cannot stand being idle. Then through Twitter I was pointed in the direction of FetLife, which just intrigued me. Some seriously great people on there, so open and honest with how they are, and I just felt I fitted right in. I started writing, testing snippets in the story groups, and people seemed to like them. Tess came about as I started to delve deeper into my own desires, exploring ideas and concepts that captivated me.

NNP:  How did you know that BDSM was the genre for you to write and are you going to continue with it or try other genres?

Tessa: In all honesty I didn’t set out to write BDSM or any genre, but my stories just seem to turn out that way. For me it is the emotion, the feelings and interactions of people that make me think. The more I read posts and mingled on FetLife and further conversations with friends, I realized that BDSM is not all about pain and mutilation or anything like that, but attaining this state of ‘sub-space’. This of all things I wanted to understand the most.

NNP: The Training of Tess is a very intimate look into not only the training aspect of BDSM but also into the emotional aspect that Tess goes through in her submission. How did you go about researching this?

Tessa: The emotional aspects of Tess really were a culmination of emotions that I felt when I read other people’s accounts of their experiences, how I would feel if that was occurring to me. Often times when I write, I sit back, re-read what I’ve written and then close my eyes and visualize. It’s at this point when I decide whether something is too good to be true, realistic, far-fetched or whatever. At least in the way that I see the scene in my mind’s eye.

NNP: How did your family and friends feel when you told them you were going to have a book published?

Tessa: My friends were thrilled to bits, however my FiancĂ© was a little nervous. He was very cautious until he agreed to read my story and then told me he was proud of me. I haven’t had the courage to tell my parents and my sister as yet, but maybe one day soon, I will!

NNP: So Tess, when you sit down to start writing, what type of ritual do you go through or do you just wing it?

Tessa: *Laughs* I don’t really have a ritual that I’m aware of – I tend to spend lots of time day dreaming different scenarios, and then when I hit on something I like, I get it down as soon as I can. I usually start by sketching the story out into paragraphs, then chapters and ensure the story arc flows how I’d like it to. I then flesh out the details and get swept up in the passion!

NNP: What goals do you have as a writer and do you believe you will be able to attain them?

Tessa: Goals wise, I simply want to be proud of everything I write. I never started out thinking that I would ever be published, or even that anyone else would enjoy or connect with my stories. For me, everything that is happening now is just more than I ever dreamed. So, I want to do justice to the faith that so many have put into me and my writing, and to do that, I just have to be the best I can be.

NNP: Do you have any words of wisdom you have been given that you could share with other writers who are just starting out?

Tessa: Oh yes, the words that stick in my mind the most was from a supportive friend I’ve met since joining writers groups on Facebook. I was having a crisis moment, reading other writers’ works and I just couldn’t fathom how I would ever be as good as them, or ever produce work like them. I had posted a status asking whether any other writers felt the same, and the answer that came back stuck with me. She said that you can’t please people all of the time, however those who enjoy reading your work will follow you loyally despite your doubts. This is because essentially when you write from your heart, there will always be someone who will hear your voice and want to read more of your work.

NNP: Are we going to be seeing any more books like The Training of Tess, soon and if so, can you give us a brief idea of what the story is about?

Tessa: I have another Tess book in progress at the moment, ‘Tessa’s Dilemma’, where her relationship with her Master deepens to much more intense levels, but, all is not quite as it seems. However, I also have another work in progress, ‘Tickled Pink’  it is BDSM based, but definitely with a number of twists, abduction, spanking, and a little something more.

NNP: And lastly Tessa, is there anything you would like to say to the readers and your new fans?

Tessa: I’d like to say thank you to everyone who has had faith in me, who have read my stories and given me invaluable comments on how to improve and to believe in myself. Please come and find me on Twitter, Facebook and on my blog, ask me questions or just have a conversation! Speaking to new friends and old is very important to me, and hearing what my readers want for my characters is an essential part of continuing the tales of Tessa and her fellow heroines.

Twitter - @DesireDarkly

Buy The Training of Tess here!

Thank you so much Tessa for these wonderful answers and I am sure everyone who reads them will be completely enthralled by you.
Good luck with your continued success and we look forward to reading more of your work.


  1. You really do find out just that little bit more each time you read a new interview! Love it!!!

    Sherry Tooker -

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Congrads on your book. Hope to read a lot more of you in the future.

    Marie -

  4. Thank you both :-) and huge thanks for taking time to read my interviews :-)

  5. I love that the lead character shares your name!!

    Best of luck with the book :)

  6. I think it sounds very promising! Good luck in the future!

  7. What an outstanding interview. I don't get a whole lot of time to read these, but today I wanted to make a point and read this one. I have read excerpts from your book and I know once I dive in I will love it!


  8. Love the interview. Great to get to know more about the authors

  9. Teased! Teased by Tess, snippets and interviews. Titillating.

  10. Thanks again for more lovely comments! I have to say, I do these interviews and wonder (more like panic...) about how they'll be received! You lay out your personality, and *who you are* and just hope to be liked... Just cutting and pasting stock comments doesn't do it for me so, I apologise for the rambling and just want to say how grateful I am you popped by to support me! :-)

  11. This has intrigued me since I first saw about it, and each thing that I read about it, the intrigue grows.

  12. I would love to read this - need some training myself ;)

  13. Yay great interview! :D

    Congrats on the success of your first release

  14. And the winner of the final giveaway copy of The Training of Tess goes to none other that Linda.
    Congratulations Linda on your win and thank you to everyone who has commented and participated in the giveaway.
    Linda, your copy of The Training of Tess by Tessa Wanton is being emailed out to you today. Please check your spam for mail from
    Don't forget, that for those who have missed out, you can purchase your own copy through the links above.
