
Saturday, February 5, 2011

Erotic Author Margie Church Interview on Naughty Nights Press!

Welcome Margie! It is great to have you at Naughty Nights Press.

Thank you so much for taking the time to do an interview with us!

To our followers & fans: Margie will be sharing some personal information about herself with us as well as information about two of her erotic books, Dangerous Love, the second book in her "Love Bites" Series which is already available *squeal* and her new release Love Revisited, the sequel to "WET", available on March 7th! *happy dance*

I know you are all just as excited as I am to read Margie's interview so I shall stop babbling and we can get to it!

1. Tell us a little about yourself.

Thanks for having me, Ladies! Hugs, Gina for having me! Love that shot on your banner. Yeow! I might need a copy for my private collection. *wink*

I am one of those crazy people who's either writing or thinking about writing. I work as a copywriter and editor during the day and write books, fan fiction, and magazine feature articles the rest of the time. I've been a professional writer years and years and I've been writing fiction for four years. I have five romances and a nursery rhyme (surprise!) on the market. I'm married and have two sons. We live in the Midwest where there's tons of snow and I can't imagine living somewhere else right now. I enjoy a good laugh. If you follow me on Facebook, Twitter or any of the reader's loops, you'll figure out I'm an instigator of many naughty chuckles.

2. When did you realize you wanted to be an author?

I wrote in a fan fiction challenge and took second place. I'd never written anything longer than five or six pages and never fiction. All my work was for commercial publications and advertising. I was extremely intimidated by the 30,000 word challenge but, afterward, I'd cranked out half of an amazing romantic suspense. The Forbidden Love readers *waves to all those amazing EJAMI fans* really loved the story. I thought, "Shoot, maybe I can do something with this." I did. It turned into my debut novel, Awakening Allaire and then a sequel, Avenging Allaire. (Yes, that's the smoking hot Jimmy Thomas on the cover with a gun in his hand.)

3. What is your most & least favorite part of writing?

I'm not crazy about research. It's time-consuming work that's absolutely necessary, but I can spend hours looking for information to validate a sentence or two. I also struggle with finding subject matter experts. Any doctors out there who want to be in my short list of SMEs, raise your hand!

My favorite part of writing is coming up with the plot. I see the story in my head long before I write it. I envision the characters, and hear them speak, and get a strong sense of who they are before I ever write a word. I'm a plotter, not a pantser, so I write down the story arch and I get so excited as I see things unfolding. I can't wait to dive in…as soon as the research is done. Drats.

4. Do you have a ritual to get you ready to write? Something special you do to psyche you up?

I usually go back a couple pages to get my head back in the story. With kids around, I can't hope for quiet, so it's necessary to tune out the world and tune into the characters. Love scenes are a bit different. I tend to think about those quite awhile before I write them. Sometimes I'll be typing with my eyes closed (and hopefully fingers on the right keys) to really get things down.

5. After writing for hours at a time how do you relax?

I was once told by a physical therapist I don't know how to relax and probably never have. (Can you believe I was rushing through a relaxation technique? Yeah…that's me.) But, when I do get away from work, I love music, especially classical music. I go to the opera several times a year and I love concerts. I adore walks at night. The night is peaceful and I prefer the distraction of the moon and the stars to the busy-ness of the day anyway. I also enjoy a good beer with my girlfriends.

6. Where do you write?

I have an office at home.

7. Does your environment have an impact on what or how you write?

Nope. I am very disciplined about writing – usually about 1,000 words a day and I always write in the same place. I have to say that I need more quiet when I'm editing. Getting rid of pesky passive voice and all those other technical requirements take some clever thought. Quiet helps, but it's not always available.

8. What is your opinion of writer's groups? Do you find them helpful? And how did you find yours if you have one?

I belong to a few online and they are helpful. Writing is a solitary business most of the time and there's so much to learn. I asked fellow authors for recommendations about these kinds of groups and lurked in a few until I found a few that suited me. I have beta readers that I choose depending on the book. All these things help me put out a better story!

9. What are some of your pet peeves in life?

I hate stupid questions. I'm blond so I get a free pass some days, but honestly, I hate answering questions that peeps with a little more gumption could figure out themselves. I think elbow grease isn't just for elbows, you know?

10. What is your advice to aspiring writers?

Put your ego in the drawer and put on your big girl panties. There are opportunities to learn and grow at every corner in this business, but it often comes in the form of rejection and difficult conversations with your editors. Suck it up and decide if you want to write the very best books you can or whether you want to insist on doing it your way. Both work, but you'll have different results most times. I also made friends with Sesame Street. When I can't take any more conversations about what I need to do to be a better writer and market myself better, The Count never fails to make me smile. (No wonder I write vampire books, too, right?)

11. What can you tell us about your newest book (e-book) just released or coming out?

The second book in my Love Bites series is Dangerous Love. It was released at Thanksgiving. If you enjoy an erotic vampire story that isn't sparkly or have females begging to be turned into creatures of the night, then these two books should interest you. The stories scamper around the globe and have amazing plots and subplots. There's also not only a fantastic, steamy romance between Wade and Jui, but there's also dark bondage and some gay romance. The reviews have been fantastic and I invite you to check them out at Noble Romance and at Amazon or your favorite eBook retailer. They'll also be coming out in print.

12. Is there anything else you would like to add that we might have missed here today?

The sequel to my contemporary erotic romance, WET, is coming out March 7, from Noble Romance. Look for it if you enjoy hot hetero romances!

I always enjoy meeting new people so I hope you'll check out my books and find me on Facebook and Twitter. I'm usually around and look forward to saying, hey!

Keep up with Margie:

Margie's website and blog: Romance with SASS
Twitter: @MargaretRChurch
Facebook: Margie Church
Noble Romance Buy Link
1Place For Romance Buy Link

Thanks for joining us Margie! It has been great getting to know more about you. I know I for one am looking forward to your future releases and will not hesitate to share my thoughts of them with my followers so they too can enjoy!
Hope to see you back here again real soon!

Post By:
~ Lady Gina Kincade, The Mistress
Author of Erotic and Erotic Paranormal Romance

Mistress Journals Erotic Stories Forum, Founder and Administrator
The Mistress Journals of Gina Kincade Blog
Naughty Nights Press (NNP) Blog
Owner of Naughty Nights Press

Copyright ©2009-2011 Mistress Journals
Naughty Nights Press (NNP)


  1. Thank you for having me, Mistress Gina. It's always fun to meet new readers and make friends. Best wishes with your company. I'll be keeping an eye on it.


  2. Hi Margie and Gina,

    Great interview Margie. Didn't think you'd have the stamina after our interview with Jimmy Thomas, but you sure did. Relax - you don't know the meaning of the word.

    Love the site Gina. I'd love to be invited for a visit sometime.


  3. Typing with your eyes closed? Rushing through a relaxation technique? You are so funny Margie :D I loved Wet and the Love Bites series. I cannot wait for Love Revisited :w00t:

  4. Hi Margie!

    Weird. I hit post comment here but I had to sign in. Signed into my google account and it posted to Noble Authors Blog. Lmao. Mad scramble to delete.

    Sheesh! I was posting...I love learning more about people I see on other loops and facebook. I really get surprised some times. Like I never would've imagined how you got your start. FanFic? Never would've pictured it. Fun!

    Thanks for sharing a part of who you are.
    All my best,

  5. Hi Brita, yes, last night was a blast and I just got home from church and an all-afternoon drumline meeting. Good thing it's Super Bowl Sunday so there'll be lots of snacks to eat instead of cooking dinner. Who cares about the game, bring on the commercials!

  6. Gail - yeah typing with my eyes closed is helpful! I see what I'm going to write in video style first...then I hear it. I tend to edit as I write so closing my eyes focuses all my attention on what I need to get on the screen without any distractions.

    Thanks for being such a great friend and fan!

  7. Allure, I've done that "wrong post" thing too many times. grrr! So, I wonder how did you think I got started as a fiction writer? It's always nice to hear from you!

  8. Hot website made hotter by Margie. Great interview! AS always!

  9. kb...thx for stopping in. You're such a flirt.
