
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Interview with Vampirique Dezire, Debut Author of "A Forced Witness", on Naughty Nights Press Blog Today!

Naughty Nights Press is excited to interview Vampirique Dezire, author of "A Forced Witness" to be included in the anthology Gotta Have It: 69 Stories of Sudden Sex to be released tomorrow February 1st!!!

Hi Vampirique! Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to host an interview with you on Naughty Nights Press today! I am so excited to have you here!

Hi Gina and thank you so very much for having me, I feel very honoured to be one of your interviewees *huggles n kisses*

1. Can you tell us a little about yourself?

Well I am 42, very happily married to my childhood sweetheart for the past 24 years this April. I have 2 handsome sons, one of whom is engaged to be married to a girl whom I love as a daughter. I have the most adorable grandson who is extremely excited to be turning 4 this year *smile*. We all live together as a combined family, which can be fun, especially when I want to write. Then there are the 2 dogs and our 19-year-old cat who believes he is the ruler of the home.

Apart from being extremely proud and biased about my family, if I am not spending time with them, then I am writing, reading, doing book reviews or hanging out in Facebook , yes darling one’s I’m a Facebook addict and proud of it, which I’m sure Gina will agree with *wicked giggle*

2. When did you first realize you wanted to be an author?

You know that is a truly interesting question and one that I have just had to think carefully over and even talk about it with my husband Shane. I suppose in the back of my mind I have always had the dream of becoming an author but never knew how to find the ones who could help me or how to go about submitting to any type of publishing house. Then I met you Gina and well if it wasn’t for your support and encouragement, I would not be sitting here now with you in this interview. So that said perhaps the last 2 – 3 years.

3. Can you please share with us how old you were when you wrote your first erotic story? Did you share it and if so how was it received?

*giggles* I wrote my first erotic story when I was in my late twenties, early thirties and yes I did share it as at the time I used to write them for friends who requested specific fantasies, they would then show their friends and I ended up being inundated with requests to write stories for individuals.

My first real foray into writing erotica would have been when I was about fifteen and Shane and I had already been dating for three years but due to the fact that we lived three hours apart, we would send each other letters every week (yes back when there was no such thing as computers for communications) and I would describe to him what I wanted to do to him when we met on the following weekend.

4. What was your goal for yourself as a writer when you started? Did you meet or surpass it or did it change for you along the way?

My first goal was to actually write something that could be read and enjoyed. Then it did change as it become a goal to have at least one story published and that has certainly been surpassed now *laughs*
Now my goals tend to be on length of story, submitting as many as I am able to and I am still working on that but most of all, to make sure that a story I write is not only enjoyable but able to paint the image of what I am writing about in the readers mind. Plus I want my name to be as well known as Anis Nin (delusional thoughts but good ones to aspire too)

Learning new things all the time about writing, helps to enhance my writing and I try to put into practice what I have learned from critiquing, other writers, writing information on the web etc.

5. How did you decide to write stories in the erotic genre? Was there anything that influenced your choice? Are there any other genres that you write or have dabbled in?

I think I just fell into erotica to be honest. That and the fact that I have a very vivid imagination and loved reading books that got my juices flowing so to speak and to be honest, I think I am fairly good at it!
I haven’t written in any other genres...yet! Down the track it would be nice to do a romance or children’s book but at the moment I am going to just keep to the on e genre I know.

6. How do you become inspired to write? Is there someone who inspires you?

I am an avid people watcher and sometimes I can see someone and wonder what their bedroom story would be and off I go. Other times it can be a conversation I am having with someone, a scent, food, fact anything.

The person who inspires me the most though is Shane, I love seeing him naked and imagining doing all types of things with him and having him do all those wonderful, sensual, erotic things that make my body quiver and scream out for more.

7. What are the most challenging and the most rewarding aspects of writing?

Most challenging would be the first paragraph. If you cannot hook your readers in that first paragraph then you are not going to be able to grab them in the rest of the story.

The most rewarding aspect has to be when your peers compliment you on your work and are not just being nice about it.

8. What part of the story do you think is your strength to write?

I think it would be my descriptions of what is happening. I like the reader to be able to see in their mind what myself and my characters can see. It gives a feeling of being involved.

9. What is your favourite genre to read in, and does it have an impact on the stories you write?

Oh wow, I don’t think I have an actual favourite genre as I love to read anything that is good. That said, I have read repeatedly and own the entire Vampire Diaries set by Anne Rice as well as the Mayfair Witches books. I also love Patricia Cornwell’s Dr Kay Scarpetta, she is such a strong, yet fragile character. Fantasy books, horror stories, romances, the occasional autobiography, right down to children’s books and the classics like Shakespeare.

The impact on my writing is that I keep an open mind and like to introduce different aspects you would find in other genres. For example I am currently writing a short story called Death by Grammar, where it involves erotica and murder. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that I am able to pull it off.

10. I understand you had two of your short stories accepted by different publishing companies in just short of a week. How did you feel when this happened? Did you expect it to happen eventually or was this a complete surprise to you?

Shock, elation, and surprise, overwhelmed and overjoyed, excited, stunned, teary, laughing hysterically...basically any other word that would fit the descriptive state of joy.

Never in my wildest dreams did I expect my very first submission to be accepted let alone have two accepted within a week. It truly was a dream come true. I think it validated the fact that I could write and people who did not know me from Eve thought I could too.

11. Can you tell us a little bit about the book that your first acceptance is to be in? It is to be released very soon is it not? Do you have a direct buy link for our readers to get it when it is released?

I would love to tell you about the book. It is called Gotta Have It: 69 Short Stories of Sudden Sex and it is edited by the wonderful and truly awe inspiring Rachel Kramer Bussel and Cleis Press.
The anthology has 69 writers involved, with each story being no more than 1200 words long. Each writer has written about different scenarios and apparently they do range all over the place, from mine, which is a B.D.S.M story (A Forced Witness).

Taken directly from
“These stories aren’t all about quickie sex, though there’s plenty of that. There are strangers who meet and know right away they must have each other, neighbours, travel mates, coworkers and long-term couples such as those in “After Ten Years” and “Remembering the Wrinkles” who are looking for ways to hold on to that spark. There are stories of sex in libraries, vacation sex and lots of outdoor sex—in the rain, in the street, all over. There are lovers with pecan rolls dripping in caramel, and meals where lovers feast on nothing but each other. There are even a few stories with no actual sex in them at all, you’ll have to hunt those down and see why anticipation can be the sexiest act of all.”

Gotta Have It: 69 Stories of Sudden Sex, is due for release on February 1st and is available for pre-order through these following places:
Kindle edition coming soon!
Barnes & Noble
Books A Million
Indie Bound
Cleis Press

12. Where do you hope to go from here in respect to your writing? Will there be a book someday?

I want to be able to do a series of Novella’s involving a main character/s and their sexual escapades and yes there will be a book. I have been working on one for the past 12 months now and as I am extremely anal retentive about making it exactly right with little or no editing to be done, it is taking me a very long time but it is a labour of love and I am hoping it will end up being a book that people will not only enjoy but will know the name if someone else says it.
I know you Gina have already had a peek at the start of it.

13. Is there a specific bit of advice you would give to an aspiring author who is looking to publish their work? Traditional or Self-Publishing, which would you suggest?

I was once advised by truly sexy lady, that before you send anything in for submission, that you need to read your work, read it out aloud, read it again, fix up any mistakes you may have made and then read it again. *wink*

But most importantly, write as much as you can, join a writing group that is supportive and can give critique and take the critique, don’t argue with the person who has taken the time to go through your work, you may not agree with them but you also don’t have to use every bit of advice your given either.

When you are ready to submit, make sure you know what the publisher’s guidelines are in regards to font, size, formatting, how they want the manuscript sent and in what format of word if by email. Write a mind blowing 3rd person bio and have someone check it over. If you need to write a synopsis of the story make sure you don’t tell the entire story or give away the ending in it.

Do try and go with a traditional publisher, like Naughty Nights Press because then you have access to editors who will help you polish up what should already be a fairly spelling/grammar error free piece of work.

The added advantage is that you write and they organize everything else PLUS it doesn’t cost you a cent.

If you are prepared to self publish, you will find that you will have the added stress of organizing all the printing and advertising on top of concentrating on your writing, which should come first.

14. Is there anything else you’d like to share with your readers that we might have missed here today? Where can our readers find you?

Just remember that everyone has a story to tell, it is how you weave the words that will make it memorable or not.

I can be found at:
Blood, Lust and Erotica my blog, strictly 18+ only.
Facebook Fan page Vampirique Dezire
Vamp's Book Reviews
Facebook Fan page Vamp’s Book Reviews
Facebook known as Monie Penny
and as a moderator of The Mistress Journals Erotic Stories Forum

Thank you so much honey for having me here and not picking my brain too much *bites n kisses*

Thank you Vampirique. It has been a pleasure having you with us on the Naughty Nights Press blog. I hope we have the opportunity to do it again!

Post By:
~ Lady Gina Kincade, The Mistress
Author of Erotic and Erotic Paranormal Romance

Mistress Journals Erotic Stories Forum, Founder and Administrator
The Mistress Journals of Gina Kincade Blog
Naughty Nights Press (NNP) Blog
Owner of Naughty Nights Press (July 2011)

Saturday, January 29, 2011

New Marketing and Research Director for Naughty Nights Press!

Naughty Nights Press excitedly welcomes the sexy, knowledgeable and very talented Ms. Vampirique Dezire to our new management team, as our new Volunteer Marketing and Research Director!

A recently published author, Ms. Dezire will head operations for the search of both aspiring and established authors to join the NNP writing team in addition to her duties for marketing both current and new releases for the NNP authors.

Ms. Dezire began as a hobby writer with a forum of her own and the challenge of writing personalized fantasy work for friends upon request. After meeting with like minded authors and individuals, Ms. Dezire has cultivated her skills as an author and marketing specialist to become a valued extraordinarily brilliant woman and published author who understands the aspiring author's need to have a platform where they can display and critique their work.

In addition, she is a moderator on the Mistress Journals Erotic Stories Forum where she assists in the day to day overseeing of the forum and ensuring that only quality, spam free posts are available for the reading pleasure of the forum members.

Ms. Dezire enjoys filling her day, and most nights, with the new challenges of mentoring and assisting other authors in the attainable dream of going from a hobby writer to a published author as she continues to pursue and achieve her own recently modified writing goals.

Naughty Nights Press knows the advantage of having someone of such ability on our team and we cannot wait to see what the future brings with Ms. Dezire.

We look forward to all she has to offer in the coming launch and digital publishing years!

Congratulations Ms. Dezire!! Welcome to NNP!

About Vampirique Dezire:

Vampirique Dezire is the cheeky pen name that this Australian grandmother chooses to go by. Vampirique's chosen genre is erotica and she has been published online at Between the Sheets, Mistress Journals Erotic Stories Forum and Every Night Erotica.
Vampirique is waiting for the release of one of her stories published in an Anthology called, Gotta Have It: 69 Stories of Sudden Sex to be released in February 2011 and another story to be released in a yet to be named anthology with Naughty Nights Press in July 2011 for their official launch.

Post By:
~ Lady Gina Kincade, The Mistress
Author of Erotic and Erotic Paranormal Romance

Mistress Journals Erotic Stories Forum, Founder and Administrator
The Mistress Journals of Gina Kincade Blog
Naughty Nights Press (NNP) Blog
Owner of Naughty Nights Press (July 2011)

Copyright ©2009-2011 Mistress Journals
Naughty Nights Press (NNP)

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Attention All Writers: Lesbian Erotic Romance

Naughty Nights Press is calling for submissions for the wonderfully provocative sub-genre of Lesbian erotic romance.

Can you write a story between 5000 and 8000 words about the subtleties of sex between two women in a story, which will have your readers almost panting, not wanting to wait for the next line or word, making you one of Naughty Nights Press' Next Generation of "HOT" Erotic Romance Writers.

If you can, and we are sure you really want to, then please send your submissions to Naughty Nights Press at

For submission and formatting requirements please visit the How To Submit To NNP page on the website for further details.

All submissions for this call are due in no later than March 1st, 2011.

Naughty Nights Press does have the right to modify due dates for submissions at their discretion.


Post Written By: Vampirique Dezire
Vamp's Book Reviews and Advertising
"Have a book you want reviewed? Got a new book coming out that you want to advertise? Interested in being interviewed? Yearning to be a guest blogger? Then visit Vampirique Dezire on her Vamp's Book Reviews and Advertising blog!"

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Gotta Have It: 69 Stories of Sudden Sex

Doesn’t the title just sound so fantastic!

69 Authors writing 69 Stories of Sudden sex in a book you can carry around with you and read on the train, bus, as your being car pooled to work, during your breaks at work or if you are just sitting down to have a nice cup of coffee at your local cafe.

Better yet, how about in bed with that special someone where you can both take turns at reading out aloud to each other.

Who knows, you may just want to act out the different stories.

Now don’t forget to click on this, so you can be whizzed off to the official website for Gotta Have It, where you can read up on all the Authors, check out their blogs, webpage's etc and find out what type of stories are involved.

Then if you can’t wait until 1st February 2011 to purchase your copy, well why not pre-order it now.

Rachel Kramer Bussel is not only the editor for the book but she is also one of the writers.

Gotta Have It has been published through Cleis Press.

Vampirique Dezire makes her first published debut in Gotta Have It: 69 Stories of Sudden Sex with her story "A Forced Witness"

Post written by: Vampirique Dezire
Original post on Vamp's Book Reviews And Advertising

Images and information are the copyright of the original owner and used on Naughty Nights Press for the sole purpose of information and advertising for Vampirique Dezire and her upcoming debut in Gotta Have It: 69 Stories of Sudden Sex.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Kiki Howell, Author of New Release "Torn Asunder", Interview on Naughty Nights Press Blog Today

Kiki Howell, Author of the incredible new release "Torn Asunder" joins us here on the Naughty Nights Press Blog Today. You can find Kiki's explicit paranormal romance book at the Excessica Publishing Store here

The magick is not only inside the content of the book but in how it is written. Kiki tells a absolutely stimulating visual story of romance and eroticism with a little shapeshifting and magick thrown in that truly leaves you breathless! ~Gina Kincade

Hi Kiki! Thank you so much for taking some time to answer a few questions! It is an honour and a pleasure to have you here on the Naughty Nights Press blog.

1. Could you tell us a little about yourself? What a typical day is like for you? Favorite foods, favorite color, anything that you would like to share with us.

Me, well, I am an eclectic mix. I have a degree to teach Secondary English Education, married an English teacher, but no longer teach myself. I am a certified Feng Shui practioner too. I have two boys, a cosmic joke as competition makes no sense to me, so I just show up to games and endure. My youngest is a boxer *groans* I love to read, write, draw, knit and bake. My favourite foods are pizza and chocolate cake – pretty normal there. But, my favourite colors are kind of a joke. When I got married my husband commented that all the clothes hanging in the closet were off-white or brown. He wanted to know what I had against colors, but I pointed out there was a green sweater in there as well.

2. What was your goal for yourself as a writer when you started? Did you meet or surpass it or did it change for you along the way?

One of my favourite things to do is visit Borders. I can spend hours there. So I have always dreamed of seeing my books on their shelves. But, what changed, or has delayed the realization of that dream yet, is that my first story published was written in response to a writing exercise to write in a genre I was not comfortable with - which I took to mean one I wasn’t familiar with. I had just read my first erotic book, so I gave it a try. A lot of my stories are only ebooks, and the print ones are published with smaller pressest. So, while they are not on shelves, it is a dream come true to have an editor read a story and want to publish it – period. Would still like to see one of my books in Borders someday, but I would have to say that my dreams are already coming true.

3. How did you decide to write books in your specific genre? Was there anything that influenced your choice?

Opps, I just answered that partially above, as far as the erotic genre goes. However, my first love is paranormal. I don’t know when or how that fascination started, but it seems to have always been there. Historical romance is a genre I more recently fell in love with and had to try my hand at.

4. What are the most challenging and the most rewarding aspects of writing?

Most rewarding is having a reader tell you how your book affected them, or that they just couldn’t stop reading it. Of course, prior to publication, I just love being lost in a world of my own creation as I write. Most challenging, for this perfectionist, would have to be getting to a point where I can say the story is done.

5. Did anyone in your own life inspire your main characters?

Since they are a witch and shapeshifter in Regency England, I am going to go with no! LOL! But, my novella, Rituals, was inspired by a story I heard and just couldn’t shake. I had to write a happy ending to the situation.

6. How did you get the idea for "Torn Asunder"?

I just started thinking about how magical I thought Regency England was and ideas for a paranormal story set there started coming to me. Actually, "Torn Asunder" was a short story to begin with. An editor told me that she loved it, but wanted more. I wrote it to a short novel before putting it on Authonomy where suggestions made it grow to novel length.

7. What is the most challenging aspect of being an author? What are the most rewarding aspects?

Having one of those days where the words are just flowing as if from some other source, that’s a good day. Just the opposite, a day when the best I can write is a description of a chair, well that is challenging because I know the words are there. I just have to get them unstuck.

8. What are some of your favorite literary works?

When I studied in college, I loved English literature, Jane Austin and Virginia Woolf stand out. I absolutely loved Minority Literature as well, with a special place in my heart for Native American books. I loved teaching YA as well, The Outsiders and The Chocolate War were favourites. I actually met Robert Cormier at an English Teacher conference and was so blown away by him.

9. Please share with us what can we expect from you next? Will there be a sequel?

Right now I am putting the finishing touches on a novel inspired by a trip to Salem, MA I took this summer. My second more mainstream story. But, I have 5 more releases set for 2011 already which are paranormal, erotic romances. So far "Torn Asunder" has no sequel, but you can never discount such a thing.

10. Do you have any upcoming appearances? If so where can our readers find you?

So far, I have the following dates set, but have more in the works as well:

Jan 24th – Guest Moderator at Just Another Paranormal Monday Yahoo Group,, as well as being a guest at

Jan 24th - Guest Blogging at

Jan 27th - Guest Blogging and Contest at

Feb 1st - Author Interview at

Feb 3rd - Author Interview at

Feb 5th – Guest Blog at Nice N Naughty Authors,

Feb 7th – Guest Blog at Hannah Howell’s Blog,

Feb 10th – Guest Blog at Historical Belles & Beaus,

Feb 12th - Author Chat at Warren-Trumbell County Public Library, Main Branch 2PM {Author Reading, Q&A, Book Signing}

Week of Feb 14th - I am the Spotlight Author at Whipped Cream,

Feb 23rd – Guest Blog at Historical Hussies,

May 7th, 2011 - Ohioana Book Festival, Columbus, Ohio

11. Can you please share with us how old you were when you wrote your first story?

Uhm, not really. LOL! Poor memory! I know I wrote stories at a young age, but I liked to draw just as much at the time. I don’t even know what happened to those prior to college. I do have drawings saved though, not sure why that is. I do have a few stories tucked away that I wrote in college though they will probably never see the light of day

12. Besides being a writer, what other types of jobs have you held?

Teacher for a short time, Feng Shui Practioner since 1992, and I was a Stay-at-Home Mom for a Decade before I started writing again.

13. Is there a specific bit of advice you would give to an aspiring author who is looking to publish their work? Traditional or Self-Publishing, which would you suggest?

Actually, I think they each suit different people. I think the author will know which one suits them if they are honest with themselves. Advice though is simple. Just be true to your own voice. It really shows in the work.

14. Is there anything else you’d like to share with your readers?

I am also a reviewer for Suspense Magazine. Check out the January Magazine which just hit bookshelves. I am featured in the Contributor’s Corner there this month. I have been so excited about it.

Thank you Kiki. Your participation is greatly appreciated! We wish you the best of luck on the remainder of your blog tour and hope to see you back here again real soon with more incredible books!


For your pleasure, here is an Excerpt from "Torn Asunder" that I am sure will have you wanting more!


The roses, elegant in their refinement, fell from one another with little grace as she undid the paper around them. Staggering back a few steps until her back met with the wall, she slid down to the floor letting the wrapping and flowers fall where they may. Aubrey wrapped her arms tightly around her midsection. Her chest ached more with each beat of her heart as she swallowed hard, blinked away the mistiness over her eyes, and remembered.

It had been the beginning of the season, a bit over a fortnight ago, when she first encountered Edmund Bryant, the Marquess of Dalysbury. Although she rolled her eyes still at the title, she felt impelled to live through it all again--through the days of fantasy in which she had allowed herself to participate. Love at first sight didn't always give way to rational thinking. It did, however, make possible even the wavering delusions of believing impossible dreams could come true. She had just come to London to live with Lord and Lady Sanderly, her cousins who had paid for her travels under the guise of giving a poor relation of marriageable age a chance to find a good husband.

Whereas, the truth of the matter was, she was a relation who had shown a great aptitude for learning of the magical powers she had inherited. The good Lord and Lady, while holding the public title of Earl and Countess, were actually descendants of one of the notorious Pendle witches. They were to teach her to harness and utilize her innate talents in secret while flaunting her about from various parties and balls in the public eye.

She recalled with a weak smile the first ball Lord and Lady Sanderly had thrown to immerse her into proper society. At the time, she had consciously gripped her hands before her waist to resist fidgeting while trying hard to fix to memory all of the titles of those to whom she was being introduced. Her level of discomfort had increased, however, as an unsettled awareness of someone in the room, a haunting premonition of sorts, had made her heart race and her mouth dry. She had paid mind to ignore the successive shivers which rushed the length of her spine until they pooled as heat in her tightening stomach.

Reminded she was holding her breath only when forced to speak, her ribs had begun to ache. When a chill more pervasive that any she had ever known even in the drafty county cottage she had been raised in permeated her shoulders, she had turned in the direction of the source, and her eyes had met with a man standing just across the room looking back at her. She had immediately felt challenged to not look away from the gaze of his dark eyes. They radiated a raw energy unlike anything she had ever encountered before even among those with her own esoteric abilities.

A connection was made. Her heart beat at a frantic, uneven pace like a horse racing over shoddy roads. At the same time, a vague forewarning had made her break out in a glistening of sweat while she fought the urge to escape as well the need to move toward the man. She had given merit to her reactions based only on the fact she had captured the glance of an aristocratic gentleman with a lady in a lavish satin gown on his arm of obviously higher circumstances.

Engrossed in his fine manners, she watched as his hand removed the one holding onto him from his arm with a slight nod of his head. The lady in return had given him a slight curtsy but glorious smile before turning back to her other acquaintances which Aubrey recognized to be a duke and duchess she had recently met. His tempestuous form fit in posh attire spun on the heel of his expensive footwear to find her again with his haunted and hungry eyes. He seemed an odd mix of rugged and refined. She had felt the thrill and danger of being pursued by a beast which lurked inside of the man.

Also by Kiki Howell "Irreconcilable Differences" will be released April 22, 2011 in eBook and Trade Paperback from Excessica Publishing. Watch for it! I know I will be!


In a world where wizards and sorcerers do not get along due to differences in their magic, sorcerer, Aaron is hired to guard the wizard, Myleana. However, the attraction between them once locked in an unusual lab under his own wall of protection ignites in otherworldly ways.

When they come under attack and all they believed in becomes questionable, will these two remain separated by their world's prejudices? Will the lies, betrayals and opinions of even their own families stand in the way of the alchemy of sex, especially when sorcery and wizardry come into play?

Genres: Contemporary, Paranormal (wizard and sorcerer), Erotic Romance
Adult Content Warnings: Explicit Graphic Language and Sexual Magic

Check out more of Kiki Howell's upcoming releases on her web page
Kiki Howell - Coming Soon

Post By:
~ Lady Gina Kincade, The Mistress
Author of Erotic and Erotic Paranormal Romance

Mistress Journals Erotic Stories Forum, Founder and Administrator
The Mistress Journals of Gina Kincade Blog
Naughty Nights Press (NNP) Blog
Owner of Naughty Nights Press (July 2011)

Information for this post is "borrowed" from Kiki Howell's web page with the sole purpose of promotion of her work. All information and photos remain the copyright of Kiki howell.

Copyright ©2009-2011 Mistress Journals
Naughty Nights Press (NNP)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Interview With Erotic Lesbian Author J.T Langdon!

J.T Langdon is the author of several erotic lesbian novels including the Lady Davenport's Slave trilogy, Hard Time, and Sisters of Omega Pi. He joins us today to share a tidbit about himself.

Welcome J.T.

Hi Gina.

1. Tell us a little about yourself.

Hmm. I’m a vegetarian and have a perverted mind. Those are the most important things to know about me!

2. When did you realize you wanted to be an author?

I always enjoyed coming up with stories, and having little adventures in my head. But it wasn’t until my late teens that I started to think I could write this stuff down in a structured way.

3. What was the first fiction you ever wrote?
Was it for publication? What reaction did you get?

The first fiction I wrote was a ghost story for grade school. The rest of the class seemed to like it!

4. What author or book, if any, influenced your writing? Why?

I can’t really think of a particular book that influenced my erotica writing. But in general, I find "Walden" by Henry David Thoreau to be very inspiring.

5. What is your most & least favorite part of writing?

The least favorite part of writing is easy… editing. I hate it. HATE it. It’s tedious and mind numbing. Looking for errors that spellcheck doesn’t catch, fixing grammar, etc. Ugh! When I’m done with a book or story, mentally I am ready to move on because by the time I’m done I’ve gone over it so many times in my head that it’s old, old, old! My most favourite part is finishing and feeling that sense of satisfaction because I have completed something, and put into words what I saw in my head.

6. Do you have a ritual to get you ready to write? Something special you do to psyche you up?

I burn incense and meditate naked. Ok, not really. But that sounds like a good answer for a smut writer to give.

7. After writing for hours at a time how do you relax?

I listen to music. Definitely.

8. Where do you write?

At me desk.

9. Does your environment have an impact on what or how you write?

Well, I like it quiet. No music, no distractions.

10. What is your opinion of writer's groups? Do you find them helpful? And how did you find yours if you have one?

They can be very helpful in finding out information about publishers, etc. I confess, though, I don’t really participate in them.

11. What are some of your pet peeves in life?

Stupidity, close mindedness. And slow drivers. Ack!

12. What is your advice to aspiring writers?

Keep at it. The biggest thing that separates those who are published and those who are not is those who are didn’t give up.
It can take awhile, and aspiring writers can get frustrated and discouraged, but you have to keep trying.

13. What can you tell us about what you are currently working on or just recently had released?

I’ve been on a little break, so I haven’t had anything new out for while. But I’m currently working on a collection of short stories.
Should be published later this year!

14. Is there anything else you would like to add that we might have missed here today?

In the long run men hit only what they aim at. Therefore, though they should fail immediately, they had better aim at something high. – Henry David Thoreau

J.T, thank you so very much for joining us today on Naughty Nights Press. You are certainly a man of few words and get straight to the point in an interview but the good thing is I know you save your best words for your work.
You have an awesome, naughty sense of humor that just keeps me giggling as I read through some of your answers here today despite my intention to remain professional (which never works when I speak with you).

Thanks for your inspiring words of wisdom to our aspiring authors out there. It is great for them to see the encouragement and know that all of us have been in their shoes at one time or another.

J.T, in my opinion luv, you rock! And that is just the way it should be!

You can visit JT Langdon and find his books/stories on his website “The Ramblings of JT Langdon” at

Join J.T Langdon's fan page at


Some information on one of J.T’s books and the cover page used today:

“Kiss Me Quick: Sixty-nine Short Tales Of Lesbian Lust”

Sixty-Nine Short Tales of Lesbian Love and Lust! Hot on the wings of successes like Hard Time and She Devils, best-selling Sapphic author J.T. Langdon returns with an all new collection of ultra-short stories about women who love women. In this generous compilation of sixty-nine stories, you will meet some of the most fascinating and sexy lesbians ever gathered in one book: Natalie, an ecologically conscious woman who finds showering together to save water offers more than environmental rewards; Mistress Athena, who helps a young woman discover the freedom to "surrender" to her Sapphic desires; Kylie, who discovers a new way to begin Valentine's Day; Nadia and Billy, who meet on line, and then in the flesh; Caitlan, a slob who learns better, when her roommate applies a little corrective discipline; and sixty-four others.

In the Library Reviews hails J.T. Langdon's lesbian fiction as "beautifully written, charged with emotion." Read "Kiss Me Quick!", and you will discover why.

And I want to share and excerpt from one of the short stories J.T has on his site that I can pretty much guarantee will make you want to go read the rest!

This is a blurb from "The Girl Next Door" by J.T. Langdon

"Oh fuck! Yes!"

I'm at it again, first thing in the morning, on the bed, naked, spreading my legs like a two dollar whore and running the wand over my cuntlips. Though I miss having a lover this is better than any tongue I've ever had inside me. There are attachments for it; I've seen them in the Good Vibrations catalog, but I don't think I could survive them. The wand is addicting as is. I buzz it against my clit and almost scream with pleasure. It's that intense. Shit, the first time I used it I almost passed out. Now I can go five, even ten minutes before I come. I have been at it for seven minutes and am close to orgasm.

Then the fucking doorbell rings. Goddammit! Couldn't they have waited another minute? I think about not seeing who it is and finishing but I've lost my concentration and once I do not even the magic wand can pull that rabbit out of a hat again.

I switch off the wand with a grunt of frustration and get out of bed, covered in sweat, the first dribbles of come trickling down my thighs. That's how fucking close I was. I slip into my black silk kimono and tie the sash loosely around my not-so-slim waist, padding barefoot out of my bedroom and storming down the hall. I am pissed. It's Labor Day, for crying out loud. Don't people understand what that means? I want to be left alone. I want to be in bed with the wand against my pussy and come until I am so exhausted I fall asleep in a pool of sweat and juices. Is that too much to ask?

When I get to the door I am steaming. Unless the person standing out there is from Publisher's Clearing House and is holding an oversized novelty check for ten million dollars, their life isn't worth a cold, hard damn. I fling open the door with a string of curses on the tip of my tongue but my anger is soon forgotten.

I have never seen the woman before, but I want her bad. She is probably my age, that is, in her mid thirties, with a slight paunch, dressed in faded jeans and a sweater with the sleeves pushed up to her elbows. Her auburn hair is loose, resting on her shoulders, and I imagine running fingers through it while she goes down on me. I am so lost in lustful thought it takes me a moment to realize she is standing on the porch with Mama Cass, my Golden Lab. That shifts my gears.

"Cassie, what are you doing out there?" I say in a voice that belongs to my mother. I let Mama Cass in the house. When I turn back to the woman on the front porch she is checking me out. I realize how I must look, standing there in my kimono, hair mussed, smelling of sex. Our eyes meet. I am not one to blush but I do for her.

"Hi," she says.

I smile. "Hi. Where did you find her?"

"She was running around the street," she says.

"Well, I have no idea how she got out," I say. "Thanks for bringing her home."

"It was no trouble."

I lean against the door frame, feeling the cool September air slipping under my robe. "Do you live around here?"

"No, actually," she says with a lilt in her voice that makes me wet, "I'm visiting my aunt. She lives next door?"

"Oh, right," I say. The woman next door is nice enough, older than time, but she bakes me cookies at Christmas and we talk sometimes when she catches me coming and going. She and I get along just fine.

"She said the dog was yours, so I brought her over."

"Well, thanks again," I say to her when I really mean "I want to bury my face in your pussy."

"You're welcome," she says. "I guess I should go."

I am disappointed. But what did I expect? Then I blurt out, "But do you have to?"

"No," she says. Her smile tells me there is hope.


I would like to take this opportunity to remind you all that Naughty Nights Press is looking for aspiring and established authors to submit their work for the launch of our small publishing company in July.

NNP specializes in the creation of erotic and erotic paranormal romance however we do host a number of other erotic and romantic genres for our readers so get those stories in now! Be a part of Naughty Nights Press from the beginning.

Now how many authors can say they actually started their career with the launch of a new publishing company? YOU CAN, if you submit, submit, submit!

Work that sits on your desk will never get published so make your dreams come true, send it to Naughty Nights Press at now!

Information for this post is "borrowed" from J.T Langdon's web page with the sole purpose of promotion of his work. All information and photos remain the copyright of J.T Langdon.

Information for “Kiss Me Quick: Sixty-nine Short Tales Of Lesbian Lust” courtesy of

Post By:
~ Lady Gina Kincade, The Mistress
Author of Erotic and Erotic Paranormal Romance

Mistress Journals Erotic Stories Forum, Founder and Administrator
The Mistress Journals of Gina Kincade Blog
Naughty Nights Press (NNP) Blog
Owner of Naughty Nights Press (July 2011)

Copyright ©2009-2011 Mistress Journals
Naughty Nights Press (NNP)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Author Interview: Marsha A. Moore, Author of "Tears An A Tranquil Lake"

Hi Marsha! Thank you so much for taking some time to answer a few questions! It is an honour and a pleasure to have you here at Naughty Nights Press.

Hi Gina! Thanks lots for asking to interview me for your readers. It’s great to be here!

Well then lets get to it shall we! I can't wait to share all the intimate details you have for us!

1. Could you tell us a little about yourself? What a typical day is like for you? Favorite foods, favorite color, anything that you would like to share with us.

A typical day for me is getting up around 8 AM, reading mail and keeping up with my networking/promotional work.

Then I exercise. I love yoga and do routines in classes or at home five days a week. The other days I’m out bicycling or kayaking. I recently purchased a used kayak—my favorite new toy! We live on a large saltwater lagoon and taking it out for an hour or more is a treat. I always exercise as part of my daily routine and have for at least a decade.

After that, my afternoon is all about household chores and editing. I’m a night owl and do most of my focused writing after dinner, usually staying up until 2 AM.

My favorite color is turquoise and fav food, potatoes—I’m a good Irish gal!

One of my more interesting hobbies is watercolor painting. I’m creating a couple illustrations of scenes from Tears on a Tranquil Lake. These will be converted into digital images and used on promotional items and contest giveaways. I’ll post that artwork on my website once I have them converted into digital copies.

2. What was your goal for yourself as a writer when you started? Did you meet or surpass it or did it change for you along the way?

I didn’t aim to be a fiction author from early on. My path transformed to this end. Growing up I enjoyed reading and for that reason followed an English minor college program, actually just for fun along with a Biology major. Taking lit courses and writing essays for fun--strange, but true! Years later, I worked as a rock music reviewer for several years and from some of those experiences I tinkered with fiction. Initially, I wrote fiction based on the world of rock music. That’s very sexual, so the erotic elements came naturally. Through a lucky happenstance, a man who worked for a major book publishing house read my first attempts at fiction, posted on a music forum. He repeatedly encouraged me to submit my creative writing. Over time, I came to believe him and did. After that, it’s been a waterfall of new and fun experiences.

3. How did you decide to write books in your specific genre? Was there anything that influenced your choice?

My father might be the one to credit with my love of fantasy. He taught education at the university level and had access to preview new children’s literature books. The fantasy ones caught his interest and he brought me armloads. I loved them and him for doing that.

4. What are the most challenging and the most rewarding aspects of writing?

The most challenging is to give up time outdoors. Believe me, being new to Tampa from the Midwest, that really is a hardship! As often as possible, I pack up my writing notebook and head to a nearby beach. My most creative ideas come while there and the writing comes fast. Even if I can’t get away to the beach, I create new drafts outside in the backyard on our dock or patio. The brown pelicans have a lot of personality and make great writing companions!

The reward for writing is the totally swept away feeling I get when my thoughts flow easily and I’m travelling on a journey in that fantasy world.

5. Did anyone in your own life inspire your main characters?

During the winter of 2008-9, I moved my mother from NW Ohio to Tampa. It didn’t take much to convince me to stay through the winter to help her get settled before I moved my own household the following summer. My first Florida winter inspired me to write my book Tears on a Tranquil Lake. I enjoy folklore and legend, and sought interesting local tales. When I learned about the annual Tampa Gasparilla Festival I was enthralled and a pirate captain, a mermaid, and a merman became the characters of my book.

6. How did you get the idea for Tears on a Tranquil Lake?

(See above)

7. What is the most challenging aspect of being an author? What are the most rewarding aspects?

The most challenging is all the email and promotional work that takes away from writing time. It’s not unpleasant, just time consuming.

The most rewarding is when I get a positive comment from a reader. Nothing is better.

8. What are some of your favorite literary works?

I’m a huge J.K.Rowling fan. I admire the complex layering within her Harry Potter series that was designed and carried out to appear so deceptively simple.

In my formal literature studies I spent much time reading classics. The romantic period of literature captivated me. I’ve read the entire Thomas Hardy catalog. I spent years engrossed in reading George Elliot, Edgar Allan Poe, Nathaniel Hawthorne, James Fenimore Cooper, and Washington Irving. I love how they elevated setting to the level of importance of a main character. Their richly textured settings inspire me enormously. The influences of those works infuse my own writing.

9. Please share with us what can we expect from you next? Will there be a sequel?

Yes, there will be a sequel to Tears on a Tranquil Lake, which I’m finishing up currently and it’s shaping up to be a very fun tale.

I've also completed the first of a five-part fantasy erotic romance series entitled The Enchanted Bookstore, which is in submission.

I just received cover art for my next MuseItHot release, Sea Glass and Sand Memories. That short story will be available June 1st, 2011.

10. Do you have any upcoming appearances? If so where can our readers find you?

Jan. 24 Charlene Wilson's blog
Jan. 28 Delilah Stephans’ blog
Feb. 1 Whipped Cream site interview
Night Owl Reviews debut featured fantasy author
Coffee Time Romance contest

Feb. 2 Keri Stevens’ blog
Whipped Cream author chat

Feb. 3 Cherry Mischievous

Feb. 4 Sandra Sookoo’s Believing is Seeing blog
Feb 6 Australian Romance Readers

11. Can you please share with us how old you were when you wrote your first story?

I was about 14 and did a school project of writing a children’s story and painting accompanying illustrations. The work was simply bound and won honors in an art competition.

12. Besides being a writer, what other types of jobs have you held?

I taught high school biology, anatomy, and ecology for 17 years. I loved my students and miss that part of the job.

Thank you, Marsha. I am very happy you could join us here today. Your participation is greatly appreciated! With all those appearances it is amazing you find any time to write! lol

Thanks again for asking me to be here. It’s been fun!


Blurb for Tears on a Tranquil Lake:

What a surprise for a young woman, to find herself suddenly transformed into a mermaid.

Ciel’s first thought – track down the merman who changed her and make him reverse his magic. Unable to find him, survival in her new world becomes paramount. She eagerly accepts help from a dashing pirate captain who takes a fancy to her, lavishing her with finery.

When her merman does show up, he competes for her affection. One look into his eyes makes her life more complex -- he is her soul mate.

Which man will she choose – pirate captain or merman? Which life – human or mermaid? Caribbean adventures and dangers chase Ciel as she searches for decisions and the key to her happiness.

Warning: This book contains Haitian vodou, sultry wenches, foul-mouthed scalliwag pirates, overindulgence of fine Caribbean rum, and amorous encounters on deserted beaches.

You can visit Marsha A. Moore at any of the following links to keep up to date on the release of "Tears On A Tranquil Lake" and her other incredible works:


Purchase link for Tears on a Tranquil Lake:

Information for this post is "borrowed" from Marsha A. Moore's web page with the sole purpose of promotion of her work. All information and photos remain the copyright of Marsha A. Moore.

Post By:
~ Lady Gina Kincade, The Mistress
Author of Erotic and Erotic Paranormal Romance

Mistress Journals Erotic Stories Forum, Founder and Administrator
The Mistress Journals of Gina Kincade Blog
Naughty Nights Press (NNP) Blog
Owner of Naughty Nights Press (July 2011)

Copyright ©2010 Mistress Journals
Naughty Nights Press (NNP)

Friday, January 14, 2011

"Torn Asunder" by Kiki Howel Released today!

Jan14th, 2011 is the release date for “Torn Asunder” by Kiki Howell. It's here! It's finally here!! Woo Hoo!

Fraught with scenes of explicit intimacy, romantic spells and mystical shapeshifting, Torn Asunder is a unique blending of the age of manners with sexual magic.

Torn Asunder Blurb:

Aubrey Griffen is a witch whose true reasons for coming to London soon fall to the wayside when she catches the eye of Edmund Bryant, the Marquess of Dalysbury. He seduces her into a whirlwind romance until the lies and threats of his mother force her to flee to Triaill Brimuir, a secret island of her ancestors off the coast of Ireland. Edmund goes after her only to be hit by Aubrey’s confusion and anger when she magically transforms him into an elemental beast of her own creation.

However, it is when Edmund’s lust mysteriously turns him back into a man that the couple are forced to deal with a family secret and untold of powers. Now, Edmund must learn to shift himself into the beast in order to save her in a battle of black verses white magic.

Genres: Historical (Regency), Paranormal (Witches & Shifters), Erotic Romance
Adult Content Warnings: Explicit Graphic Language, Violence

Novel available in eBook and Trade Paperback online at all major retailers like Amazon, Barnes & Noble, All Romance Ebooks, etc.

Join Kiki on her Book Tour: Information available on her website and keep checking back for more dates!

If you would like to have Kiki on your blog or in your bookstore, please contact her at


Advanced Praise for Torn Asunder:

“Torn Asunder is what a Regency novel should be. Prior to this book, I have never had a historical romance keep my interest for more than a chapter or two. Kiki Howell has written a historical novel that sings.

In Torn Asunder, Ms. Howell carefully spices her text with appropriate language, but does not go overboard. She lets the language flavor the story, instead of overpowering it. Her love for the time period is reflected in every part of the story, from the vivid characters to the clear imagery of her settings.

I give Torn Asunder five of five hearts.” D. Alexx Miller, Book Reviewer for Romance in the Backseat

About Kiki Howell

Ever since she was young, Kiki Howell has loved to listen to a well-woven tale with real characters, inspired plots, and delightful resolutions. Kiki could spend hours lost in a book, and soon she knew that creating lives, loves, and losses with just words had to be the greatest thing that she could do. To that end, she pursued her study of literature and writing, earning a bachelor’s degree in English. She then followed in a Master’s program in Creative Writing.

She has now had over twenty stories published between five different small presses. She could not be more thrilled or grateful to see her creations polished and out in the real world.
Please look around her website at Although, a bit of caution, most of her stories tend to hang out on the graphically sexy side of town.

Kiki resides in the Midwest with her incredibly handsome and talented, singer/songwriter husband and two children. When she is not writing, she is spending time with her family, reading, baking or knitting.

Her biggest dream is to have a novel she writes be made into a movie that her husband creates the soundtrack for, and then cruise to Alaska with her family on the money they make.

Information for this post is "borrowed" from Kiki Howell's web page with the sole purpose of promotion of her work. All information and photos remain the copyright of Kiki Howell©2011

Post By:
~ Lady Gina Kincade, The Mistress
Author of Erotic and Erotic Paranormal Romance

Mistress Journals Erotic Stories Forum, Founder and Administrator
The Mistress Journals of Gina Kincade Blog
Naughty Nights Press (NNP) Blog
Owner of Naughty Nights Press (July 2011)

Copyright ©2010 Mistress Journals
Naughty Nights Press (NNP)

Friday, January 7, 2011

Author Interview & Giveaway with Denysé Bridger on NOW! Do not miss it!

Win your copy of Denysé Bridger's "Favola" a re-telling of the Italian fairytale "Bella Venezia", published by XoXo Publishing, simply by joining Denysé, NOW on the Naughty Nights Press Blog as she gives us some insight into who she is and how she came to be the incredibly talented author she is today and commenting on her interview!

***By simply tweeting, posting on your blog, fan page or even your fb home page about the contest, then commenting at the end of the interview, with a link to where you shared it, you are entered to win. It is SO EASY!***

You MUST repost somewhere to win though so do not forget those links!

One lucky winner, randomly drawn on Wednesday January 12, at 10 p.m GMT-500, will receive an e-book copy of Denysé's story!


Ok, Lets get started...

Hi Denysé! Thank you so much for taking some time to answer a few questions! It is an honour and a pleasure to have you here at Naughty Nights Press.

Thank you, Gina, for giving me the opportunity to chat with your readers here!! Love you, lady!!! HUGE hugs and kisses...

1. Tell us a little about yourself.

I'm Canadian by birth – Italian by passion. I've spent most of my life exploring the vagaries of the heart, and watching how people love and are loved in return – it makes for the most honest research in the world. I like to bake, read, dream, walk in the park, listen to romantic Italian music… My philosophy for life is pretty simple: "Age is for those who watch life, passion is for those who live it…" I feel intensely, cry easily, love passionately… I don't think there's any other way TO live if you want it to be an experience not an ordeal.

2. When did you realize you wanted to be an author?

I don't know if there was ever a conscious moment when I thought I'd like to be an author – I've always written in one fashion or another, for as long as I can remember, so this was probably the logical progression of that desire to create and craft words, to entertain people with stories that made them "feel" emotion, whether it is escape, passion, anger, hope, fear… all of them are things that touch us, the common threads that bind us all into the human race.

3. What was the first fiction you ever wrote?
Was it for publication? What reaction did you get?

The first fiction I wrote as an adult that I took seriously was a fan fiction for my favourite television series. I had never heard of fan fiction at that point, so imagine my surprise when I was asked by a friend if she could publish it? That was the beginning of a 25 year relationship with fan fiction, and I'd still love to indulge occasionally, but I don't have time now because I'm too busy creating my own worlds.

The remarkable thing about this first story was that I sent it to the actor I wrote it for, and less than two weeks later he called me from the set of the show and told me he'd read it on a break – said it was better than the script they were shooting that week, and to continue writing because it was obvious that I had a gift for it... I was so overwhelmed and thrilled, needless to say – and I kept at it!!

4. What author or book, if any, influenced your writing? Why?

If I had to say any one book influenced me it would have to be GONE WITH THE WIND, which set a standard in my mind for just how sweeping and epic a love story can be. I don't know if I could ever create something quite that grand, but it's inspiring to read it and escape into another era through the timeless story it tells.

Influences of a more immediate kind would have to be the wonderful Lucy Monroe, who never ceases to support my efforts and believe in me – she is not only an exceptional author, but a truly exceptional friend and person. She's generous, insightful, and loving, and she inspires me to keep moving forward...

5. What is your most & least favourite part of writing?

I love the creation stage of a new book – when the ideas are coming together and the tale is so new the first page hasn't been written yet – it's all so exciting to see the birth of a new book. I don't think there is a least favourite part of the process because I love all of it – edits, rewrites, etc. IF there is a least favourite aspect of it all, I'd have to say proof-reading because I hate reading my own work, and have a difficult time forcing myself to do this part of the job.

6. Do you have a ritual to get you ready to write? Something special you do to psyche you up?

I used to have to find the mood to write, but nowadays, I can sit down anywhere and just start in. No prep, other than a few minutes to think about what I want to write. Then I just do it. It's a job, a creative work that I love, but a job, and that's how I approach it.

7. After writing for hours at a time how do you relax?

Usually I pick up a book – at the moment I am devouring J.R. Ward's "Black Dagger Brotherhood" novels and they sweep me away every time I pick one up. I also love to listen to music and that can be the most rejuvenating thing in the world – beautiful romantic Italian music, especially!! Sometimes I walk in the local park, too, it's gorgeous, an archaeological site almost 300 years old.

8. Where do you write?

My office is set up in my bedroom, so mostly I am tucked away and out of the way! I've been known to pull out a notebook and pen and write chapters anywhere... in restaurants waiting for people, I started a vampire novel one day in the hospital waiting room while I was there for blood work – how apropos, huh? LOL

9. Does your environment have an impact on what or how you write?

Not really – sometimes I find if there's a storm outside, I tend to write a little more intense imagery, or use the background in my mind to shape the mood of a scene... my immediate environment is a bloody mess, so I really hope that doesn't influence me too much... my desk is what I can organized chaos, and I'm the only one who can find anything in the immediately vicinity!

10. What is your opinion of writer's groups? Do you find them helpful? And how did you find yours if you have one?

I have never had a critique partner, nor have I ever been part of a writer's group, so I really have no opinion as to how useful groups are. I have two trusted proofreaders who are also excellent editors who aren't afraid to tell me when they see things that need fixing; otherwise I'm pretty much on my own and always have been.

11. What are some of your pet peeves in life?

Dishonesty is a HUGE one for me, I really don't like people who lie to me, on any level. I'm essentially open and approachable to virtually everyone, so I resent like hell when people think it's necessary to go behind my back, or ask someone else what they should be asking me. The other thing that ranks in the major peeve department is the total lack of respect that dominates so many mindsets these days. Assuming instead of asking, not accepting that everyone is unique and as such should be accorded courtesy and respect. Manipulating people does no one any credit.

12. What is your advice to aspiring writers?

Persevere, because it's the only thing that will insure your success. If you believe in what you're doing, and what you have to say, you had better be prepared to jump through a lot of hoops to get your message out to readers. You also have to realize that you're not granting any publisher a privilege when you submit your book to them, this is a business and if they deem your book worth publishing, they are doing YOU the service. Being a diva isn't going to endear you to anyone, and no one is so perfect they are the most important person in the world of publishing. Check your ego at the door and do your job to the best of your ability, and you will be welcomed everywhere.

13. What can you tell us about your last book released?

The last release was actually a reworked fairytale from Italy. Last January I spotted a call for erotic fairytales, and a friend of mine who knows my passion for Italy and all things Italian suggested a story called "Bella Venezia" – it has elements of Rapunzel, Ali Baba, Sleeping Beauty – so many great angles to play. XoXo Publishing™ has published it, and the cover is actually my own real-life prince. This one was great too in that a fabulous Italian singer who's currently rocking the charts over there allowed me to use a part of his song "Favola" as my book trailer soundtrack. Emanuele Dabbono is a great guy, and he approved the trailer himself. So, all in all, turning these elements into a very sexy romance was great fun!

Available now:


I have a few more stories coming out soon, too – a tattoo themed piece, a historical western erotic romance, even a children's story in a Christmas anthology. Plus, I'm working on a Valentine/Chocolate story with my partner in Rome, so all in all, there is LOTS of stuff coming soon!!

14. Is there anything else you would like to add that we might have missed here today?

I co-own a wonderful online magazine called Sensual Treats, it's devoted to all things romantic and passionate... we publish quarterly, and the magazine is always FREE... we include interviews with top-flight authors, resort features, fiction, ads for some fabulous books, and regular columns. Plus, there are things on the website for everyone, too... this is a project that I really love, and it's been a huge success, we're 2 years old in June!

The other thing I'd like to say is how much I appreciate everyone who takes the time to read my books, and connect with me via my pages and sites. Each letter and note is very, very much appreciated – without your support and interest, there is little point to the creating of stories and books, so all of your comments, and suggestions are read and valued.

You can find Denysé Bridger almost anytime on her links below:

Sensual Treats Magazine:

Facebook Fan Page:
Amazon Author Page:

Thank you for your insights and inspiration Denysé. I am sure I speak for all of your fans and readers when I say it has definitely been a pleasure getting to know more about you.

I want to thank you again for giving us your time and the opportunity to interview you. I for one am a richer person for it. Muah!

Yours Faithfully,

~ Lady Gina Kincade, The Mistress
Author of Erotic and Erotic Paranormal Romance

Mistress Journals Erotic Stories Forum, Founder and Administrator
The Mistress Journals of Gina Kincade Blog
Naughty Nights Press (NNP) Blog
Owner of Naughty Nights Press (July 2011)
Follow me on Twitter

Copyright ©2010 Mistress Journals
Naughty Nights Press (NNP)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Are you a closet writer of hot and steamy erotica? Never submitted your work cause you think it’s not good enough or too naughty for the presses?

Are you a closet writer of erotica? Never submitted your work cause you think it’s not good enough or too naughty for the presses?
You never know unless you try right?

I have great news for you… There is a new publisher coming to town!

Yup, that’s right you heard it here first, Naughty Nights Press!

And guess what...they WANT the short stories and books you have been writing where they play so many kinky games!
You know, those incredible books where the characters are so busy doing the down and dirty that there is hardly time for the reader to recover in between chapters!

Naughty Nights Press (NNP) specializes in the hot and heavy, wickedly provocative, borderline indecent and sexually explicit erotic and erotic paranormal romance stories and books!

You should take the chance, submit your work, what have you got to lose?!

NNP also accepts several other genres of erotic romance.
For a full listing of what Naughty Nights Press is currently accepting, go HERE and click on the call for submissions tab!

Have a Naughty Night!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Gina Kincade's Personal Pick Of The Week! Being Naughty: The Life & Times of an Erotica Novelist (Memoir Series)

Gina's hot and naughty reading choice this week is:

Being Naughty: The Life & Times of an Erotica Novelist, Book One of the "Memoir Series" by Laura Stamps

Damn this author knows sex! Everything she writes is just dripping, drooling and dangerously orgasmic reading! I just adore Laura Stamps! As if you couldn't

Anyway, I KNOW you will want to get your copy and get all warmed up in a nice but naughty way so here is the link to the kindle version for only $1.99! You just can't beat that price! So much heat "Being Naughty" is guaranteed to set your world on fire yet keep your wallet cool as a cucumber!

The excitement of her blog posts will have you laughing and yet creaming your jeans at her naughty, open-minded, slutty way with words. Laura simply rocks!


About "Being Naughty: The Life & Times of an Erotica Novelist, Book One of the "Memoir Series" by Laura Stamps"
Book One (blog posts from July 1, 2008 - February 17, 2009)

"Laura Stamps is not your average erotica novelist. She's an exhibitionist, voyeur, lust addict, hedonist, and sensualist. Basically, she's a kinky slut with a trashy mouth and mind. In fact she's just like the heroine in an erotica novel. So it should come as no surprise Laura also writes a wildly popular, verrrry naughty blog every week. Her memoirs are made up of posts from this lusty blog.

If you love Laura's sexy erotica novels then you're going to love her "Memoir Series." The books in this series are irreverent, hysterically funny, and X-rated with one sizzling sex scene after another. Yeah, all the same HOT stuff you'll find in her novels. Only this is real life with Laura starring as the heroine and her Alpha husband Wes as the hero. Uh-oh. *exhibitionist grin*"

And of course after throughly enjoying book one, which I know you will, you will want to add "Still Naughty: The Life & Times of an Erotica Novelist, Book Two of the "Memoir Series" by Laura Stamps" to your purchases!
The Kindle version is available here.


**About the Author: Laura Stamps is an award-winning paranormal erotica novelist, whose daily blog is wickedly naughty. Her work has been published in over a thousand magazines, literary journals, and anthologies worldwide. The recipient of a "Pulitzer Prize" nomination, she is the author of more than 52 books. A Wiccan Faery Witch, Empath, and Psychic, Laura enjoys writing hot, sexy novels about contemporary Pagans living in the Deep South.

Her novels website:
Her naughty blog:

Information for this post is "borrowed" from Laura Stamps with the sole purpose of promotion of her work. All information and photos remain the copyright of Laura Stamps ©

Post and Opinions by:

~ Lady Gina Kincade, The Mistress
Author of Erotic and Erotic Paranormal Romance

Mistress Journals Erotic Stories Forum, Founder and Administrator

The Mistress Journals of Gina Kincade Blog

Naughty Nights Press (NNP) Blog

Owner of Naughty Nights Press (July 2011)

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Naughty Nights Press (NNP)