
Friday, July 8, 2011

Contemporary Romance Author Liz Borino Guest Interview On Naughty Nights Press Blog!

Ladies and Gentleman (naughty boys and saucy girls) I have the pleasure to announce that the Naughty Nights Press blog has the extreme pleasure of having Liz Borino join us today!

Hi Liz, welcome to Naughty Nights Press blog. We are thrilled you could be with us here today and can’t wait to share some information about your and your writing with our followers!

1. How long have you been writing? And have you always wanted to be a writer?

I’ve been writing seriously since I was eleven. Yes, I’ve always wanted to do this for a living.

2. To date, what has been the best advice or words of encouragement you've received?

Can I give two? Write the story you want to read. For a couple of reasons, first you’ll be most passionate about it. Second, you’ll have to read it about a billion times! The other piece of advice, never give up and never lose heart.

3. What are three things about you that might surprise yours fans?

1.) My biggest fear is bees. 2.)I love the theatre. 3.) I’m an out of the closet Hanson fan.

4. What genre(s) do you write? And what made you choose this it?

Contemporary Romance. I didn’t choose it. I guess you could say it chose me. I just had this story in my head. It included love, acceptance, and growth. My publisher classified it as Contemporary Romance. Okay.

5. How do you decide on your storyline? Is there a specific thing that might set you to thinking of your next book plot?

All of my plotlines come from my imagination. I mix whatever’s going on up there with things I observe in my real life. So, are you doing something interesting? Careful, it might end up in my next novel.

6. How do you name your characters? Decide on where a story takes place?

Naming characters is difficult for me. For minor characters, I use random name generators. However, a major character gets to try on different names before I select one. I usually put my characters in my favorite places so I can live vicariously through them.

7. What do you love most about writing? What do you hate about it?

I love having an outlet for my day dreams and being able to share them with other people. I think a great deal of power lies in stories. You can change someone’s life with the right story. Isn’t it awesome authors can touch so many people? I don’t hate much, except, the waiting. You wait for the editor, the beta readers, and the cover artist.

8. What are the elements of a great romance for you?

Believability. Good gods I don’t buy half this crap people are throwing at me in romance novels. I just read one where they had sex on a frozen lake. No one needs it that badly. No one. Also, relative equality between couples. I don’t enjoy stories where there’s a huge powerplay.

9. Is there a specific bit of advice you would give to an aspiring author who is looking to publish their work?

Listen to your editor, but trust yourself.

10. How did you decide on a Publisher? What were the factors that convinced you it was the right one for your work?

I did a lot of research and by the time I queried I leaned toward a small press. It turned out Lazy Day was following me on Twitter. They were a new publisher. I checked out their website and thought they’d be a great fit for my work. They were new, innovative, and open minded. Turns out they agreed!

11. Can you tell us a little about your newest or upcoming release? Where can we find it?

Expectations blurb: Expectations depicts the struggle between what we desire for ourselves and our familiar obligations. This is personified by Chris and Matt Taylor, identical twins who are trying to win their overbearing father's approval and acquire their trust funds. Their best friend and roommate, Aiden O'Boyle, left his family behind in Ireland to pursue a career in dance.

Robert Taylor, Matt and Chris's father has set certain conditions that must be met in order for them to receive their trust funds. Matt must work at a job he hates while struggling with alcoholism. Chris has to deny his own desires and deep love for Aiden, to get married to Matt's girlfriend. All the while, their father continues to use extreme measures to ensure his sons' compliance. Will they learn to lean on each other and discover their strength or succumb to their father's will?

What Money Can’t Buy blurb: What Money Can’t Buy, the sequel to Expectations, finds the two couples, Chris and Aiden and Matt and Carley, eagerly anticipating parenthood. However, their personal struggles continue. Though Matt overcame his dependency on alcohol, new temptations present themselves. And with Carley on bed rest, these temptations put a greater strain on their relationship. Chris continues to deal with issues regarding his father. These issues increase with greater proximity. When tragedy strikes, the best and worst in everyone is revealed. Can they stick together, or will their reactions tear them apart?

12. When not writing, where can we find you? Please give us a list and links any of the following you have: webpage, blog, articles and of course your books. - if you fan me, I’ll be happy to friend you!!/LizBorino
Expectations: Amazon, Barnes and Noble
What Money Can’t Buy Amazon, Barnes and Noble

Do you have an excerpt to your book we can share? A link to it is fine.

Thank you so much for sharing with us Liz. It has been great getting to know more about you and your writing. We look forward to the opportunity to have you back again soon!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Liz, It's always great to keep up with what's you are doing. Good luck with your new book. ~Steve
