I had a miserable week because I decided to try to "fix" my computer and ended up breaking it beyond repair. Luckily, I backed up everything long beforehand. My computer is fixed now as of a few hours ago after being out of commission for over a week, hence this very short blog post. Here is my message:
Back Up Your Files!
1. Have a backup set up on a flash drive, separate server, zip discs, or other physical means.
2. Email yourself important documents as you work on them. Your email will preserve your work.
3. If you have access to the Cloud, use it.
4. Email your stuff to a close, trusted friend to keep it for you in case something horrid happens and you lose it.
5. Use a backup service if you wish but I don't really think it's necessary. It's also an added expense.
I'm lucky that I already back up everything like crazy. This mess could have been a real tragedy if I hadn't. My brief post is a friendly reminder to back up your documents and such to avoid losing valuable material.
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Writer's Block Sucks
Writer’s Block. We’ve all
heard of it. Heck, we’ve probably all had it, regardless of whether or not we’re
a writer. Maybe we’ve experienced it trying to write a report at work, or for a
school assignment. Maybe in trying to write up a grocery list.

There are many things can
cause writer’s block. Stress is a large part of it, which has many causes of
its own. Money, work, personal or family issues often get in the way of
stress-free lives.
So what do you do when
stress puts up walls that prevent you from writing?
Well, you could cut
yourself off from everything and become a hermit. There are a few famous
authors, and even painters, that shut themselves off to the world to focus on
their craft.
Usually these days,
however, that isn’t an option. Bills need paying, and family and friends are
less likely to allow you to become a hermit. Believe me, I’ve tried!

Another way to beat it is
to just start writing. Let your mind wander like just mentioned, but write it
down while it happens. Pretty soon, you’ll be making awesome progress, and as Stephen
King once said when asked how he writes, “One word at a time.”
Making that effort every
day to just write something, even if it’s just a list of groceries, or
reminders of things to research or appointments to keep, questions to ask; it
makes no difference of the what. It only matters that you write.
Limiting distractions also helps, so try to avoid social media. Goodness knows I've lost hours on Facebook. So close that Internet tab and write!
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Who Is Gemma Parkes?
From an early age English
was my favourite subject. I am in love with the written word and hugely
influenced by Shakespeare, Dickens and D. H. Lawrence. I appreciate peace and
quiet when l write. I couldn’t possibly listen to music as l would focus on the
instruments instead of my work. My day to day life slows down my creativity as
it is often impossible (at the moment) for me to close myself off.
I have been writing all my
life but have only specialised in Erotic fiction since 2011. I live a peaceful, but busy life in rural England. I have a beautiful
view from my windows and as a result l tend to stare out and get distracted
when l should be writing. Having said that, my garden can, on occasion, inspire
me. My writing routine is not as organised as l would like it to be. Perhaps if
l had a cleaner, cook and shopper l could devote more time. I would imagine
this is the same for all my writing colleagues.
Writing in this genre
brings with it a level of animosity which causes many of us, including myself,
to hide behind a pseudonym. My family and friends know what genre l write in,
but they do not know my pen name.
I am a freelance author
who self publishes a large chunk of my work. This is because l enjoy the
process of self publishing, it has its disadvantages of course, the editing
which falls on my shoulders alone and the search for a cover design. I do send
work to publishers and have many anthology inclusions (see below). I have been
extremely happy with the publishers l have dealt with and am very proud to be associated
with them and lucky enough to be included in anthologies bearing their name. I
would like to write something longer than a novella and intend working on that
some time in the future. For me though, short stories are so much fun to write
and l love the variety and freedom it gives me.
I describe myself as a
storyteller, l like to tell sexy stories about ordinary people. I don’t like
being tied to one sub genre as my mind is always full of new situations and
I sympathise with some of
my characters and of course, much of my opinion and emotion comes out
throughout my writing. Do l have a favourite? I like Scott from ‘Pleasing Mia’. He is a really nice
guy! The whole story is about His love for the seemingly unattainable Mia and
we follow Scott through a multitude of emotion and self doubt.
On a weekend visit to a
local nightclub, Scott, a quiet, good looking man, sets eyes on a beautiful
girl dancing with complete abandonment on the dance floor. Everybody is
watching her, though she seems oblivious to any attention she is receiving. The
girl (Mia) is simply lost in the music.
eventually circumstances lead her to succumb to his quiet charm Scott discovers
Mia’s wild sexual nature is not restricted to the dance floor. As he struggles
to keep up with her sexual prowess and ever changing moods Scott discovers a
side of himself that he had not deemed possible. Pleasing Mia is by no means an
easy accomplishment. Will Scott succeed?
Sunlight beamed through the pale
roller blind adorning Scott’s small bedroom window and cast a warm ray on to
Mia’s golden hair. Scott woke sleepily and glancing
down, noticed that they had hardly moved all night. Mia was still lying
with her head on his chest. With her arm wrapped around him, she looked just
like a sleeping angel.
Scott glanced across to the alarm
clock. It showed 8:30a m. He wondered briefly if she had to go to work and
realised once again that he still knew very little about her. He wanted to make
her coffee but knew that to do that he would have to disturb her. Right now he
was happy to reflect in the brilliant shine her hair was affording him,
mirrored only by the glow within his soul. Lifting his head he kissed the top
of hers, tenderly. Mia stirred, and began to stroke his soft chest hair with her small hand. He could
feel his morning erection and longed to reach down to stroke against it with a
lazy but determined hand. There was no need, Mia had already found it and ran
her fingers the full length of him. He groaned deeply as his cock twitched with
“Good morning baby.” Scott
Her reply was a slow smile followed
by her head lowering beneath the sheets towards her hand which was still
gripping him tightly.
“Oh!” he gasped as her
lips wrapped around him sliding him deep into her mouth.
Short Bio:
Gemma Parkes is a freelance writer from the UK who
specializes mainly in Erotic fiction. Her writing covers a variety of sexual
genres. Gemma enjoys fine wine, great food and the company of funny,
intelligent people who love life as much as she does.
Previous publication credits include short stories
with Ravenous Romance, Cleis Press, House of Erotica, Naughty Night's Press,
Yellow Silk Dreams and many more...
Buy links:
Contact me:
Thursday, March 6, 2014
BLMorticia Interviews Michael Mandrake - ILIR Blogtour N'awlins Exotica
Good morning. Today my muses are playing together. Well okay, no not really but yes, BL is interviewing Michel Mandrake. And BL has some special news. Take it away muses.
* * * *
Livin’ in N’awlins ain’t all that easy…
Kajika Fortier loves his job, the attention he gets from onlookers, and Frankie Choteau. However, his new partner’s jealousy, mood swings, and over protectiveness drives Kajika to the brink but at the same time, excites him to no end. To complicate things further, a murderer is on the loose looking for blood. All three of the killer’s victims are strippers which not only makes Frankie nervous about Kajika’s safety but leaves him questioning his love for being a homicide detective. Coupled with the stresses of cold cases as well as some fellow officers shunning him for coming out, Frankie is having second thoughts about staying in New Orleans. Despite the encouragement from Vance, Kenina, and Orrin as well as new chief Quinn Murray, Frankie is wondering if his life’s passion really is to catch the killers.
Will the new couple survive these new issues that impede their nearly perfect union? Or will the relationship fail, thus leaving Kajika alone and a target for New Orleans latest serial killer? Detective Choteau and Kajika’s commitment to one another is being tested in more ways than one and they only have one another to lean on.
Kajika stepped out of the tub, grabbing the towel nearby to dry off. He’d been looking forward to spending the night and the early part of the day with his man, but duty called, causing Frankie to run out the door without saying anything more than ‘I’m gone’ and ‘I love you’.
Michael Mandrake pens complex characters already comfortable with their sexuality. Thorough these, he builds worlds not centered on erotica but rather the mainstream plots we might encounter in everyday life through personal experiences or the media. To find out more please visit http://tabooindeed.blogspot.com.
Author Sharita Lira: In one word, crazy. Just crazy enough to have 3 different muses running around in her head, driving her to sheer exhaustion with new plot bunnies and complex characters. This happily married mother of two beautiful children loves music, computers, reading, and still enjoys reading and writing fanfiction. She’s a proud member of the Erotica Readers & Writers Association, as well as an advocate for rights of LGBT citizens. She’s also a contributor to the heavy metal ezine Fourteeng.net.
For more information, please visit http://www.thelitriad.com as well as her Facebook fanpage, The Literary Triad.
The Literary Triad - http://www.thelitriad.com/#!
Michael Mandrake – http://tabooindeed.blogspot.com
BLMorticia – http://blmorticia.wordpress.com
Rawiya - http://rawiyaerotica.wordpress.com
TriadPromo - http://triadliteraryworks.blogspot.com/
Twitter - http://twitter.com/#!/rawiyamikembl
Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/TheLiteraryTriad
AuthorGraph - http://www.authorgraph.com/authors/rawiyamikembl Signup for Newsletter
* * * *
Hey peeps. This is BL on NNP’s blog, interviewing brother muse Michael
Mandrake, but before I bring him in a bit of news. *drum roll* My book Under
the Gun, that ironically used to be Michael’s has been contracted by Naughty
Nights Press. This book has a hot couple, Camdyn and Malik. Malik is a former
soldier while Camdyn is a PI looking for love and a new partner. Together they
make up Hardy and Day. This small novella series will feature the twosome on
big cases while they make sexy, hot love. *licks lips* I’ll be filling you in
some more as the time comes but lets bring in brother muse, Michael Mandrake.
*Michael walks in, dressed in a three piece suit and tie. Smiles at the camera.*
Hi there BL. Thanks so much for having me.
No prob bro. So tell us about I Love it Rough, the sequel to I Like Em Pretty.
Well, as you said, it is a continuation of Kajika and Frankie’s story, set in
New Orleans about two men getting together after a tragic event occurs. This
tale is a follow-up into their relationship but I add some suspense, murder,
and some sexual tension that makes this book in my opinion better than the
first. Its not a romance, more like a mystery, complete with a serial killer,
unrest between the characters and of course Kajika himself who is also
Yes he is. He’s a piece of work. I caught his interview a few days ago. And
what about the surprise you have planned?
Well, I have a couple. One might not make some people too happy but the other
should bring a smile to fans of Ryland and Ryder Durand. They’re making an
appearance in this story. How do I do it? You’ll have to read to find out.
oohs and aahs*
Wow, bro. You sure you don’t want to give us a sneak peek?
No, I can’t BL. Then it would take away a big part of the story.
*pouts* Alright then Well tell us more about the series and how me an Rawiya
fit into this.
*Michael’s eyes widen* Now, now, Kenina is very nice. She just needs some TLC.
BL is going to give her a great story too. She’s a woman scorned. And then you’re
writing book 4 which will be Orrin’s story.
Oh yeah, Orrin is the goods. *rubs hands together*
And then Rawiya takes over book 5 with Naomi, then back to me with book 6. And
actually you’ll be the first to know that there might be a book seven. I haven’t
really made up my mind but another character in this series needs some TLC as
Ooh, well I’m looking forward to it Michael. Kenina is a gal after my own
heart. Now, last question, how would you summarize the N’awlins Exotica series in
one word?
*blinks* Just one? I’ll go for, saucy. *laughs* That’s the best way I can put
it. Its exotic, erotic, chaotic, it’s… all of these and more. It’s really a fun
collection and Im glad we’re all working on it together.
Great bro. Well thanks for stopping in and folks if you haven’t checked out
this series, please do. It is a blast!
*Audience cheers*
*Audience cheers*
Livin’ in N’awlins ain’t all that easy…
Kajika Fortier loves his job, the attention he gets from onlookers, and Frankie Choteau. However, his new partner’s jealousy, mood swings, and over protectiveness drives Kajika to the brink but at the same time, excites him to no end. To complicate things further, a murderer is on the loose looking for blood. All three of the killer’s victims are strippers which not only makes Frankie nervous about Kajika’s safety but leaves him questioning his love for being a homicide detective. Coupled with the stresses of cold cases as well as some fellow officers shunning him for coming out, Frankie is having second thoughts about staying in New Orleans. Despite the encouragement from Vance, Kenina, and Orrin as well as new chief Quinn Murray, Frankie is wondering if his life’s passion really is to catch the killers.
Will the new couple survive these new issues that impede their nearly perfect union? Or will the relationship fail, thus leaving Kajika alone and a target for New Orleans latest serial killer? Detective Choteau and Kajika’s commitment to one another is being tested in more ways than one and they only have one another to lean on.
Kajika stepped out of the tub, grabbing the towel nearby to dry off. He’d been looking forward to spending the night and the early part of the day with his man, but duty called, causing Frankie to run out the door without saying anything more than ‘I’m gone’ and ‘I love you’.
Damn job.
Kajika wished Frankie worked a nine to five instead of the dreaded detective
position he held at the police station. They hadn’t had much time with the
workload being so large due to shortage of staff, and it affected their
relationship more than Kajika would’ve liked. At first he thought he could handle
it; the excitement of his hot homicide detective out in the streets solving
murders. Such a dangerous career but with it came nice money and accolades.
Although Kajika was scared to death of blood and dead bodies, he loved hearing
about some of Frankie’s cases, including the more intriguing ones that had yet
to be solved. Tonight though, he would’ve traded all that in for his Frankie to
be by his side.
In bed with me, where
he should be.
finished wiping down and wrapped himself in his terry cloth robe to get ready
for bed. He’d thought about staying up and watching some television, hoping
that Frankie might return sooner than later, but he knew the truth. When called
in, detectives don’t make it back home within a couple of hours. More like a few
hours, or even half the day, would pass before he’d see his man again. As long
as he came home safe, Kajika would deal with the amount of hours he spent away
from their warm bed in Kenner, Louisiana.
the way to the bedroom, Kajika wrapped his hair in the towel, drying his long
strands. He glanced at the clock on the wall and grimaced when he noticed the
big and small hand hovering over the two.
Now I know I won’t see you until breakfast.” Kajika clicked his teeth and
stomped on the trail of rose petals, angered by their night being interrupted.
He pushed their bedroom door closed and leaned against the wood. “Damnit. We
haven’t done a whole lot other than late night cuddling, quickies in the
bathroom or on the kitchen floor. I need more than that, Frankie…I need−”
long buzz sounded from the dresser, and Kajika moved quickly to see who was
or at least Kajika hoped it was, calling him with the news he’d be returning
home sooner than expected. Although farfetched, Kajika could still wish his
husband to be back early. He gulped hard and said a little prayer before
clicking the connect button. “Hello?”
then a sigh. “Babe, it’s me… I… I got some real bad news to tell you,
sweetheart, but I’d rather you hear it from me as opposed to anyone else.”
released a deep breath and shrugged. “Are you okay, love? Something bothering−”
I’m good, boo, but−” Frankie stopped a moment and blew hard through the phone.
plopped on the bed and crossed his legs, wondering what the heck his man was
talking about. Bad news? What could it
possibly be? Kajika nibbled on his bottom lip while he toyed with the
frayed threads on his housecoat. “What is it, lover?”
the murder I got called in for was…” Frankie ceased speaking again and sounded
a little choked up about it.
held his breath and blinked twice in succession. “Who Frankie? Come on, just
spit it out, right…who…”
Miles, babe. Lana’s been strangled to death.” Frankie spoke quickly to get the
words out.
stared straight ahead, and his heart caught in his chest. Oh my God! Unable to cope with what he’d just heard, he dropped his
phone and immediately the tears welled under his eyelids. Lana? Oh my God, who killed her? She was a good person…she…
Babe, you there? You okay, love? Talk to me, honey.”
Overall Series Blurb
The N’awlins Exotica/Paranormal series
The city of New Orleans is rich in tradition, diverse, and known for the inspiration it provides. In the “Big Easy” there lies the hunger for the erotic as well as the unknown. The residents here feel that sexual energy and it reveals itself through their various creative activities.
Join the characters as they take a wild ride on the edge, enjoying their town for all it has to offer. There’s a certain magic in the air, an erotic magic that cannot be ignored.
To find out more about book one, I Like Em Pretty, click the banner
Follow the blogtour for more chances to win
One winner receives:
1 ebook copy of ILIR
1 Coffee Mug
1 Starbucks Gift Card
Bag of Beads from New Orleans
1 All Romance Gift Card
1 N'awlins T Shirt
Jewelry Inspired by N'awlins Exotica
Booksmarks, Postcards, and pens from Sharita Lira/Muses
Blogstops ILIR
2/22 Mantasy Remmy Duchene
2/23 The Rainbow Studio
2/25 Lily Velden
2/26 Its Raining Men
3/2 SweetNSexyDivas
3/4 Raine O’ Tierney
3/8 JC Wallace
3/9 Chris T Kat
3/10 LM Brown
3/11 Rob Colton
3/12 Shira Anthony
3/15 QueerTown Abbey
* * * *
About the Author and the muse
Michael Mandrake pens complex characters already comfortable with their sexuality. Thorough these, he builds worlds not centered on erotica but rather the mainstream plots we might encounter in everyday life through personal experiences or the media. To find out more please visit http://tabooindeed.blogspot.com.
Author Sharita Lira: In one word, crazy. Just crazy enough to have 3 different muses running around in her head, driving her to sheer exhaustion with new plot bunnies and complex characters. This happily married mother of two beautiful children loves music, computers, reading, and still enjoys reading and writing fanfiction. She’s a proud member of the Erotica Readers & Writers Association, as well as an advocate for rights of LGBT citizens. She’s also a contributor to the heavy metal ezine Fourteeng.net.
For more information, please visit http://www.thelitriad.com as well as her Facebook fanpage, The Literary Triad.
The Literary Triad - http://www.thelitriad.com/#!
Michael Mandrake – http://tabooindeed.blogspot.com
BLMorticia – http://blmorticia.wordpress.com
Rawiya - http://rawiyaerotica.wordpress.com
TriadPromo - http://triadliteraryworks.blogspot.com/
Twitter - http://twitter.com/#!/rawiyamikembl
Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/TheLiteraryTriad
AuthorGraph - http://www.authorgraph.com/authors/rawiyamikembl Signup for Newsletter