
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

What's New at Naughty Nights Press - Our Official Three Month Mark

Well it has been three months since Naughty Nights Press, released our first e-books to the public and what a wonderfully busy three months it has been.

We had the opportunity to debut three new authors and publish stories from other authors who are already known for their unique style of writing.

All our authors have been busily visiting blogs, tweeting about their own books and WIP’s (work in progress) along with what others have been doing, keeping their fans up to date with what is happening in their writing lives on their blogs, websites or Facebook pages.

To say that we treat each other as a family would be an understatement. Every one of those that have been contracted with Naughty Nights Press not only eagerly congratulate each other on what books are coming out through us, but also what books writers have coming out with other publishing houses.

Normally we hold interviews with authors or other people in the literary world, however, we the team of NNP along with our family of authors, have come up with something we hope is not only unique but will be of great fun and interest to you the reader and follower.

Every Monday, starting October 3rd, we will be presenting a segment that we are calling Chit Chat and All That! Each week a pair of writers, both published and unpublished, will be discussing or debating on different subjects.

Now, the way they are presenting it is as if you were sitting in the room with them whilst they chat back and forth between themselves, in a laid back and easy manner. We are all very excited about it and can’t wait for it to begin.

To give you an idea of who we have participating and what they will be talking about, just read this list.

Raymond Frazee/Tessa Wanton 10/03/2011 How do you introduce someone to a D/s lifestyle when either or both have no experience? What is the best way to entice your partner to try something different in the bedroom?

Dawne Prochilo/Ken Charles 10/10/2011
What does Vanilla Sex mean in the 21st Century?

Cassandre Dayne/Abby Hayes 10/17/2011 Difference between Sex play and Scene play

Sharita Lira as BL Morticia/Julez S. Morbius/ Pablo Michaels 10/24/2011 Talk about GLBT, differences in relationships from a hetro relationship, gender identities in the workplace/do you need to hide them?

Kiki Howell/Kim Faulks 11/7/2011 How to increase strength in paranormal stories with or without sexual contact.

Casey-Lyne Johnson/Benjamin Russell 11/14/2011
Can you tell your partner what you really want in the bedroom? Porn - pros and cons of watching it.

Elizabeth Black/Sherry Tooker 11/21/2011 Indie Publishing Vs Self Published Vs Traditional Publishing

Ray Sostre/Cassandre Dayne 11/28/2011 A discussion on Polyamory, Swinging and Multiple Partners. Are one of these lifestyles for you?

Benjamin Russell /Chrystian Marrero 12/5/2011 Evil Side of Muses...where do you get the ideas from/how do you get the ideas?

Ana Hart/Kiki Howell 12/12/2011 Unusual Paranormal creatures...and we aren’t talking about the usual Vampires or Werewolves.

Sherry Tooker/Casey-Lynn Jonson 12/19/2011 Menages - Why we love writing them. What’s hot - m/m, steampunk, paranormal?

Tessa Wanton/Dawne Prochilo 12/26/2011
Mental BDSM vs Physical BDSM Can it be as fulfilling where sexual contact is limited, and in fact isn't the whole concept a mental construct which enhances sexual play?

Abby Hayes/Raymond Frazee 1/2/2012 Fetishes - What we like, what we dislike. What we enjoy writing about. What we would like to try in real life or in our stories?

And if you think that is something to be impressed about, we also have three authors who will be writing posts on a regular basis each month. Now for those who have been following us for a while, you already know that we have the sultry, and oh-so-wicked, Cassandre Dayne, who guest posts every 2nd Thursday. The luscious Kiki Howell will be guest posting the first Friday of every month, and making her debut as a monthly guest blogger, is the always seductive, Abby Hayes, who will be appearing every 3rd Tuesday. So between these three wonderful angels, or should I be saying wicked erotic devils, there should be some truly lively, interesting & hot topics, that will be discussed or debated on, each month.

Naughty Nights Press will still be holding their regular interviews, introducing you to our new authors each month and some of those names you already know.

October will see us chatting to Cassandre Dayne about the success of her first NNP book, Spankdown, and about her next two releases, Red Fire – Surrender and Raging Shadows, which are due out on the 30th of October. There will also be a giveaway to one lucky commenter who will be given a choice of receiving one of Cassandre’s new ebooks, in .pdf format, before they are released.

We will also be having Nathanial Bosch on NNP blog, talking to us about how it feels three months after the release of The Cabin, a story about BDSM that will open your eyes to the beauty that can be shared between a Dom and his pet.

Coming up in the last week of October, we also have some truly wonderful things happening to celebrate Halloween and the release of our first anthology, A Wicked and Wanton All Hallows Eve, on the 30th October and a week long celebration ending with a 100 Blog Hop.

So please mark these dates in your calendars, comment on the posts, and remember to tell your friends.

Above all, we would like to thank everyone for their continued support in helping to make Naughty Nights Press a success.

Win a copy of The Training of Tess - Find out about Tess Wanton the new voice in BDSM Erotica

Today on Naughty Nights Press we would like to introduce a new name in the world of erotica. Making her debut with the exquisitely written and blistering hot, THE TRAINING OF TESS, please welcome the seductive and talented, Tess Wanton.

Now don't forget we are holding a give away over the next two days. One lucky person who leaves a comment and their email address will win themselves a copy of The Training of Tess. Winner will be announced as the final comment on here and will receive a .pdf copy to keep from Naughty Nights Press. We wish everyone good luck and now on to our interview!

Thank you for joining us today Tessa, I am sure our readers are eager to get to know a bit about you, so let’s get the questions started.

NNP: For those of our readers who don’t know you yet, could you share a little bit or a lot about yourself, the woman behind the writer so to speak?

Tessa: Well firstly I’m a total music nut. I love listening to it, I have so many genre loves, Philip Glass, Queen, Vaughan Williams, Sigur Ros, Rolling Stones, Muse, Moby, Portishead, the list is endless. I also love performing and as a result I sing in many amateur groups in the UK - I just love to sing. I do play quite a few instruments as I was trained to be a composer at University, and the instruments came with the territory, but singing is something else entirely. It’s like being the instrument yourself, and the emotional connection with the music you produce is intense beyond words, freeing almost. But then that’s me – one big emotional ball just exploding in lots of directions in lots of different ways! And that’s where my writing also comes in.

NNP:  What enticed you into being a writer?

Tessa:  Musical composition was always very important for me, when I was younger I found it difficult to express myself with words, so I slapped my feelings down on manuscript paper. However as I have aged, I wondered what if? Can I express myself in the same way using words? So finally the experiment started. I always have many ideas floating around in my head, and a very close friend of mine pointed out that I should start jotting them down, so I got a pen and a pad and did so. It culminated in an anonymous blog which had a few followers who were rather kind about my writing, so it spurred me on to write more. Throughout this time I was also flitting around Twitter where there is a huge literary community and a wonderful lady @JanePrinsep inspired me to just jump in and go for it. I had many ideas of fiction which I had written, but nothing clicked properly until Tess met her Master.

NNP: The Training of Tess is your first published book, what was the inspiration behind it?

Tessa: Essentially, I was made redundant earlier this year and so I thought I would use my spare time between searching for jobs to research the things I was fascinated about in the hope of inspiring my writing. I just cannot stand being idle. Then through Twitter I was pointed in the direction of FetLife, which just intrigued me. Some seriously great people on there, so open and honest with how they are, and I just felt I fitted right in. I started writing, testing snippets in the story groups, and people seemed to like them. Tess came about as I started to delve deeper into my own desires, exploring ideas and concepts that captivated me.

NNP:  How did you know that BDSM was the genre for you to write and are you going to continue with it or try other genres?

Tessa: In all honesty I didn’t set out to write BDSM or any genre, but my stories just seem to turn out that way. For me it is the emotion, the feelings and interactions of people that make me think. The more I read posts and mingled on FetLife and further conversations with friends, I realized that BDSM is not all about pain and mutilation or anything like that, but attaining this state of ‘sub-space’. This of all things I wanted to understand the most.

NNP: The Training of Tess is a very intimate look into not only the training aspect of BDSM but also into the emotional aspect that Tess goes through in her submission. How did you go about researching this?

Tessa: The emotional aspects of Tess really were a culmination of emotions that I felt when I read other people’s accounts of their experiences, how I would feel if that was occurring to me. Often times when I write, I sit back, re-read what I’ve written and then close my eyes and visualize. It’s at this point when I decide whether something is too good to be true, realistic, far-fetched or whatever. At least in the way that I see the scene in my mind’s eye.

NNP: How did your family and friends feel when you told them you were going to have a book published?

Tessa: My friends were thrilled to bits, however my Fiancé was a little nervous. He was very cautious until he agreed to read my story and then told me he was proud of me. I haven’t had the courage to tell my parents and my sister as yet, but maybe one day soon, I will!

NNP: So Tess, when you sit down to start writing, what type of ritual do you go through or do you just wing it?

Tessa: *Laughs* I don’t really have a ritual that I’m aware of – I tend to spend lots of time day dreaming different scenarios, and then when I hit on something I like, I get it down as soon as I can. I usually start by sketching the story out into paragraphs, then chapters and ensure the story arc flows how I’d like it to. I then flesh out the details and get swept up in the passion!

NNP: What goals do you have as a writer and do you believe you will be able to attain them?

Tessa: Goals wise, I simply want to be proud of everything I write. I never started out thinking that I would ever be published, or even that anyone else would enjoy or connect with my stories. For me, everything that is happening now is just more than I ever dreamed. So, I want to do justice to the faith that so many have put into me and my writing, and to do that, I just have to be the best I can be.

NNP: Do you have any words of wisdom you have been given that you could share with other writers who are just starting out?

Tessa: Oh yes, the words that stick in my mind the most was from a supportive friend I’ve met since joining writers groups on Facebook. I was having a crisis moment, reading other writers’ works and I just couldn’t fathom how I would ever be as good as them, or ever produce work like them. I had posted a status asking whether any other writers felt the same, and the answer that came back stuck with me. She said that you can’t please people all of the time, however those who enjoy reading your work will follow you loyally despite your doubts. This is because essentially when you write from your heart, there will always be someone who will hear your voice and want to read more of your work.

NNP: Are we going to be seeing any more books like The Training of Tess, soon and if so, can you give us a brief idea of what the story is about?

Tessa: I have another Tess book in progress at the moment, ‘Tessa’s Dilemma’, where her relationship with her Master deepens to much more intense levels, but, all is not quite as it seems. However, I also have another work in progress, ‘Tickled Pink’  it is BDSM based, but definitely with a number of twists, abduction, spanking, and a little something more.

NNP: And lastly Tessa, is there anything you would like to say to the readers and your new fans?

Tessa: I’d like to say thank you to everyone who has had faith in me, who have read my stories and given me invaluable comments on how to improve and to believe in myself. Please come and find me on Twitter, Facebook and on my blog, ask me questions or just have a conversation! Speaking to new friends and old is very important to me, and hearing what my readers want for my characters is an essential part of continuing the tales of Tessa and her fellow heroines.

Twitter - @DesireDarkly

Buy The Training of Tess here!

Thank you so much Tessa for these wonderful answers and I am sure everyone who reads them will be completely enthralled by you.
Good luck with your continued success and we look forward to reading more of your work.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


by Cassandre Dayne

I know you’re probably scratching your head and wondering what the hell is this? Is this some creative way to use a fig in sensuous play? Not even close. I’ve brought you quite a bit about BDSM and I’ll finish out the month with a couple of other topics. You’ve heard me explain that many aspects of BDSM have nothing to do with sex or sadism or extreme pain. Granted, portions of all of those are certainly intertwined with a D/s relationship but the art is more about control. Control comes in many forms and for many couples who practice either play time or enter into a lifestyle certain methods of discipline are used. This can mean anything from the loss of privileges to the removal of a slave’s collar to traditional and non-traditional methods of discipline.

Figging is not only used in control but also in what some would consider a more severe form of punishment. So just what is figging? It’s the sexual practice of inserting the fingers of a ginger root into the anus. I know you’re scratching your head with this but this is a very ancient practice although some might only remember the use in certain horse shows where ginger is inserted to induce horses to hold their tails high. In Victorian times figging was used as a form of corporal punishment for discipline including methods of humiliation and chastising. And it was used in the method we’re going to talk about in today’s BDSM society, placed into the buttocks to keep the culprit from clenching during a caning or birching. Somehow the practice and the art fell out of fashion and some say it’s because of the use of products that mimic the acid from ginger including hot sauces and other peppers. But for many serious practitioners the use is preferred and highly regarded for a heavy round of discipline.

Why would this matter? If you’ve ever received a spanking before you know you clench when whipped on the ass. Whether you’re receiving a traditional spanking over his or her knee using your hand only or perhaps a brush, it’s painful and you clench your muscles. When you clamp around a ginger root the natural acids are released and a burning sensation is intensified tremendously.

Interestingly enough in doing research for this piece I’ve read the Victorian’s were a very bawdy bunch and from what I understand highly kinky. Corporal punishment was used quite often and caning the method of choice. Today if you ask people about figging about ninety perfect have no idea what you’re talking about but there are scores of societies within the BDSM community where the practice is used and touted as a favorite method of spanking and discipline. Fet Life has of course groups devoted to discussions, better methods, pictures and the forever desire to find more art depicting the practice. There are few stories with figging written within and even fewer movies on the traditional kinky sites. My guess is you’ll see more.

Proper care and preparation and I suggest a lot of reading is vital before you consider entering into something like this. How do you prepare? If you’ve ever purchased ginger from your traditional grocery store, you know it’s a brown bulbous root or hand with what appears to be “fingers” attached. Stay away from the already pre-cut variety and purchase the largest hand you can find. Try and plan so you use the root soon after you purchase for maximum effect. One of the aspects and methods of control is to have the sub watch as you prepare the root, carefully removing the skin and carving to the correct form ready for insertion. Anticipation after all is a huge part of punishment or discipline. Nothing like your Master or Dom telling you when and how you’re going to receive the strap. Sends shivers down my spine.

You’re going to need to remove the smaller fingers – you’re looking for the solid center meaty portion – and peel the root. Try and keep a long piece and in cutting make sure you remove the bumps as well. Smooth is better. Rinse off continually as you’re preparing. The goal is to have a smooth surface in a shape similar to a dildo with a taper at the end you’re inserting and a larger end that will remain outside the buttocks. The idea is not to allow the root to slip all the way inside. Yes it’s happened and I would hate to be the spankee going to the emergency room! Most people cut a notch in the bottom to aid in preventing.

Now time to insert. From the majority of people I talk with they prefer to have the sub or spankee over pillows on the bed. Remember and this is very important – DO NOT use a lubricant as it will counteract the effects of the juice. Wet ginger is slick enough to slide inside – obviously you’re being careful but you do place as far in as you can. Now you wait for a few minutes to allow a slow release of the acid and you can increase the effect after a few minutes by clenching your sub’s buttocks together. This causes a boost in the burning sensation.

Now you can spank at will and the sub generally says the effect is not only excruciating but comes as close to rapture as they’ve ever experienced. The effects usually last 20 minutes and cause no permanent harm or damage. One beauty of the piece is that you can keep the used root and use again by placing it in a Ziploc bag in the veggie section of your refrigerator. Check for moisture every couple of days and yes when there’s a touch of mold on the root it’s time for play again. Go ahead and peel lightly again and it’s much more potent. Throw away after this use.

I realize it sound a little scary but why not try it? The worst thing that can happen is you throw the piece away. And yes – before you ask you can use this in other places in the body but that’s for another day.

I hope you enjoyed…

Kisses xxx






Amazon Kindle, Barnes & Noble Pubit, Bookstrand and Coffee Time Romance

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Meet The Authors Of Naughty Nights Press

Come meet the Authors of Naughty Nights Press

Be enticed by the eager yearnings and learning of Elizabeth Black, Author of Don’t Call Me Baby. Due Out 30th September 2011Don't Call Me Baby by Elizabeth Black

Elizabeth Black Author Page on Naughty Nights Press




Amazon Author Page:

Yahoo Group:





Learn the art of sensual servitude with Tessa Wanton, Author of The Training of Tess. Due Out 30th September 2011

Tessa Wanton Author Page on Naughty Nights Press




*****DANVERS ASYLUM_Chrystian Marrero__small


We have the horrific talents of Chrystian Marrero, Author of Danvers Asylum.

Chrystian Marrero Author Page on Naughty Nights Press

Chrystian Marrero Blog



THE CABIN by Nathanial Bosch_small



For some serious submissive training, meet our resident Dom, Nathanial Bosch, Author of The Cabin.

Nathanial Bosch Author Page on Naughty Nights Press




The salacious styling’s of the sexy Cassandre Dayne, Author of SpankdownSPANKDOWN by Cassandre Dayne_small and soon to be released Red Fire – Surrender.

Cassandre Dayne Author Page on Naughty Nights Press




Friday, September 9, 2011

Copy Editor Required For Newer Digital Publisher

Naughty Nights Press
Advancement Opportunity

Must have experience/be proficient in all general aspects of US Standard English editing, ebook editing, ebook formatting and Microsoft Word.  

Prefer experience/knowledge in XML programming and metadata management.

Statistical analytics, Web design, information architecture and app development a plus.

Must have reliable computer with own software and work from own location via Internet communications, establish and maintain reasonable routine/schedule and meet strict deadlines.

Must be willing to edit all fiction genres with primary focus on Erotic/Paranormal/Horror
Including BDSM, GBLT, Menage &   Multiple Partner interactions.

Duties include editing ebooks/articles/compositions/blogs/webpages etc. in Microsoft Word (.doc) Track Changes function for all grammatical, punctuation, tense, noun and verb use etc.  Ensuring plotline flow and correct sentence structure.
Other duties reasonable/related to the position as required.

Remuneration calculated at 10% of net sales on books edited, sold through third-party vendors and publisher's website, paid quarterly.

Reply with resume, a sample of your work and references as an attachment (.doc only please) to: 

Only candidates being considered will be contacted.
No phone calls please.

Detailed Overview Of Copy Editor Position

Must Have:

The ability to competently send/receive e-mail and/or text messages, transmit and download data/books/stories etc, perform research, or review materials using the Internet.  Strong organizational skills and ability to work with minimal supervision. 

Primary Duties:

Review copy for errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling and check the copy for readability, style, and agreement with editorial policy. 

Suggest/complete revisions, such as changing words and rearranging sentences and paragraphs, to improve clarity or accuracy. 

Overseeing and coordinating multiple writing projects simultaneously. 

Arrange page layouts of multiple digital book versions, articles, photographs, and advertising; compose headlines; and other duties necessary to prepare copy for digital printing on tight and specific deadlines.

Assist on/prepare small publications/emagazines, compile articles available from the Internet, answering emails and proofread articles/blogs/webpages etc.


Carry out research and confirm sources for writers/publisher and verify facts, dates, and statistics. 

Read and evaluate manuscripts submitted by freelance writers, proofread printers' galleys, and answer inquiries about published material.


Successful Candidate will preferably have a  degree in communications, journalism, or English, however those with other backgrounds and who can demonstrate good writing skills through paid assignments or other works based upon the quality of the writing or unique perspective may be considered without regard to the absence of a degree.

- Must be able to express ideas clearly and logically and should enjoy writing/reading.

- Excel in the knowledge of the structure and content of the English language including the meaning and spelling of words, rules of composition, and grammar.

- Excel in understanding written sentences and paragraphs in work related documents.
 Communicating effectively in writing as appropriate for the needs of the audience

- Excel in the ability to read and understand information and ideas presented in writing.
Observing, receiving, and otherwise obtaining information from all relevant sources.

The position requires being meticulous about detail and thorough in completing work tasks; being reliable, responsible, and dependable, and fulfilling obligations;  pleasant with others on the job and displaying a good-natured, cooperative attitude; a willingness to take on responsibilities and challenges; accepting criticism and dealing calmly and effectively with high stress situations.

In addition, the ability to concentrate and to work under pressure is essential. Requires tact and the ability to guide and encourage others in their work.

Good sense of creativity, curiosity, a broad range of knowledge, self-motivation, and perseverance; must demonstrate good judgment and a strong sense of ethics.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Come Meet Elizabeth Black and win a copy of her new book Don’t Call Me Baby!

Don't Call Me Baby by Elizabeth Black

Naughty Nights Press is very delighted to have with us today, the incredibly talented and erotically breathtaking Elizabeth Black, one of our newest family members to be published with NNP, discussing her new book, “Don’t Call Me Baby”, an erotic contemporary romance with more than a hint of ménage’s involved.

Naughty Nights Press, will be giving one very lucky reader, who leaves a stupendous comment for Elizabeth, a copy of Don’t Call Me Baby. Please do not forget to leave your email address so we can email you if you are the winner.

NNP: Thank you for joining us today Elizabeth, Don’t Call Me Baby is your first book to be published with Naughty Nights Press, would you care to tell us a little about it?

Elizabeth: While Don't Call Me Baby takes place in 1983, it's not a time capsule revolving around important social, political, and cultural events of the time. I mention some of those events but the book's main focus is on social morés, women's role in relationships and marriage, infidelity, and sexual freedom. I hope my protagonist Catherine Stone makes you think. I also hope she pisses you off. She's certainly not a cookie cutter type of character. I took many risks with her. She's very complex and she even contradicts herself, like most people do in real life.

NNP: Where did you get the inspiration for Don’t Call Me Baby?

Elizabeth: I went to college in the early 1980s and I wanted to write about it for some time. I plan on Catherine Stone's story to be a serial, with each book representing her freshman through senior years. Don't Call Me Baby takes place in the summer of 1983, when she's a junior in college. I've noticed other erotica and romance writers setting their books in the '80s so I know I'm in good company.

NNP: Are there any parts in it that are reflective of your own life?

Elizabeth: Ha ha! Most of it is reflective of my own life. I won't say what isn't. While the characters and events were inspired by my own life and people I met and knew, all of them are works of fiction. In addition, I envision Catherine Stone's story as a series, with the first book being about her freshman year and the last book being her final year in college. I see a four or five book series depending on how long it takes her to graduate.

NNP: What is your most favorite part of Don’t Call Me Baby?

Elizabeth: Her trip to the Conquistador. I love golf resort spas and this one is based on a spa I went to in the southwest. Staying at that place was like visiting a dream world. My other favorite part of the book is Catherine's dream/quest about her Holy Grail – The Mountainside Inn. This Inn is based on a similar place I had wanted to visit when I was in college but I, unlike Catherine, never made it there. It's also based on a lovely beachfront hotel decorated in the Edwardian style I had visited several times. I hope to visit all three of these places again in the near future, especially the one I've never seen. In the book, The Conquistador and the Mountainside Inn are where she meets the man who is her match, and what a setting to meet him!

NNP: With your characters, do you have any particular person or people in mind that help you to visualize how they look, sound, react to things etc.

Elizabeth: All of my characters are combinations of people I knew and my very vivid imagination. I normally create scenarios and characters that are very much unlike myself. Don't Call Me Baby was a switch for me. Catherine is very much like me but with important differences. While Catherine is very sexually active, I wasn't quite as much as she is. I'd have been exhausted! I do share many of her attitudes, though. Some have changed quite a bit over the years of course. I wanted to create a nuanced character who was very aware of her social position and how her sexuality affected her life. I'm actually very much like Catherine, good and bad, and exposing so much of myself in book form was a risk worth taking. Catherine makes me feel vulnerable. I don't expect readers to like everything about Catherine since it's not realistic to like everything about a person to begin with. She has her weaknesses just like anyone else. I hoped that in creating Catherine with all her idiosyncrasies and contradictions that she becomes more real for my readers.

NNP: Are you married and do you have children?

Elizabeth: Yes, I’m married and I have a college-aged son who lives with us. This is my second marriage. My husband is my son's step-father. My husband and I lived together for fourteen years before finally getting married. I had already been married once and so had he. The shine had worn off marriage for us. When we married it was because we wanted to have a ceremony with the most important people in our lives – our children and my son's best friend. It was a very small event compared to my first pomp and circumstance wedding.

My views of relationships, living together, dating, sex, marriage, cheating, and divorce all play important parts in Don't Call Me Baby. What's interesting about Don't Call Me Baby is that infidelity is an important theme throughout the book. While I have never cheated on my husband, when I was younger and single I had a few affairs with married men for some of the reasons Catherine states in the book. I wouldn't recommend doing it but I understand why she did it, which is important for my readers. Like I said, I want this book to make you think. Infidelity is a touchy and uncomfortable topic to deal with and I think I handled it quite well.

NNP: If your children are young, do you explain to them what Mummy writes or do you just leave it as you write stories? If they are older, would you allow them to read your books or would you prefer them not to pick them up?

Elizabeth: Sure, my son is welcome to read my books but he won't go near them. Oh no! Mom writes about sex! He knows very well what I write because I sit right next to him tapping away at my computer in the morning, writing blog posts and descriptions of butt plugs, rabbit vibes, and other sex toys for a British sex toys company. I also write articles about sex for online magazines and I just type away at them, not hiding a thing. I'm pretty open about it without shame since I have nothing to be ashamed of. He's used to it by now. My writing is just a part of a normal day that I think is a great attitude to have with a child no matter the age. No sexual repression in this household, that's for sure. He doesn't talk about it to me to my face but I know he's mentioned my work with pride to his friends, since they told me they think it's cool I’m a sex writer.

NNP: Generally, what do your parents, siblings etc think about your writing and do they have any concerns with what you write?

Elizabeth: My relationship with my parents and sister is rather distant, but I don't get any grief from them. Mostly indifference. I don't think my sister and father would have a problem with what I write but if my mother knew how… er… detailed my writing is she's get the vapors because she's a born-again Christian. She knows I make my living working online as a writer for a company in England but she doesn’t know details. I prefer to keep it that way. My husband is an amazing amount of support. He edits when I ask. Boosts my ego when I need it. He doesn't get all "woman, git me a sammich!" on me when I'm busy writing. He and my son take my work seriously. I contribute to the household as much as they do and they give me lots of support.

NNP: Now the nitty-gritty bits. When you begin a new story, what is it that you have to do before you can put pen to paper or fingers to keyboard? Is there some type of ritual you need to go through?

Elizabeth: I took to heart a recommendation from a fellow writer who said start close to the end or the middle of the story. That way, the action flows well and you don't get bogged down in exposition. I do have a routine I follow every day. I start off the early morning with coffee and my day job work writing for a British sex toys company. Then I work on fiction for a few hours until just before noon. Then it's time for promo like blog posts, articles, and posting on Facebook, Yahoo groups, and Kindle Boards. I hang out and I try to avoid spamming although I do post lots of notices on some Yahoo groups for erotic romance books. By mid-afternoon I'm beat and ready for movies and champagne or red wine! I don't necessarily have a reason to drink champagne. I just like it.

NNP: Is writing a full time career for you or do you have a day job as well and if you do how do you juggle the two?

Elizabeth: I write as my full time career. I work as a copywriter for a sex toys company as I mentioned earlier. I also write fiction and non-fiction. Promotions are a necessary evil and they take up a good part of my day as well. I'm currently working on a sequel to my best-selling erotic bisexual werewolf novel Feral Heat, a mystery/family saga called Secrets and Lies, a horror novel called Hell Time, and two short stories. I also plan to participate in NaNoWriMo, mostly to finish my mystery/family saga novel.

NNP: What goals have you set yourself as a writer and have you met them?

Elizabeth: I've met the goals I made for 2011, which were to submit as many short stories to as many publishers with great reputations as possible. I spent from last November until about July doing all that. I'd say about 85% of my stories were accepted. Some were rejected. A few are still sitting at the publishers waiting for a decision. I have new goals for 2012. First, finish three novels I've been working on. One is an erotic romance (the sequel to my best-seller Feral Heat), a horror novel, and a mystery/family saga I've been working on for about a decade.

NNP: If you could be awarded a literary award, what one would you like to win?

Elizabeth: It depends on what I’m writing since I write in several genres. I'd like to win an EPIC for erotic romance. I'm also about to begin writing a horror novel. I'd love to win the Edgar Award or the Stoker Award. I would like to tackle fantasy and/or science fiction for the Writers Of The Future contest and win publication plus one of the monetary awards. I'd be happy being a runner-up for any of these awards. Finally, I'd be tickled if I won the grand prize in the Bulwer-Lytton Awards. That's a contest for very bad prose. It takes real talent to be that bad. I've read the winners and runners-up. I have my work cut out for me.

NNP: Now it wouldn’t be an interview without this question. Are there any words of wisdom that you have been given along the way that you would want to share with up and coming writers out there?

Elizabeth: Yes, never get upset when you get rejected. It's part of a writer's life. I set up a list of publishers and once one pub rejects my story I immediately pack it up and send it to the next publisher in line. I don't give myself time to be depressed. Read good literature including books not written in your chosen genres. Read the classics to learn how to write. And finally, write from your heart. If you write according to what you think will sell your readers will know and your works won't have the passion they need.

NNP: For our last question today Elizabeth, can you tell our readers and fans how they can get in touch with you or view your other books?

Elizabeth: I'm all over the Internet. You can't avoid me if you tried. Just address your subject line to Elizabeth Black.

Elizabeth Black - Blog and Web Site

Elizabeth Black - Facebook

Elizabeth Black - Amazon Author Page

Elizabeth Black - Yahoo Group

Well what a wonderful and interesting interview we have had with Elizabeth Black. It is amazing what you get to know about someone when you ask the right questions.

Don’t forget to leave Elizabeth a comment and include your email address, so you can be in the running to win a copy of Don’t Call Me Baby.

Synopsis of Don’t Call Me Baby by Elizabeth Black.

Due Date of Release 30th September 2011

DON'T CALL ME 'BABY' is a fast-paced, quick-witted, sexy, 150,379 word completed novel about a young woman exploring her sexuality and the cultural morés she collides with on a daily basis. It's 1983 in Maryland and Catherine Stone is sex on wheels. She plays the field the way men have done for aeons. Not content to strive for her MRS degree like so many young women her age, she seduces men of all stripes - married college professors, theatre students, virgins, complete strangers who intrigue her. She has already cost one man his job. But she asks herself lots of questions on her search to enjoy her sexuality. Why don't other women enjoy their sex as much as she does? Why do so many women and men look down on sexually free women, calling them sluts while sexually free men are called studs and Lotharios? She bucks at the double standards!  Catherine has made no commitment to any man. She's free to explore and she gladly does so. No man can tie her down and no woman's judgment will stop her from playing the field to her heart's content. Does she meet her match in a new man who introduces her to sexual bliss she had never before experienced? When she tries multiple partners and bondage for the first time as a submissive, she believes she's found the sexual bliss she is looking for - and with a man who not only introduces her to the fineries in life but also cares about her like no man ever has before.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Books to Read: Review of "The Training of Tess" by Tessa Wanton

Books to Read: Review of "The Training of Tess" by Tessa Wanton

Don't miss this review of "The Training Of Tess" by Tessa Wanton, releasing soon on Amazon & Smashwords in multiple digital formats!
It will help you decide if this will be your next "hot" purchase! We bet it will be!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Naughty Nights Press Talks with Chrystian Marrero, Author of Danvers Asylum…


clip_image004Welcome Chrystian to the Naughty Nights Press blog, it is lovely to have you here, as not only are you one of our very first authors to publish with NNP but also one of our first Horror Suspense authors.

NNP: So Chrystian for those who haven’t had the chance to get to know you yet, would you like to tell us a little or a lot about yourself?

Chrystian: I’m a seventeen year old Med student who simply loves to spend his free time writing suspenseful short stories and novels. But if you’ve read any of my other interviews, you probably already know that. So let me start by mentioning something I’ve never talked about. Writing has always been my passion, and since a very early age I’ve been writing not only novels and stories, but songs and poetry as well. In fact, a local upcoming band - with whom I have a special relationship - has decided to let me write some of the lyrics to their music; which is something I’m really looking forward to. Also, it’s always fun to mention that English is actually my second language and that Danvers Asylum is my first published novel.

NNP: What was your inspiration for writing Danvers Asylum and is it based on a real or fictional place?

Chrystian: It is based on a  real place and located in Danvers, Massachusetts. clip_image002The building used to be called Danvers State Insane Asylum . I believe it was torn down in 1998 or thereabouts. And as for my inspiration, well, it was really a combination of two things: a song titled Asylum by the band Disturbed, and an image that came to me one day while I was driving home. I saw a helpless man in a straightjacket being carried down a narrow hallway by two careless guards. The man was screaming and crying and pleading to be set free, but the guards seemed to be ignoring him completely. I saw a door covered in blood. I saw an old man taking pleasure in all these things, and urging the guards to hurt the helpless man. In the end, I saw enough to make me want to see the rest of it. So I knew I had to write it. It was really a matter of personal curiosity.

NNP: Can you tell our readers how it was that you were “found” as a writer?

Chrystian: Well, while I was working on Danvers Asylum, I had a few excerpts (and other short stories) up on StoryWrite - a website where upcoming writers can post their stories and receive feedback on the quality of their works. When Gina Kincade, owner of Naughty Nights Press read these excerpts, she immediately fell in love with them and asked if I could send her the whole novel. And after she read it, she offered to publish it through NNP! It was one of the best days of my life!

NNP: How does it feel now, two months down the track since Danvers Asylum was first released?

Chrystian: You know what? It’s quite unbelievable! Still, after all this time, it feels like something that came out of a dream. I still feel just as blessed as I did on the first day. Sometimes, hard work pays off!

NNP: What did your family say when you told them that you were going to be a published Author?

Chrystian: They were really supportive of me. Both my family and friends said they would buy the novel as soon as it came out, no matter how frightening or ‘over-the-top’ it might be. I’m really grateful for their unwavering support throughout this entire process.

NNP: Now we know that you look up to Stephen King as inspiration but one of the reviewers who read Danvers Asylum said and I quote, “Danvers Asylum is an invite to hell with a great enjoyment for the horror genre..a great new voice in horror fiction. In the same vein as Clive Barker, this book delivers.” How does that make you feel to be compared to Clive Barker?

Chrystian: Clive Barker is an excellent author. I’ve read a couple of his books and they are horrifying to say the least. I really can’t say anything other than I am honored to be compared to the likes of him, and I hope that that review will give people a clear sense of what Danvers Asylum is all about: pure, unrelenting horror!

NNP: Will your fans be able to expect another book from you soon and if so, can you tell us a bit about it?

Chrystian: They can most certainly expect another book in the near future! I’m working on my next novel as we speak and . . . well . . . that book is unorthodox in almost every way imaginable. It’s horror at its core, of course it is, and every person who has read the first few chapters has turned to me and said ‘whoa, this is too much man; this is the most frightening thing I’ve ever read’, but it has so many other elements and characteristics that I don’t think I can describe it as being simply “horror”. I think you’ll have to read it and see for yourself. Personally, I’m very exited about it!

NNP: Have you got some type of ritual that you stick to when you are writing?

Chrystian: Yes. A very simple one, really: I just write a thousand words a day. No more, no less. And I NEVER plan on what I have to write on a daily basis. I try to make it up as I go. It helps to keep the story interesting for both the reader and the author.

NNP: Is there anything Chrystian that you would say to writers who are hesitant about submitting work to a publisher?

Chrystian: The last thing you want to do is hesitate. If you feel you’ve written something that truly deserves to be acknowledged - to be read! - then DON’T hesitate to submit your work and receive the feedback it deserves. Take it from me: if you don’t put yourself out there, you’ll never find the recognition you deserve. Just go for it!

NNP: If you could say anything to your fans, what would that be?

Chrystian: I’d love to say thank you - first and foremost - you (the reader) are the reason I find the courage and determination to write every single day! And also . . . if you enjoyed Danvers Asylum . . . you’ll adore the next book! I only wish I can finish it in time to share it with all of you! Thanks for reading, and enjoy your nightmares!

Thank you so much Chrystian for joining us here today. It is such a delight to get to know one of our Naughty Nights Press Authors and I am sure our readers have learned a lot more about you. Good luck with your future endeavors and we hope to have your happy, smiling face, gracing our pages again, in the not too distant future.

Links To Chrystian Marrero:

Naughty Nights Press Author Page

Facebook page



SMASHWORDS: Use the code word HC96G to purchase your copy of Danvers Asylum and receive a 20% Discount. This discount is available until September 8th 2011

AMAZON: Available on Kindle


Can you handle a stay at Danvers Asylum? Insanity is the only way out!

Welcome to Danvers State Insane Asylum, home to some of the most demented men and women in the country. Doctor Eugene Charles - head of the asylum and manager of its inner workings - has seen his share of insanity in the eyes of every patient residing behind the walls of his asylum. But the newest addition to his facility will redefine the meaning of insanity once and for all. John Stephenson, an American writer of horror/fiction, is about to publish his latest creation and the haunting, subliminal messages that go along with them. His books are the works of a madman and the hidden verses within them will change the lives of whoever reads them . . . including yours.


The man with the golden mustache bent over and grabbed John by his feet, clutching the ankles with hands of an angered man hiding the subtle hint of fear hovering over his thoughts for a mere instant and urged the “newbie” to take hold of the unconscious man’s arms and lift him. Both men grunted heavily as they lifted John Stephenson up in the air.

“This guy’s heavy!” the rookie complained.

“Sure is. He doesn’t look like it, though.”

John’s body swung from side to side like an old, ragged hammock waving through the wind as the guards marched through the empty hall of the grand facility. Distant screams were echoing all around them, bouncing off the walls and creeping into the ears of those unfortunate enough to roam the deadened corridor leading into the facility’s West Wing; a special part of the establishment for a special kind of person. 

“They say dead bodies lose a fair amount of weight after a while, but I’ve always thought the quite the opposite. They actually seem to put on a little bit more weight just before they start to rot – at least three or four pounds – and it works just as well for unconscious bodies. It’s as if their souls become… denser; sort of heavier, by the minute.”

As the two men made their way through the narrow and seemingly endless hall holding on to a battered middle-aged novelist by the name of John Stephenson, the screams surrounding them focused on the west. The unsettling shrieks of terror and pain were coming from the depths of the very direction in which they were headed. At the end of the corridor there were two iron doors blocking their path. They were really old, perhaps almost as old as the building itself and yet they held the most important job within the whole facility. Beyond these imposing iron doors lay the unthinkable – a special place for special people. That’s where they were taking John Stephenson – the tremendously feared West Wing of Danvers State Insane Asylum.

Haunting images of lingering death and perpetual sorrow plague the mind of whoever disturbs the macabre domain of the asylum’s West Wing, distinctively enveloped by the feeling of extreme human suffering and its surreal resemblance to some kind of emotional torture chamber. It is the one part of the entire facility that is best left alone. Ignorance is bliss when it comes to that section of the asylum. 

Suddenly, the vibrant screams of those locked away beyond the rigid iron doors were degraded and silenced by the monotonous and irritating sound of a wretched rattling released by the guards’ rusty key chain, announcing their arrival to the tune of little metallic, golden keys rubbing against each other through an abrasive choir of intimidation.

The prisoners of the West Wing knew all too well the nature of that sudden visit by the guards. They only received three visits a day and this one wasn’t a regular. The first one usually took place about an hour after dawn, which was followed by a second mid-day visit. Then, right before sunset, the doors would open for a third time and they’d receive their final meal of the day before being locked away and left forgotten until the early rays of light of the following day would liven the hall with its benevolent presence.

But this time the doors were opened off schedule, which they knew meant either someone had been chosen for a much dreaded trip to the third floor, or a brand new inductee was about to grace the family of the damned. The latter seemed to make more sense to them all, and so they waited patiently for their chance to greet the newcomer through the bulletproof glass of their respective iron doors.

As the uniformed duo made their way through the narrow hallway of a place that felt haunted to all who dared intrude, they discovered something odd within one of the rooms.

It was a long and narrow hallway with small, rusty doors on both sides of it. Ten doors to the right and ten to the left; all separated by no more than a twelve-foot gap between them. They were all padded isolation rooms meant to contain the so-called “extreme” patients with great help from the infamous straightjackets they all wore inside. The compressed and overly private interiors of these deadened chambers gave them a very unique feel; they seemed to be little cubicles of grief and despair. 

“What the fuck is that?” the brown haired novice guard shouted in shock.

“What’s what?”

“Over there; third door on the right. Is that blood?”

“Oh shit! I knew this would happen.”