
Saturday, June 25, 2011

Author Elle D. Hayes joins Gina Kincade on Naughty Nights Press blog!

It is with the greatest pleasure that I have with me here today Elle D. Hayes, author of an upcoming release entitled Wynter’s Blossom.

Hi Elle! Thank you for joining me here today on the Naughty Nights Press blog! I am very excited learn all about you and your new book and to share it with our followers so lets get started!

1. Can you share a few “interesting facts” about your self?
I am a proud Romance Groupie and have been since I was twelve. I get the biggest kick out of meeting an author I’ve admired from afar. I’m also an unrepentant clothes horse and shoe collector.

2. What is a typical day like for you?
Well a girl has to pay the bills so I still work a full-time job in finance. Thankfully I’m a night owl or maybe part vampire. Either way, my creative juices don’t start flowing until its dark outside. I write for about four hours most weekday evenings. On Friday and Saturday evenings I work until dawn.

3. What “pet peeves” do you have if any?
A personal pet peeve would be people who treat others poorly and people who complain all the time.

4. What is the best book you read last month, and would you recommend it to a friend?
Seven Nights by Jess Michaels and yes I would recommend it in a heartbeat.

5. When did you realize you wanted to be an author?
It’s been something I’ve thought of doing for years but would always talk myself out of it. Then a couple of years ago, right before a milestone birthday, I decided to give it a serious try. I haven’t looked back since.

6. What was your goal for yourself as a writer when you started? Did you meet or surpass it or did it change for you along the way?
My only goal was to get published. Now that I’ve almost reached that goal I’m setting new goals for myself. One is to release at least three books this year. Another is to attend at least one big conference next year.

7. Do you write exclusively naughty erotic romance?
At the moment, yes. I’m not opposed to exploring other genres but erotic romance is what moves me right now.

8. Do you have a ritual to get you ready to write?
Something special you do to psyche you up? Not a ritual really, but I do need to limit distractions. I usually listen to instrumental music unless there is a certain song that really fits the story I’m working on. Wynter’s Blossom had a soundtrack. There were certain songs I listened to while writing it that just seemed to fit the different chapters.

9. What is your writing process like? How long does it take you to finish a story from beginning to end?
I do an outline first and try to be as detailed as possible. I seem to need the structure of an outline. The amount of time it takes to finish a story varies. I have a novella I worked on recently that took forever to finish because I struggled with two pivotal scenes.

10. What do you love most about writing? What do you hate about it?
I love the creative process. Creating characters and worlds is thrilling. I haven’t found anything to hate yet. Even the editing process, which everyone warned me I would hate, was so exciting to me. I guess I’m still in the honeymoon stage of my writing career but frankly speaking, I hope I stay here.

11. After writing for hours at a time how do you relax?
One of my favourite ways to relax is to read. I also like shopping with my daughter and going to basketball games with my husband. My family keeps me centered.

12. Is there a specific bit of advice you would give to an aspiring author who is looking to publish their work?
Network with other writers! You can do this via Facebook and/or Twitter and also by joining a professional organization. It’s important to have other people who understand what you’re going through. I joined a few private groups on Facebook and the support has been phenomenal.

13. How did you decide on a Publisher? What were the factors that convinced you it was the right one for your work?
I formed a friendship with Jayha Leigh of Beautiful Trouble Publishing on Facebook. I expressed my disappointment after having Wynter’s Blossom rejected twice by large publishing houses. She volunteered to critique it for me. About a month after sending it to her she asked if I’d be interested in contracting with BTP. Needless to say, I jumped at the opportunity. The wonderful thing about working with Jayha and her partner Jeanie Johnson is they’re also writers so I feel like they get me.

14. Can you share a little bit about your current release with us? Where can we find it?
Wynter’s Blossom is a paranormal story set in modern day Montana. Lots of badass werewolves to drool over and heroines you’ll cheer on. This is the first book in my Unity Pack series. Future books in the series will explore various relationship dynamics like interracial, younger man/older woman, and a few surprises. E-books can be purchased on the Beautiful Trouble Publishing website.

15. Where can your readers find you? Blog/Website/Twitter or any other links you’d like to share with us please feel free.
I have three online “homes”.

This has been a phenomenal interview and I would like to say thank you Elle for taking time out of your day to tell us all about yourself and your writing.

I am sure there will be many updating their TBR lists after this!

Thanks for having me. I hope visitors to your site enjoy reading Wynter’s Blossom as much as I enjoyed writing it. I want to encourage them to visit one of my online homes to let me know what they think.

Posted By:
~ Lady Gina Kincade, The Mistress
Author of Erotic and Erotic Paranormal Romance
Owner of Naughty Nights Press
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  1. Very lovely girl just as I thought - I wish you so much luck in what I know will be a fabulous career.

  2. Awesome interview Elle. Loved getting a peek inside your head

  3. Great interview Elle!

    Congrats on the release!

  4. Thanks everyone and big hugs to Gina for making this such a good experience. I'm really looking forward to unleashing my wolves on the unsuspecting reading world.

  5. Bring on the pack is all I can say!!

  6. Elle, I love your outlook on edits. There is nothing to hate about writing as far as I'm concerned. Your book sounds panting hot--yeah pun intended.
