
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Naughty Nights Press Interviews With a Twist, Cover Artist, Dara England!


Today marks the first day of our series of interviews with cover artists, those talented extraordinary people who paint the words that the Author’s write.

With us today would be the extremely gorgeous and talented Dara England but as she is being a busy girl making lots of Author’s and Publishers happy by producing top notch book covers, Dara was unable to actually be interviewed.

But with a twist of fate, Dara had written a blog post on her blog, WELCOME TO LFD DESIGNS,  back in July 2010 about what it is she does and was very happy for us to use her post in lieu of an actual interview.

So with many thanks to Dara England we give you her blog post:

Cover Design: How It Works

Hi all. It’s been suggested that I blog about the process of cover design and, since I’m often asked how it works, maybe this is a good time to stop and talk about it. 

The following isn’t a photoshop tutorial but rather a simple walk-through of how the basic design process works for me. Of course every artist is different and not every artist designs covers by manipulating stock photos, as I do. Photo manipulation is chiefly popular among small presses, epublishers, and self-publishers. It keeps the cost of cover design affordable yet still provides an appealing and professional quality product.

So here’s how it works (for me):

I have a standard form that I ask all authors to fill out. This form has alot of questions like, “Description of Hero (please list hair color, eye color, age, any facial hair or tattoos, etc)”. You get the idea.  The author types in their responses, returns the sheet to me (or sometimes to their publisher who passes it on to me), and I get to work.

I drop by one of my usual stock photo sites and do a search for a model who fits the author’s description. I have a dozen “lightboxes” crammed full of hot men, cute children, eerie scenery, etc that I’ve stumbled across at different times, so I usually start by sifting through those and seeing if any of them will work.

Once I’ve selected my photos I purchase them, open my design program, and get to work. If the author hasn’t requested anything terribly specific, I play around a little, positioning the photos  in different ways and seeing what appeals to the eye. Once I’ve formed   a mental picture of what I want to do and how I want the photos positioned, I can get down to the details. I crop, resize, splice, and adjust hues and lighting. I fade some layers for a “ghosted” look. I blur or smudge out anything I don’t like. I add the title and author name of course and occasionally swirly scrollwork or floral sprays. Sometimes a publisher might ask me to add their logo to the cover or an author might want a brief review snippet or blurb on their cover.

Below is a fairly simple cover I recently did for DECADENT PUBLISHING. The title of the book is THE SWEATER CURSE by Leanne Dyck. The author indicated in her cover art form (remember I send these to the author before I start making the cover?) that she’d like the cover to depict a man removing a blue sweater.

So I selected a photo of a man who matched the author’s physical description and changed his sweater to blue (it was white in the original photo). I cropped and resized him and set him on a white background. Still we needed something more. Since the author indicated in her cover form that the book was about the birth, life, death, and possible redemption of an artist, I immediately thought of placing a clock somewhere on the cover to suggest the passage of time.  There were numerous tweaks but in the end what we’ve got is a pretty straight forward cover that appeals to the eye and matches the feel of the book.

I originally created two mock-ups (rough, early versions) of this cover and emailed both to the publisher, who sent them on to the author for her thoughts. The first option was this cover, the second was one of a bare-chested man in the act of actually pulling his sweater off. This second version was more in keeping with what the author had originally suggested but in the end I think we all felt that the first option, the cover you see above, presented a more striking picture. And of course that’s what artist, author, and publisher all really want. A cover that will catch the eye of readers while suggesting the flavor of the book.

And that wraps us up for now. Next time I’ll post about what you can do to help your cover artist in creating the ideal cover for your book. Until then, happy writing.

Naughty Nights Press would like to thank Dara England for the use of her blog post. If you would like to check out more of Dara’s work or get in touch with Dara, please go to LFD Designs.

This article was posted on behalf of Ms. Gina Kincade of Naughty Nights Press.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Naughty Nights Press Interviews Editor Miranda Forbes of Xcite Books!

Today we start the first of our interviews with editors from different e-book publishing houses.

We will learn what it takes to be an Editor and if they do anything else beyond editing those books that we have come to love and enjoy.

Our first guest is Miranda Forbes from Xcite Books.

On behalf of Naughty Nights Press, I would like to thank you Miranda, for taking time out of your busy schedule to answer these questions.


NNP: How long have you been an editor for?

MF: Since we founded Xcite Books in 2007

NNP: Could you please describe your job as editor?

MF: I now head up the Editorial team (of three) so the role has changed as the company has grown. I no longer do the direct author liaison or selections but concentrate more on developing the list, our ranges, cover design and marketing.

NNP: Do you do a fully comprehensive edit, line by line edit, and a plot and continuity edit, or only one of these?

MF: We do both of these as we believe that our readers deserve a really polished product. It is also important to develop our writers and by working with our editors they hone their work and grow their skills.

NNP: Are you completely honest and blunt with an Author if there are problems with the manuscript?

MF: Yes, but if there are major flaws and issues then we will not accept the manuscript but suggest they rework it and resubmit. However, if the author is almost there, we will help them iron out minor wrinkles.

NNP: Are there any other jobs that you do above and beyond editing? For instance do you help the Author pick a title for their book; help the Author when they are having problems with their story line etc.

MF: We do sometimes suggest a title change but that is quite unusual. Unfortunately there isn’t time to help authors with plot problems – we really only accept polished, finished pieces.

NNP: How do you keep abreast of what is currently trending genre wise?

MF: We following reader discussions on social network sites like Goodreads and also enjoy meeting our authors who give us frank, friendly feedback.

NNP: Do you find it easier if you have basic knowledge of the genre you are editing or do you feel it doesn't matter?

MF: Well, the learning curve has been almost vertical as I was pretty naïve when I started but now find I’m almost too blasé at times! It’s been wonderful learning about what works for people and what doesn’t. I think good erotica needs the same basic elements and the genre adds interest, dimension and texture.

NNP: Have you or would you, ever approach an Author due to the quality of their work, and ask them to submit to your publisher?

MF: No but we do have authors that we commission to write certain things.

clip_image002Thank you Miranda, we appreciate the way you have apprised our readers and authors of what it takes to be an editor with Xcite Books and congratulations to Xcite Books for winning the ETO for 2011.

To view Xcite Books please go here.

This article was posted on behalf of Ms. Gina Kincade of Naughty Nights Press.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Erotic Author Johnny Miles Interview On Naughty Nights Press Blog!

It is with the greatest pleasure that I have with me here today Johnny Miles, author of such books as Lauderdale Hearts, Casa Rodrigo, and the recently accepted for publication, Learning To Samba.

Hi Johnny! Thank you for joining me here today Naughty Nights Press! I am very excited learn all about you and your new book and to share it with our followers so lets get started!

1. Can you share a few “interesting facts” about your self?

Interesting, huh? Hmmm. Okay. Let's see. Well, way back, I used to be a phone sex operator and I've done some porn, both in front of and behind the camera. Don't know if that's the kind of interesting you were looking for but it's probably the closest it gets. LOL!

2. What is a typical day like for you?

Oh, I don't have typical days. I'm an independent contractor so every day is different. Sometimes I get to write a little, other days I'm working on my freelance projects, and sometimes in the evenings I work at a theatre box office.

3. What “pet peeves” do you have if any?

Yes. Religion and politics. Bigotry. Racism. Close-mindedness. Adults who put down, emotionally bully, and are deliberately cruel to others are also high on the list.

4. What is the best book you read last month, and would you recommend it to a friend?

Well, I haven't been reading anything new I'm afraid. I'm re-reading the Harry Potter books before the final movie comes out. I've just started the last book and would strongly recommend the books to anyone who hasn't yet read them.

5. When did you realize you wanted to be an author?

I've always known I wanted to be a writer. I just never really pursued it with the resolve and determination you need. I would do it for a while, get rejected, then stop. Then a few years later I'd start the whole thing over again. I was ready to quit until I met Treva. That's when I decided I'd give it one last go and if it didn't work I swore to myself I'd never write another word.

6. How long have you been writing?

Sporadically? Ever since I could remember. Though I didn't like it at first. I did it because I had to. You know, at the beginning of the school year when we had to write about what we did on our summer vacation, or just after Christmas when we'd have to write about what Santa brought us. I only realized I might be able to write when I started making stuff up and started getting better grades at the compositions and themes that were assigned.

7. What was your goal for yourself as a writer when you started? Did you meet or surpass it or did it change for you along the way?

Because I wasn't sure what was going to happen when I submitted my very first ever m/m romance my only goal was to get published. As I said, I was ready to throw in the towel. I guess you can say I surpassed the goal because I wrote a second book that was also published by Loose Id. I recently found out that my third, “Learning To Samba,” will be released September 6 and I'm very excited about that one. The few people who have read the first draft said they felt as if I'd found my voice. It gave me goose bumps the first time I heard that!

8. Do you write exclusively naughty erotic romance?

For now, yes. It's been m/m up until now. Not sure what the next one will bring. However, I do plan on trying to writing m/f and, eventually, try my hand at f/f romance. I also want to write stories outside of the romance genre. In fact, sometime this year I'll be working with Untreed Reads on a piece they've accepted entitled, “Christmas, Baby.” It is most definitely not a romance.

9. How did you decide to write books in your specific genre? Was there anything that influenced your choice?

I think the one thing that influenced me the most, outside of having met Treva and being “challenged” was the fact that I used to write gay porn. I guess now everyone calls it erotica. Being gay gives me an advantage in writing the smutty scenes but that doesn't guarantee you anything. I've ready some pretty crappy sex scenes written by men. In fact, back in the 80s, when I first started writing porn, that's why I did it. Everything I was reading made me want to barf, it was so bad.

10. Do you have a ritual to get you ready to write? Something special you do to psyche you up?

Because I don't write full-time (yet!) I don't really have any rituals. I kinda go with the energy and what feels right. Sometimes, if I have a long period of time to work with, I make my French press coffee, take it back up to bed with me, and stay there to work on a scene or two. Other times I pack up my laptop and head out to a local coffee shop. Or I pick a different room in the house. The spirit knows when it's ready so, I try to get out of the way, which isn't easy!

11. What are the elements of a great erotic romance for you?

For me, it's real and believable characters. They can be historical, sci fi or even fantasy, so the setting doesn't matter to me. But the characters, for me, have to be real. I need to be able to identify with them or at the very least, be so fascinated by them that even if they're total dicks I'd still want to keep reading.

There also has to be a good story because the naughty bits are fun but it doesn't take me on a journey. I want to be taken somewhere. Make sense?

Now, if you'd ask me what was the greatest love story of all time, I'd be hard pressed to pick one. I know you didn't ask but, in no specific order, Rhett Butler and Scarlett O'Hara from “Gone With The Wind,” Rick Blane and Ilsa Lund from “Casablanca,” and The Doctor and Rose Tyler from “Doctor Who.”

12. What is your writing process like? How long does it take you to finish a story from beginning to end?

The writing process for me can vary. Sometimes, scenes play out in my mind as if I were watching a movie and all I'm doing is transferring it to the written word. Other times, it's excruciatingly painful. For example, the last book I wrote, Learning To Samba. I had to stop that one repeatedly because it deals with one man's grief and his inability to move forward, that is, until he meets João, a Brazilian med student.

I had to put myself the lead's position and imagine what it would be like to see my partner slowly fade before me and, eventually, pass away. I can't imagine my real life without my partner of 15 years so I was constantly battling depression until I was finally able to move the main character forward. Only then did the speed take off. I think it took me something like 6 or 7 months from start to finish.

13. What do you love most about writing?
14. What do you hate about it?

The thing I dislike about writing is that sometimes it is extremely painful. It fills you full of angst. At times, because I hold the story so close to me, I can't always tell if what I'm doing is the right thing. I second-guess myself constantly.

As for what I like the most about writing, is the discovery. I can get to explore mentally, spiritually, and physically, without ever getting into trouble. LOL! Frankly, the other really cool thing is that, through writing, I've been able to resolve some personal issues I might not have been able to address otherwise.

15. After writing for hours at a time how do you relax?

I watch movies. Certain television shows. Or I got out for a cup of coffee with friends. Go for a walk. Sometimes, depending on whether or not a scene was draining, I wind up taking a nice long nap.

16. What is your opinion of writer's groups? Do you find them helpful? And how did you find yours if you have one?

I'm assuming you mean critique groups? If so, they can be very tricky. Generally, I don't like a critique group because any of the groups I've ever belonged to were horrible. It revolved around the person who formed it, and anything anyone had to say was invalid. Egos rage supreme. Factions occur and splints the group. It can become very detrimental. A bad critique group can send a blooming writer running back into the closet, so to speak. A good critique group won't rip you a new one. Instead, they nurture you and make comments and critique but in a respectful and suggestive manner. I'm lucky I finally found one. I walked in prepared to hate it. But I wound up enjoying myself, the people in it and the way in which it's run. There are no egos, no pretense. Just people getting together for the joy of writing. It's a small group, too, which is imperative for the success of any writer involved in it. The guy who put it together advertised in the Stonewall Library newsletter because he felt there was a need for a group where anyone was welcome and could read excerpts of their work in a non-judgmental environment.

17. Is writing your full-time job? If not, how and when do you find time to write?

It isn't yet though I look forward to the day when it is. Finding the time is tricky between freelance work, my temp job, promo for my last book, etc. Basically it's catch as catch can. Lately, however I've decided to write only in the mornings. I give myself 90 minutes to two hours each day. So far, it hasn't exactly worked out. Something always comes up which seems to take priority. But when I get hooked on a story? Watch out. You're not going to see me for hours, if not days at a time.

18. Is there a specific bit of advice you would give to an aspiring author who is looking to publish their work?

LOL! Yes. Most definitely. Don't think that you're first book is going to save you from a crappy job you hate and make you millions. You have to work at it, a little at a time. You have to put yourself out there and connect with readers. Sometimes you have to have the faith and belief in what you're doing even when common sense and everything else tells you not to. You have to listen to that tiny voice inside your heart, the one that tells you to keep going. Above all else talent helps, of course. I think more than anything, you just have to want it so bad that you're willing to make whatever sacrifice you need to in order to make it happen. You might lose friends. You might even lose certain family members. You're true loved ones, however, will stick by you.

I think you also can't hang on to just one publication. You need to be willing to go through the entire process all over again after you finish and submit your first book.

This road isn't easy. But when things start to come together it feels so good!

19. How did you decide on a Publisher? What were the factors that convinced you it was the right one for your work?

For me, the only choice was Loose Id. It wasn't just because I met Treva Harte and really liked what she had to say. I got the vibe that she was genuine, ya know? That she's truly interested in the writer, the process, the work and the end result. Loose Id also came so highly recommended by Bobby Michaels that I hadn't really thought of submitting to anyone else since I didn't know any other publishers of the genre.

20. Can you share a little bit about your current release with us? Where can we find it?

Sure! I'd be happy to. My current release is “Lauderdale Hearts.” It's about Blake Hudson, a successful, 39-year-old advertising executive who has everything he could want. He's not rich, mind you, but he's got a fantastic apartment in Manhattan, the perfect clothes, electronic gadgets and anything he could possibly want. But when he suffers a heart attack he discovers that the one thing he doesn't have and wants most in the world, is someone to share his life with. He's kinda forced by his partners at the agency to leave New York for a short while and recuperate in Fort Lauderdale. That's where he meets Ricky Sanchez, a hunky 25-year-old, latin massage therapist who shows Blake that there's more to life than chasing after money.

The book was released by Loose Id this past January and can be purchased through them. It's also available through Amazon, A.R.e and several other distributors.

21. Where can your readers find you? Blog/Website/Twitter or any other links you’d like to share with us please feel free.

I'm part of a Yahoo group called “The Sweet Spot” which also features S.J. Frost and Sloan Parker. The url is: My website is: People can also befriend me on Facebook.

This has been a phenomenal interview and I would like to say thank you Johnny for taking time out of your day to tell us all about yourself and your writing.

I am sure there will be many updating their TBR lists after this!

LOL! Thank you. The pleasure was all mine. It was great fun and you can invite me back to your couch anytime!

About Johnny Miles

Johnny Miles has been writing erotica since 1985. His work has appeared in various magazines but it wasn’t until 2008 that he began to take writing seriously. That’s when he submitted his first m/m romance, Casa Rodrigo, to e-publisher Loose Id.
His second novel, Lauderdale Hearts, was also released by Loose Id. Now, Johnny is spreading his wings and branching out into different genres.
Johnny is currently working on a third romance entitled “Learning To Samba,” which was recently accepted for publication by Loose Id.
He currently lives in Fort Lauderdale with his partner (and silent sufferer) of 15 years, along with 3 lunatic Pugs and a prissy, Prima Donna cat.
His romance novels are available through Loose Id.
For more information about the author, you can visit his website

Posted By:
~ Lady Gina Kincade, The Mistress
Author of Erotic and Erotic Paranormal Romance
Owner of Naughty Nights Press
Naughty Nights Press (NNP) Blog
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Copyright ©2010 Naughty Nights Press (NNP)

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Realizing The Dangers Of Adding Facebook Requests From People You May Not Know:  Before It's Too Late!

A recent friend request prompted me to blog about this subject today.

Perhaps I am just wary of adding people not vouched for after an incident in a private group with a friend getting harassed by some guy (same guy who sent me a message too, and he wasn't even unique about it apparently) and two others suddenly losing their accounts. 

But for me when someone has only a few mutuals and isn't in any of my groups, nor does he appear to be an author, I just see danger. 

After removing & blocking this particular offensive individual, I again had such a request shortly after.  It smelled bad to me (maybe same guy created another account) so I decided this time to ask the five mutuals we shared.

In this particular case three of the other mutual friends replied promptly and said he randomly added them this morning and in the end I also realized he was underage anyway so uh, no, don't think so!  Not good to allow underage people on your account! Moments ago I just had the last of the mutual friends confirm that he'd requested us all this morning. As another friend mentioned too, we wonder what list we're on!

My advice, and I believe it to be wise advice, is unless you know them or they are suggested by someone you know & trust I'd be aware of potential trouble.
In this business, with our content being purely adult, I see no reason to add someone who is underage that I don't know. Only twice have I made exceptions to this rule, one was for an aspiring author who was very honest about only being 17, whose birthday was a few months off, but who had asked me as a friend for the purpose of learning about writing.  I was flattered at being asked to Mentor him and he has not disappointed me yet.  He has always maintained an adult level of communication with me and several others I'd eventually suggested him to for learning purposes.

The other was also an author, but one I'd found who I wanted to publish and had parental consent to do so.  He is a damn incredibly talented writer too!

So in a nutshell, please be very careful who you allow on your friends list or you too could find yourself the center of a very major negative issue from harassment to fb banning, none of us need that!

My theory:  Not many mutuals, doesn't appear to be an author, not suggested by a trusted friend or have any common denominators or sends me an inappropriate pm... Any of these in my opinion equals a NO in the friendship request.  Even then, be careful, if the above doesn't apply, not everyone is truly wanting to be a friend.

We authors have to watch out for each other too.  If something seems off to you, take a minute and warn your friends that may be on his list too!
If it hadn't been for a friend letting me know what the first guy was doing (my busy schedule had kept me from the group that day) then I may not have known he was up to no good until it was too late.

Take care, stay safe and keep on writing!

Yours Faithfully,
Mistress Gina

Wednesday, July 20, 2011



Does that do something for your sexy drive? It does for me. I don’t think there’s anything better than a couple of bronze kissed men in the middles of the islands. I can only imagine a dip in the sea with two hotties and preferably naked. I know what you’re thinking - the sand will creep into all the wrong places. No ladies, there was ways to prevent the itchy trauma. I’ve blogged about sex clubs before – both the good and sometimes ugly sides but I wanted to give you another kind of sex club. These are designed with nothing but pleasure in mind.

You’ve probably heard of Hedonism before. It’s a secluded and exclusive club that caters to men, women and couples providing fantasies of every kind. Some you can preplan when you books your itinerary and others might be planned as a surprise. Either way, you’re going to have a wonderful time. Many of the clubs require that you are screened medically before you can set foot into the establishment to ensure that everyone will have a wonderful time without fear of catching any diseases. There are other clubs that cater to even darker sides of kind and they are spread all over the world.

Could you travel with a girlfriend to a wonderful island cove where the water is a dazzling cerulean blue, the waves are gentle, the beaches infused with shimmering pink crystals and the men even steamier than the beach?

I’ve experienced such a place. St. Maartin is such a wondrous island retreat and I went with a girlfriend of mine several years ago – just the two of us. We stayed in a wonderful castle like hotel on the French side and it was every woman’s fantasy. The pool boys were all golden haired and sun-kissed and Carol and I really didn’t want to leave the facility…but we did and found Orient Beach. Have you ever heard of it? It’s a saucy nude beach and let me tell you – it’s one of the most breathtaking places on earth.

And to answer your question, yes we sunbathed in the nude. Trust me that we had no worries as while there was delicious eye candy, others were lacking in…well, you get the picture. We loved it. We met several gorgeous French men that claimed to know no English and we had a VERY good time. Could you do it?

In Taming Paradise – two girls do just that. Not only are they staying in a exclusive location but they our little heroine finds herself in the middle of a hot game where she seduces two New Zealand hunks in the middle of the surf. Hmm…just imagine what happens for an encore. Let’s take a taste...


Shannon Myers had it with men. Finding her fiancé, Randolph, in bed with a naughty blond vixen half her age did little for her self-esteem and despair settled in. Incensed, her best friend, Amy, whisked her way to a Caribbean island and a well known Hedonistic spot so that she could recover while convincing her to have a wicked fling of her own. Developing a naughty game titled Taming Paradise, the first one that bedded not one but two stunning hunks would win. Her spirit crushed, Shannon refused until she took one look at New Zealanders, Brandon and his rough-hewn friend Kyle and knew that two young studs just might be her ticket to a slice of happiness. Instantly the nights turned saucy as Brandon introduced her to a very kinky society, where all things scandalous were on the menu.
Shannon found herself falling hard, until she realized that he was none other than Randolph’s son and she was embroiled in a ruse that included releasing her inner most secret and very erotic cravings they had shared together years before. Racing back to the states, she was determined to put the experience behind her. However Brandon wasn’t playing a game. He had been in love with her for years and the moment he found out about his father’s behavior, he was determined to win her heart. It took nefarious planning, a surprise visit from Randolph and a series of truths to finally convince her to take a chance with a young man that stilled her heart and filled her every desire.


The knowing look that passed between the two told Shannon many things. One, they weren’t new to picking up women and two they were also into sharing. She nibbled on her bottom lip and her nipples hardened into little pebbles at the thought. Go on girl, you deserve this. Taking a long sip of her drink, she licked the rim and looked each in the eye.
“You boys into skinny dipping?” She set her empty glass down onto the sand and placed her hands onto her hips.
Brandon laughed and reached for her. “You’re playful as well as luscious, a dangerous combination.”
God she could stare at his gorgeous face all day, but instead she scuttled away, grinning and unfastening her skirt, holding the material out to the side. “You think?” The filmy material fluttered to the sand. “Can you boys handle this or um…too hot for you?” Shannon twirled in circles, tempting and teasing as she unfastened her top and in the most daring manner she could imagine pitched it to the side, allowing them to see her firm breasts for the first time.
“Oh…my…God,” Kyle breathed and moved forward.
The cat and mouse game began. With deft fingers she lowered her bikini bottoms, flung the wisp of material over her shoulder and took off in a dash toward the surf praying to God she didn’t look ridiculous racing toward the ocean. She tumbled into the salty water as a wave crashed over her, knocking her to the wet sand.
Seconds later two sets of hands jerked her from the comfort of the warm water and directly in Brandon’s arms. She gasped the moment his hard cock grazed against her belly. The men were now naked affording Shannon her first glimpse of what could only be described as the most gorgeous thick cocks she’d ever seen. Whimpering softly, Shannon resisted the urge to grab Brandon’s.
Kyle gingerly parted her legs and danced his hands up from the inside of her knees to the tender flesh of her inner thighs. “Sexy woman and so very hot. You have no idea what you started.”
Oh, hell yes I did. The dark baritone of Kyle’s accent shimmied off her back and she fought the whimper that caught in her throat. When Brandon captured her mouth and thrust his tongue past her lips, she could taste the harsh edge of his whisky and a hint of spearmint candy. Shannon wrapped her arms around his neck and stood on her tiptoes as the kiss became a force of passion and wild abandon. Brandon’s hands slid down her back to cup her ass as Kyle reached between them caressing and fondling her breasts, pinching her nipples until her pussy flowed from the sweet anguish sizzling her blood.
Their tongues entwined as Brandon held her, grinding his hips into her, his hand opening her ass cheeks and lifting her legs from the sand.
Kyle brushed the golden locks from her neck and pressed kisses across her flesh, then his tongue darted out to mirror the efforts of his mouth.
“You taste like sweet cherries, ripe and fresh for picking,” he whispered across her skin.
Every part of Shannon’s body shook as Brandon and Kyle drove her into a wild frenzy. She entwined her fingers in Brandon’s long locks, as the musky hint of his exotic cologne wafted across her nose. Somehow the warm scent was dangerously inviting and a reminder of just how much she loved having a man take her hard and fast.
Brandon eased her back toward the surf, his kisses growing more frenetic and laced with a dark hunger. He jerked her body to his, holding her tightly as if she might run. “Ataahua, you still me.”
Shannon inched her fingers across his hips and down to the softness of his pubic hair. As his hard cock throbbed in her palm, she shuddered and craved being devoured to the point of exhaustion. He was long and thick and hard, and no doubt hungry for her. She broke the kiss and nibbled Brandon’s lower lip as Kyle eased her back against his cock. Dear God, was it truly possible that both men were built like brick shithouses? That little bad girl that had always existed in Shannon knew the answer. Holy hell, they were hot, studly and offering their bodies on a silver platter and she was famished.
Kyle’s fingers slipped inside her pussy, flexing open and closed in an orchestrated dance, sending a cascade of tingles racing down her spine. All the while he licked and bit her shoulder as he whispered words she couldn’t completely understand, but every whisper of heated breath sent another series of sizzling jolts deep within her pussy.
Brandon yanked her hair, forcing her back into a deep arch and sucked her neck, licking the soft underside of her tender skin as he slid one hand over her breast, pinching and twisting her sensitized flesh.
Shannon moaned and would have been lost to gravity had the water not kept her afloat. The soft waves pushed the three of them together and an amazing rush of sensations flooded her body as Kyle pressed two more fingers inside. Brandon eased his hand over hers, encouraging her sensual movements as he squeezed her fingers around the thickness of his shaft. Needing no guide, Shannon moved up and down on his cock noting every vein, her thumb moving back and forth across the thick head.
Kyle forced his fingers in deeper, driving into her as his other hand wrapped around his leg to tickle her clit in circle after circle, teasing her until she shivered.
“We want you. Will you allow us to make love with you beautiful baby?” Brandon’s whispers were ragged, hoarse from the intensity of his longing.
“Will you allow us to give you every pleasure you so desire?” Kyle added, his destructive glance telling her that his beast had risen.
Every single movement of their hands, their cocks and their lips drove Shannon to the utter brink of sexual rapture and back again. It was as if she was submitting to a pleasure beyond her control. Kyle drove his fingers in and out of her slick pussy as his other hand eased her ass cheeks apart. He slid the tip of his finger inside her dark hole wiggling back and forth. She threw her head back and clawed Brandon’s arms as he lowered his head and nipped first one nipple and the then next, drawing the flesh between his teeth and biting. The water lapped them with gentle waves and Shannon was transported into a mindless field of nothing but tumultuous sensations.
“God…oh God…”
Kyle pressed another finger and then another inside her ass as his other hand worked in a delicious unison driving her off her feet and into Brandon. Removing his fingers from her pussy, he grunted as he continued thrusting his fingers into her ass past her tight ring of muscle. “I’m going to fuck you here,” he breathed.
Dear God, I hope so. “Oooohhh….Je-sus.” Shannon tried to focus, yet the warmth of the water and the incredible sensations of their erotic actions created a shower of vivid colors and swirls stealing her vision. Her heart was ragged as it beat frantically against the walls of her chest.

So tell me – could you do something so wicked and shameless? I have a feeling I know the answer…

Kisses xxx





Spankdown on Amazon Kindle

Spankdown on Smashwords

Saturday, July 9, 2011

When Reality Overtakes Fantasy by Author Marcos London

When Reality Overtakes Fantasy

Some time ago Genèvre recorded and watched The Jane Austen Book Club. Adapted from a novel by one of my favorite authors, I resisted watching it because I guessed that the movie could never capture Karen Joy Fowler’s exquisite prose, and besides, the trailers looked pretty schmaltzy.

When Genèvre saw it, she confirmed that, yes, schmaltz and sap made up two of the key ingredients, but that I would like it. “The women are all professionals of a certain age. That alone will interest you.” That one of the primary male characters is a science fiction fan smitten with Maria Bello only piqued my desire to watch.

Of course I watched. And, to a certain extent, enjoyed, despite some major misgivings. Its key appeal for me, however, lay not in the story, or the discussion of Austen’s work, but in the women “of a certain age,” specifically, Bello’s burgeoning relationship with a man in his twenties.

In other words, “cougar” territory, which has fueled much of my imagination for a long time, and began, as with most sexual awakenings of men my age, with Playboy.

As a teenager, of course I snuck peeks at the magazine at every available opportunity. One could make jokes about reading it for the articles (which, to be fair, often were very good, especially interviews with people as diverse as Jimmy Carter, Robin Williams and David Halberstam) or the fiction (often featuring writers as diverse as Robert Silverberg, Lawrence Block and Joyce Carol Oates), but frankly, I wanted to see the women. Even when I let my subscription lapse in the early 1990s, I was very clear that, yes, I might read a good story, I might gain insight into an interviewee, or find fascinating political or economic analysis, but first and foremost, I was contemplating not only the centerfolds but also the other pictorials that might grace the magazine’s slick pages. Other magazines provided more erotically charged content, often far more graphic than anything Hugh Hefner’s brainchild could provide, but their seaminess, their crude photos, and, frankly, their paper’s inferior quality did more to turn me off than on.

Of course Playboy was selling an image of manliness, which fueled both my everyday and erotic imagination. And like all fantasies, its unattainability made it all the more desirable—not just for the cars and clothes advertised and featured (I learned a great deal about fashion when I wasn’t ogling the perfect breasts of Miss November), but also in the women. In my impressionable teenage mind, the women seemed far worldlier than the girls who shared my classes. They held an allure and sensuality lacking in the drill team who marched on the football field with those pimply-faced band geeks during half-time shows. And their self-possession burned into my brain far, far more than the most of the very beautiful, popular adolescents with whom I shared classes.

Age, too, played a part. It wasn’t necessarily that the women were older than I. But to a sixteen-year-old, these women who were either entering college or leaving it, who were embarking on careers in anything from economics and law enforcement to (of course) show business, the five-years plus differences in our ages only added to my own hopeless infatuation. Would I ever catch up to these gorgeous creatures in terms of age, sensuality, intelligence (don’t laugh; I became smitten with one centerfold who stated that her favorite writer was Roald Dahl) and grace? Whether I could ever attract the interest of such women…well, that was another matter entirely.

I stopped reading Playboy in the middle of the 1990s. I was newly married to my first wife, and we were raising our first child, so the lifestyle Playboy offered had little place in a world where I was fresh out of college and trying to make ends meet on a file clerk’s salary. Its concerns became alien landscapes, more familiar than the surface of Mars but somehow even more removed from my day-to-day concerns. And I was passing the women by not just in age but also, it seemed, in sophistication. By the time I received my last issue in the mail, I often shrugged at the pictorials. Formerly glamorous, enticing women now appeared to have more in common with high school girls I hadn’t thought of since graduation.

But my interest, or fascination, or obsession, with women “of a certain age” never quite stopped. Even when married to a woman roughly my age, they kindled the fantasies that burned in my own head. I loved successful, professional, sexually active women, finding them far more desirable than women my age. Though the term “cougar” had yet to enter the contemporary vernacular, and even the acronym MILF was a few years away, these were the women, ultimately, that I found attractive.

As I went through my first divorce, and later lived with a woman fourteen years my senior, I found that I had, in a sense, attained the unattainable. When that relationship dissolved, I still found that the women who appealed to me possessed that worldliness, that grace. And even better, they could find me attractive; a lowly civil servant found himself dating lawyers, economics professors, and, eventually, an interior decorator whom I eventually married.

I haven’t looked at an issue of Playboy in years. I have no idea what goes on between the covers, and the covers themselves appeal about as much as listening to Britney Spears’s off-key warbling. Each issue features nubile lasses with sun-kissed skin and long, often blonde hair who look, however beautiful, like a parody of the women I remember. Whether I see them in a Barnes and Noble or in an airport newsstand, I’ve never felt the desire to purchase and unwrap the shrink wrapped covers. Curious thing, fantasies: they seldom hold up to reality, especially when you’re living precisely the reality you wanted.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Contemporary Romance Author Liz Borino Guest Interview On Naughty Nights Press Blog!

Ladies and Gentleman (naughty boys and saucy girls) I have the pleasure to announce that the Naughty Nights Press blog has the extreme pleasure of having Liz Borino join us today!

Hi Liz, welcome to Naughty Nights Press blog. We are thrilled you could be with us here today and can’t wait to share some information about your and your writing with our followers!

1. How long have you been writing? And have you always wanted to be a writer?

I’ve been writing seriously since I was eleven. Yes, I’ve always wanted to do this for a living.

2. To date, what has been the best advice or words of encouragement you've received?

Can I give two? Write the story you want to read. For a couple of reasons, first you’ll be most passionate about it. Second, you’ll have to read it about a billion times! The other piece of advice, never give up and never lose heart.

3. What are three things about you that might surprise yours fans?

1.) My biggest fear is bees. 2.)I love the theatre. 3.) I’m an out of the closet Hanson fan.

4. What genre(s) do you write? And what made you choose this it?

Contemporary Romance. I didn’t choose it. I guess you could say it chose me. I just had this story in my head. It included love, acceptance, and growth. My publisher classified it as Contemporary Romance. Okay.

5. How do you decide on your storyline? Is there a specific thing that might set you to thinking of your next book plot?

All of my plotlines come from my imagination. I mix whatever’s going on up there with things I observe in my real life. So, are you doing something interesting? Careful, it might end up in my next novel.

6. How do you name your characters? Decide on where a story takes place?

Naming characters is difficult for me. For minor characters, I use random name generators. However, a major character gets to try on different names before I select one. I usually put my characters in my favorite places so I can live vicariously through them.

7. What do you love most about writing? What do you hate about it?

I love having an outlet for my day dreams and being able to share them with other people. I think a great deal of power lies in stories. You can change someone’s life with the right story. Isn’t it awesome authors can touch so many people? I don’t hate much, except, the waiting. You wait for the editor, the beta readers, and the cover artist.

8. What are the elements of a great romance for you?

Believability. Good gods I don’t buy half this crap people are throwing at me in romance novels. I just read one where they had sex on a frozen lake. No one needs it that badly. No one. Also, relative equality between couples. I don’t enjoy stories where there’s a huge powerplay.

9. Is there a specific bit of advice you would give to an aspiring author who is looking to publish their work?

Listen to your editor, but trust yourself.

10. How did you decide on a Publisher? What were the factors that convinced you it was the right one for your work?

I did a lot of research and by the time I queried I leaned toward a small press. It turned out Lazy Day was following me on Twitter. They were a new publisher. I checked out their website and thought they’d be a great fit for my work. They were new, innovative, and open minded. Turns out they agreed!

11. Can you tell us a little about your newest or upcoming release? Where can we find it?

Expectations blurb: Expectations depicts the struggle between what we desire for ourselves and our familiar obligations. This is personified by Chris and Matt Taylor, identical twins who are trying to win their overbearing father's approval and acquire their trust funds. Their best friend and roommate, Aiden O'Boyle, left his family behind in Ireland to pursue a career in dance.

Robert Taylor, Matt and Chris's father has set certain conditions that must be met in order for them to receive their trust funds. Matt must work at a job he hates while struggling with alcoholism. Chris has to deny his own desires and deep love for Aiden, to get married to Matt's girlfriend. All the while, their father continues to use extreme measures to ensure his sons' compliance. Will they learn to lean on each other and discover their strength or succumb to their father's will?

What Money Can’t Buy blurb: What Money Can’t Buy, the sequel to Expectations, finds the two couples, Chris and Aiden and Matt and Carley, eagerly anticipating parenthood. However, their personal struggles continue. Though Matt overcame his dependency on alcohol, new temptations present themselves. And with Carley on bed rest, these temptations put a greater strain on their relationship. Chris continues to deal with issues regarding his father. These issues increase with greater proximity. When tragedy strikes, the best and worst in everyone is revealed. Can they stick together, or will their reactions tear them apart?

12. When not writing, where can we find you? Please give us a list and links any of the following you have: webpage, blog, articles and of course your books. - if you fan me, I’ll be happy to friend you!!/LizBorino
Expectations: Amazon, Barnes and Noble
What Money Can’t Buy Amazon, Barnes and Noble

Do you have an excerpt to your book we can share? A link to it is fine.

Thank you so much for sharing with us Liz. It has been great getting to know more about you and your writing. We look forward to the opportunity to have you back again soon!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011



Recently I brought you a taste of highly erotic clubs where all things kinky are on the menu. Imagine taking your Sub to a specialized club where you can choose whether others can flog them at will or perhaps engage in some very open group sex? Perhaps you simply want to show him or her off as you hold the collar and leash tightly. Then again, as in my latest and rocket selling piece, Game Over shows you, there are sex clubs in which the audience members become a part of the show. Fantasies are chosen and very special guests selected to be played out on stage sometimes with their lovers and sometimes with actors.

Yes, they are designed to be safe and that’s why membership is generally exclusive. These acts can range from simple performance of ménage to something a bit kinkier like BDSM. No matter what is selected, the entire audience seems to enjoy and everyone is a participant whether being a voyeur or an active player.

But what if the clubs are even more exclusive with fewer members and the acts performed are not necessarily enjoyed by Sub or in this case, the slave? Generally these clubs are exclusive in nature with few members and the activities are held behind closed doors in private residences and highly secretive. Some clubs cater to more vanilla aspects of sharing and group sex while others truly enter into the dark side where the slave performs in many different methods. From pleasing the host performing oral sex to shared slaves giving the patrons a kinky show engaging in acts of ménage, punishment and BDSM – there are different flavors for each group. In certain establishments being invited to join is highly revered and the slave is groomed for the particular game at hand.

I want to make sure in writing this fairly dark piece that you as a reader understand that the majority of contracts established in Dom/sub relationships are negotiated and involve trust and love and the joy of sharing a lifestyle or playtime together. TRUST – notice I use that word over and over again. It’s important for you to understand. This also isn’t about exploitation of children in ANY way. I refuse to engage in even minor conversations about this horrid behavior.

BUT – there are still situations in which those that long to engage in the lifestyle get in over their heads and their masters take their pleasure to a bit of a darker side. Sometimes the sub simply doesn’t know how to get out of the situation and they truly love their masters so they endure being shared. Is this exploitation? Some might say no as they allowed themselves to enter into this type of contract. I say yes at least in some relationships but I’m not here to judge.

Certainly if you are considering entering into a lifestyle where clubs are participated in, both the Dom and Sub must talk about what’s involved. If you both agree then enjoy. If one party doesn’t agree, then what does that tell you?

In my latest penned release, I’ve given you a taste of a two tortured men whose pasts haunt them even after a decade. It’s how these two lovers come together and work to rid their demons that I hope will grab your heart. I’m giving you scene – a memory of my hero, Razer Willis who used to be owned by a cruel master. Remember, this is simply fiction but should give you a taste of what’s out there.


“I like this one, Tim. He’s beautiful. Can I take a taste?” He hissed as he pulsed a finger down Razer’s back.
Razer fought screaming as he lowered his head as required, as he’d been taught. He stared up at his master who held the chain tightly, jerking his head up.
“Perhaps. For a price, Joel.” Tim cooed and yanked the chain again. “You eye your visitors, slut. Do you understand?”
“Yes, master,” Razer breathed.
“You need to tame this one I see, “ Joel chuckled as he stepped back, glancing down at the Razer. “Are you sure you don’t need help with this beautiful specimen of a love fuck?”
Tim inhaled and entwined his fingers in Razer’s hair. “Not yet. I’m having way too much fun showing him off and toying with him. He’s going to the ranch next week.”
Razer’s ears perked up. He shivered knowing exactly what that meant. So many went to the ranch to be trained as a dog and so many didn’t return. Suddenly the dog collar seemed tight around his neck. Closing his eyes, he controlled his breathing as he always did during times of punishment. It was the only way he could survive the torture.
“Well, if you’re sending him to the ranch then it must mean this beautiful creature is worth more than I thought. I’ll give you two thousand dollars for one night before he goes,” Joel said as he sucked in his breath.
Leaning over slowly, Tim pressed a single finger into the man’s chest. “And what will you give me after his return?”
Razer heard the words but went inside the special place that kept him sane. Fighting the shakes that always garnered additional strikes of the whip, he swallowed hard and remained still.
Joel smiled and knelt down. “May I touch?”
“Certainly,” Tim stroked Razer slowly, his hand grazing down the length of Razer’s back.
Joel cocked his head and reached out, lifting Razer’s chin with a finger. “You have incredible eyes. My God you’re gorgeous. I bet you’re a damn good fuck. Lift him if you will.”
“Certainly. Up, pet.” Tim wrapped his hand around the chain and pulled Razer to his knees. “Show the man your wears.”
Razer shook and clenched his fist closed as the man called Joel cooed and grazed his hand down Razer’s chest slowly, finally cupping his cock and balls. He winced and bit back a moan as Joel squeezed hard. He was not to speak no matter what.
“Very nice. He’s thick and long and you’ve done well with him so far. I love seeing the cock ring on him. Very sexy. If he comes out better than he goes in then I’ll give you ten thousand for one night upon his return.”
“Deal,” Tim growled.
“Not so fast!” Joel held up a finger as he rose from the floor. He sniffed and turned his hungry gaze toward Tim. “As long as I get to have him my way.”
Razer blinked furiously. Everyone on the circuit knew what Joel enjoyed and as his heart skipped, he knew he was going to break free of his imprisonment before that would ever happen.
Tim sighed and allowed Razer to slide down on all fours. “Very well but he is not to be harmed permanently.”
Joel snickered and pulsed his finger inside his mouth as he stared down at Razer. “Very well.” As he sauntered away, he glanced back once, blowing a kiss.
“Very good, my pet. You’re coming up in the world. I’ll make sure you have a few more scraps of goodies tonight.”

“No!” Razer fought hard, striking out into the darkness, his heart racing. Unable to breathe, he clasped a hand over his heart and moaned, almost falling out of bed. While he knew where he was, the visions, the memories kept him from understanding what was around him. Flashes of light marred his vision as echoes of his screams filtered into his ears.
“Shit! Razer. I got you. It’s okay.”
“What? No! NO!” Razer fought with his captor, scrambling to get out of his reach. “Please don’t! No. No! I’ll be good!”
“Razer, it’s Blake. Blake. Blake,” Blake whispered softly as he held Razer, forcing him to stop moving. Using every bit of strength he had, he forced him to stay on the bed as they both panted.
“No…no…I…I…” Razer lolled his head and sucked in his breath. He knew Blake was holding him and that the damning vision was just that but as he gulped air, he struggled to calm his breathing. “I’m…okay…I’m…”
“Just shut up and let me hold you,” Blake breathed.
Razer dropped his head and sighed. “Why now?”
Blake eased back and took Razer’s hand. “Because it’s time to let go.” As he took Razer’s head into his hands and pressed a kiss across his lips, he whispered softly, “and you’re ready to let go. One of the reasons that you can’t love me, Razer is that I don’t want to be anybody’s Dom and you need that in your life. Whether you choose to admit it after what Tim did to you or not, it’s true. I think finding the right one is the only way you’re ever going to heal.”

I know – it’s haunting and edgy but I assure you that demons are dealt with. I hope it gives you some thoughts about the lifestyle and a realization that there are still dark sides of sex and exploitation.





Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Naughty Nights Press (NNP) is calling for Female Domme ebooks.

We want Domme Novelettes, Novellas & Novels told from the Domme POV.  
Let those Mistresses out there give us an inside view of what they do, how it makes them feel to have total control and why they love it so much.  What makes a woman crave dominating her partner(s)?
Poly relationships welcome.
Must have a strong romantic plot line, HEA or HFN but main focus on the female Domme sex!
A consensus from our readers told us this is what they crave, what they desire most to read and what they just don't find available much yet, let's give it to them!
Bow to the untapped, hardcore, erotic romance, ebook market and write your Female Domination Ebook and submit to
Please ensure you follow our submissions guidelines explicitly. We reserve the right to discard submissions, that do not follow our guidelines, without notice.
*Please Note:  Although we like to encourage unrestricted, free and creative writing and we encourage those stories that extremely “push the naughty limits”, you must let us know whether the piece contains any questionable content.  We do put disclaimers about content if it could potentially disturb our consumers, so please let us know in advance.
For example, we allow non-consent/reluctance under certain “role  play”, BDSM or other similar circumstances, but it should not be meant to cause non consensual harm to another character in the story. Writing about child abuse in the past of a character is one thing, but we do not want to read about the nasty details nor have it as part of the stimulation in the work.
No bestiality except in the obvious specific case of paranormal works.  No children or persons under 18 years of age in sexual acts within the story and no incest content.  We are not interested in father/daughter or the like.  We do not publish works that cross our idea of an invisible line of moral vulgarity in any way.  It's a very fine line.
Please visit our website at for more details!
Royalties are 40% net with exclusive rights for 36 months.

Naughty Nights Press
"Pushing the naughty limits and taking our readers to the next level of eroticism!"

Sunday, July 3, 2011

NNP Welcomes Madison Belle As New Marketing & Promotions Assistant!

Naughty Nights Press excitedly announces that we have a new addition to our ever-growing family yet again!

Ms. Madison Belle joins NNP as an assistant to our Marketing and Promotions team, reporting directly to our awesome Ms. Penny Peterssen, Director of Marketing and Research.

Ms. Belle is a most welcome addition bringing both her expansive knowledge and experience in promotions for Silver Publishing and many other firms over the years as well as a new eye on multiple other facets of the business as we all work together as the aforementioned team!

As are all employees of NNP, Ms. Belle is a published author, which we feel gives her an all important inside view to the best promotion methods as well as where NNP is realistically going to best bring their advertising. Ms. Belle is constantly seeking out and employing new and improved methods of promoting for both Naughty Nights Press and Silver Publishing and we are very happy to have her in our corner as we begin our venture on cornering a piece of the erotic ebook market as our very own.

About Ms. Madison Belle:

She has hundreds of online adult web content and advice articles published, has eight novellas published under a pen name- which she likes to keep separate from Madison's persona and is always researching new avenues to help promote authors.

Ms. Belle enjoys filling her day, and most nights, with the new, ever changing, challenges of writing, blogging, creating promotions and assisting other authors in the attainable dream of going from a hobby writer to a published author as she continues to pursue and achieve her own recently modified writing career goals.

Naughty Nights Press knows the advantage of having someone of such ability on our team and we cannot wait to see what the future brings with Ms. Belle!

We look forward to all she has to offer in the coming digital publishing years!

Congratulations Ms. Madison Belle!! Welcome to NNP.

And since we are making announcements and revelations on new NNP team members, we take this opportunity to congratulate Ms. Penny Peterssen as she is promoted to Personal Executive Assistant.
She replaces Ms. Faith Knight who has left her partnership in Naughty Nights Press to pursue a relaxing and stress free life with her husband-to-be in the Netherlands.

Ms. Knight leaves NNP with a heavy heart and sadness that a five month long battle with continued illness prevented her from contributing to the building and creation of Naughty Nights Press as she originally intended and feels that due to the sole efforts of Ms. Gina Kincade and Ms. Penny Peterssen in making NNP the incredible team and business that it already is, Ms. Peterssen is the person to rightfully step into the position.

For now Penny will continue her current position as Director of Marketing and Research in addition to being the PEA directly to Gina Kincade, which despite really requiring the work of three people, Ms. Peterssen has been doing now for almost a year. Congratulations Penny!

Naughty Nights Press has been and will continue to be an ultimate success and wickedly unique company bringing a new level of epublishing to authors and readers around the globe!

Friday, July 1, 2011

BDSM Has A New Official Kinky Erotic Writer! Spankdown by Cassandre Dayne releases July 15th!!

Do you want to play a game?

BDSM Has A New Official Kinky Erotic Writer!

The Diva Of Delectable Diversion, Cassandre Dayne, has once again enraptured her readers with her naughty writings! Move over Anne Rice cause here comes the next generation of household name in the hottest, most daring erotic writing!

Cassandre Dayne, already well known for her spicy erotic books, is the newest name claiming the erotic market as the best writer of erotic BDSM articles and upcoming books!

Articles by Ms. Dayne in relation to her upcoming BDSM books and subsequent research will be shared exclusively on the every month! Watch the NNP calendar on the blog for her upcoming articles and book release dates and make sure you don't miss out!

Cassandre's newest release from Naughty Nights Press
"Spankdown" will be out this coming Friday July 15th! You don't want to miss it so mark your calendar!

Victoria Miller is a professor at one of the most prestigious schools in the country. She's also the creator of several adult blogs about spanking and BDSM. Craving a man that can understand her kinky needs, she settles for enjoying her passion through her writings, but she admires one hot college student, Drake Myers. The God like blond fuels her every night fantasies, but he is completely untouchable. Or so she believes.

Stumbling upon her blogs by accident, Drake decides to turn up the heat between them. He adores the voluptuous red-headed vixen and enlists the help of a college buddy, developing a kinky plan to have her take a tumble with him in bed and perhaps more. As he begins sending her secret poems, indulging in her need to be dominated, he is unable to resist her and one day they enter into a wicked tryst smack in the middle of her office. The game still yet to be played out, he threatens to expose her secret. And just as he decides to stop his nefarious rouse, she turns the tables.

Pages: 46
Release Date: July 15, 2011
ISBN: 978-0-9876894-2-9
Genre & Sub-Category: Erotic Fiction/BDSM/Ménage
Heat Level 5+
Coming soon to Amazon Kindle and Smashwords in multiple digital formats!

Visit Cassandra Dayne's Author Page on Naughty Nights Press

Read an excerpt from Spankdown

Read Reviews Of Spankdown
By Casey-Lyne Johnson
By Lindsay Klug

Watch the hot "Spankdown" Video!

About the Author:

Cassandre started writing stories and poems before she knew how to ride a bike and proceeded onto novels by age eleven. By the time she was an early teenager, she had written fifteen novels. As early adulthood, college and life settled in; writing was placed on the back burner but never forgotten entirely. Suddenly awakened by the rampant fantasies and untold stories of characters that flowed through her dreams every night and filtered into her daylight hours; she could hold back the creative process no longer.

Cassandre writes highly erotic romance stories and novels in the contemporary, science fiction and paranormal flavors.
Currently she has six erotic romance novels published with Rebel Ink Press and several more under contract. Her recent titles include, Treats in a Plain Brown Wrapper, Her Sinful Long Legs, Revving Her Wild Engines, Shadows of Panic and Wicked Desire, Wicked Wager Among Friends -- Tales from Lucifer's Lair -- the first in a series, Breakfast Eye Candy, and her first m/m piece is coming out in June titled Game Over. Her first full-length novel will be released in August titled Truth, Dare or Dangerous Intent.

In addition, as her alter ego Bethany Halle, she is the host of two blog talk radio shows with Robin Falls Red River Radio. The Fire of Fantasy & Darkness airs every other month highlighting writers and other artists in the fantasy, science fiction and paranormal genres. Dare to Take the Plunge also airs every other month featuring writers, publishers, cover artists and reviewers in the erotic romance genre. She also is a weekly/monthly contributor to Naughty Nights Press and Queer Online Magazine.

She is a Passionate Ink finalist for their Passionate Plume contest with Treats in a Plain Brown Wrapper and has received several four and five star reviews for her work.

Enter her many worlds where dreams and fantasies become realities and the fear of the unknown hopefully will keep readers intrigued for many years to come. Visit her to learn about her saucy contemporary and paranormal hotties in her erotic books. May they bring you as much wonderment and joy as they do Cassandre.
Tell me, will you dare to take the plunge and enjoy a touch of the wicked?

Visit Cassandra Dayne's web site
Visit Cassandre's blog
Visit Cassandre @ Twitter

Member of:
Virginia Romance Writers
Romance Writers of America
Passionate Ink
ARRA – Australian Romance Readers Association

Book Backlist
Treats in a Plain Brown Wrapper
Her Sinful Long Legs
Revving Her Wild Engines
Shadows of Panic & Wicked Desire
Wicked Wager Among Friends - Tales from Lucifer's Lair
Breakfast Eye Candy

Coming soon

Taming Paradise - July
Truth, Dare or Dangerous Intent - August
Deception, Domination & Hunted Desire - September
Through His Looking Glass of Desire - October
Power Struggle - October
Sinful By Design - November

All books are available on